Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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MUFON Reveal Possible Debris from 'Crashed UFO' at Live Event

"In a news conference held in Irving, Texas, US earlier this week the UFO organisation MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) presented the minuscule pieces of debris from a supposed alien spacecraft..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

'Ghost' Captured in Spooky Polaroid Picture

"There's nothing quite like capturing a fabulous moment with your mates at an event, all looking and feeling great..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Flotilla of Flickering 'UFOs' Filmed in Finland

"A peculiar piece of footage from Finland shows a veritable flotilla of flickering UFOs floating through the sky over a city..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Square-shaped Crop Formation Found Near Stonehenge

"The latest crop formation found in England sits approximately a half-mile from Stonehenge and boasts a rather unusual square shape..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at gloucestershirelive.co.uk

Car Crash Survivor Reveals Near Death Experience

"A woman who survived a fatal car crash says her soul floated above her body in a 'comforting' near-death experience..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: gloucestershirelive.co.uk
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Tutankhamun's True Face Revealed Using Latest Technology

"Tutankhamun's real-life face has remained a mystery for more than 3,000 years - but advance 3D imaging technology has revealed exactly what the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh would have looked like..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

New Evidence Supports Possibility of Life on Venus

"New research could potentially help pave the way for proving whether alien life is out there as scientists discover two gases in Venus which suggest that extraterrestrials might be present..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Life in Space - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at bloody-disgusting.com

Tom DeLonge Provides Update on UFO Projects

"Tom DeLonge is the co-founder, co-lead vocalist, and guitarist of the rock band blink-182. He is also an author and UFO researcher..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: bloody-disgusting.com
  Read more at bloody-disgusting.com >
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Cave Discovered on Moon Could Be Home for Humans

"Scientists have for the first time discovered a cave on the Moon. At least 100m deep, it could be an ideal place for humans to build a permanent base, they say..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Life in Space - Source: bbc.co.uk
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'Fireball' Meteor Explodes over New York City

"A meteor exploded over New York City in the middle of the day, according to Nasa and local reports..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: independent.co.uk
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Mystery as France's 'Excalibur' Sword is Stolen

"Frrance's 'Excalibur' sword has mysteriously vanished after being wedged into rock for 1,300 years..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: Mystics, Prophets and Prophecies - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Bizarre T-Shaped UFO Photographed in Mexico

"A very strange photograph taken in Mexico City shows a bizarre T-shaped UFO mysteriously hovering in the sky..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Loch Ness Monster 'Plausible' Following New Discovery

"A new discovery has proved the existence of the Loch Ness Monster 'plausible,' according to scientists..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: irishstar.com
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'Paranormal' Gravestone Stolen from Cemetery

"A gravestone more than a century old has been stolen recently from Oak Grove Cemetery in Morgantown..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: wdtv.com
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Security Camera Captures 'Ghost Girl' Vanishing on Empty Road?

"An eerie piece of security footage from Mexico shows a girl vanishing into thin air as she walked down a road and some suspect that the disappearing youngster may have been a ghost..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at metro.co.uk

Mysterious Red Lights Spotted over Earth by ISS Astronaut

"There have been some strange sightings from the International Space Station (ISS) over the years..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: metro.co.uk
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'Eyeball' Planet Spied by Space Telescope Might Be Habitable

"The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has found that a distant world discovered several years ago could be an 'eyeball' planet with an iris-like ocean surrounded by a sea of solid ice — making it a candidate for a potentially habitable world..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: Life in Space - Source: livescience.com
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Read more at livescience.com

Study Suggests Time Might Be a Quantum 'Mirage'

"Time may not be a fundamental element of the universe but rather an illusion emerging from quantum entanglement, a new study suggests..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: Time and Dimensional Travel - Source: livescience.com
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UFO-style Car Pulled over by Police in Missouri

"A law enforcement agency's social media users have been left starry eyed after a traffic stop with a difference was reported in the US..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: news.sky.com
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Canadian Couple Film Curious Group of Pulsating UFOs

"A couple in Canada were left scratching their heads when they spotted a curious group of pulsating lights that appeared hovering over a river..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Titanic Exhibit Mysteriously Floods in 'Haunted' Museum

"A Titanic exhibit at a museum near Chicago has inexplicably flooded and nobody can figure out how. The Volo Museum, which already has a reputation for being haunted..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at thesun.co.uk

Woman Claims She Saw 'Heaven' During Near Death Experience

"A woman claims to have gone to heaven and met God as she slipped in a coma following a horrifying near-death experience..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Details of 'UAP Material' to Be Revealed at Upcoming Live Event

