Unearthly News - New paranormal series, 'Share Your Scare' premieres on Amazon Prime
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New Paranormal Series, 'Share Your Scare' Premieres on Amazon Prime

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(Press Release) After an announcement by psychic-medium, Valentina Marie Lomborg in August 2018 (via her personal Facebook page) that she would be hosting a new talk-show entitled, "Share Your Scare", the series originally promised for a Halloween 2018 premiere, was finally released to Amazon Prime this past January 31st.

Haunted door

"When something goes bump in the night, bump it right back!," says Valentina, her outro for the show.

About the Show

The series, produced by The Jalbert Brothers (of Haunted Tours fame) is a paranormal talk-show where psychic-medium, Valentina Marie Lomborg breaks down guests' stories of their experiences with the supernatural. Prior to this we are introduced to the guests in one-on-one interviews with cutaways to re-enactments performed either by an actor or by the guest themselves. The first season consists of seven episodes averaging twenty-two minutes each; all of which are available to "binge-watch" via Amazon Prime.

About Valentina

Valentina Marie Lomborg is a Danish psychic-medium currently residing in Clearwater, Florida. She has been pursuing metaphysics in addition to life coaching and teaching mediumship since 2015. She has a website, www.psychicmediumvalentina.com, where you can purchase: gift certificates, readings via Skype or video, information on how to book psychic parties, and or one-one-one readings (if you're in the Clearwater, FL area), and her line of hand-made jewelry. Currently Valentina is working on her first autobiographical book, "A Voice for the Dead", where she details some of her most popular cases from when she worked as a paranormal investigator. The book will be available soon via Amazon.

"Share Your Scare" is available on Amazon Prime now.

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