"The Mutual UFO Network will reveal its findings pertaining to a study of alleged samples of material from a UFO..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

New Mystery Monolith Found in Colorado

"Suggesting that the mystery monolith craze could be making a comeback, another of the puzzling metallic pieces has been found in Colorado just a week after the discovery of a similar pillar near Las Vegas..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Scientists Find Desert Moss Could Survive on Mars

"Every now and then, something ordinary reveals extraordinary potential. At first glance, a robust desert moss known as Syntrichia caninervis might not strike you as particularly impressive..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: Life in Space - Source: earth.com
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Historical Marker Declares Town to be 'Bigfoot Sanctuary'

"An upstate New York town that has become somewhat synonymous with Sasquatch saw its connection to the creature celebrated with a newly unveiled historical marker..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at culturacolectiva.com

'UFO' Caught Entering the Crater of a Mexican Volcano

"The Popocatépetl volcano has become an important spot for sightings of what appear to be UFOs for years..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: culturacolectiva.com
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New Mystery Monolith Appears in Nevada Desert

"A mysterious shiny monolith has appeared in a Nevada desert, the latest other-worldly installation to materialise in recent years across North America and Europe..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: straitstimes.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

Stolen Ancient 'Door to Hell' Cave Relic Finally Re-discovered

"The mystery of an ancient 3,000-year-old 'door to hell' dedicated to an Aztec god has been solved after it was stolen from a hidden cave..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: thesun.co.uk
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First UK Crop Circle of 2024 Found

"The 2024 crop circle season is officially underway in the UK as the first formation of the year has been found by researchers..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

'Crying' Virgin Mary Statue Causes Stir in Mexican Town

"A family's home in Mexico has been besieged by visitors after their statue of the Virgin Mary inexplicably cried tears of what appeared to be blood..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Witness Reports Two Women Abducted by 'Giant White Cubes'

"New York state is a hotspot for unidentified aerial phenomena, with numerous reports of mysterious objects like discs and orbs in the sky..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: msn.com
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Possible Roswell UFO Metal Found to Be 100% Pure Aluminum

"The most renowned UFO case in America continues to yield more evidence as both scientists and civilians strive to prove that the Roswell crash was extraterrestrial..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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'Stash of Buried Treasure' Found Near China's Terracotta Army

"Fifty years ago, a routine well-digging operation on the outskirts of Xi'an, China, led to the unexpected discovery of a single clay soldier..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: popularmechanics.com
  Read more at popularmechanics.com >
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NASA Spots Bizarrely Light-toned Boulder on Mars

"NASA's Perseverance rover has spotted an unusually light-colored rock in Mars' Jezero Crater — the likes of which has never been seen on the Red Planet before..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: livescience.com
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Hospital Security Guard Catches 'Ghost' Moving Wheelchair

"A security guard got the fright of his life after catching a 'ghost' playing in a wheelchair in an empty hospital hallway..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Alabama Man Plans to Hunt Bigfoot after It 'Terrorized' Family

"Bigfoot enthusiasts have criticized a man who has expressed his desire to hunt and kill the mythical creature, claiming it's been 'terrorizing' him and his family..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: irishstar.com
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Security Camera Films 'Ghostly Incident' at 'Haunted' Asylum

"A security camera at a notoriously haunted West Virginia asylum captured footage of a peculiar incident that some suspect could have been caused by one of the site's resident ghosts..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at balleralert.com

Will Smith Recalls Ghostly Experience at London Hotel

"Will Smith recently revealed a terrifying experience that led him to flee a London hotel in fear..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: balleralert.com
  Read more at balleralert.com >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Police in Zimbabwe Claim to Have Been Harassed by 'Goblins'

"A totally bizarre story out of Zimbabwe this week concerns alleged 'goblins' that have been plaguing local police..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
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Mysterious Hole on Mars Could Shelter Humans During Mission

"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has captured a mysterious hole on Mars. This pit on the flank of an ancient volcano is a few meters across and was originally discovered on August 15 2022, reported Space.com..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Life in Space - Source: ndtv.com
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Man Reveals Near Death Experience 'Walking into Bright Light'

"A man who was pronounced dead before being brought back to life has shared what he saw after 'walking into the bright light'..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at irishstar.com

US Government Deadline to Release UFO Documents by October

"A prominent lawyer representing leading UFO whistleblowers has made a startling revelation: the US government is set to unveil its alien secrets by October 18, 2024..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

China Reveals Plans for 'Egg' Habitats on Mars

"Chinese researchers are pushing ahead with plans to build egg-shaped habitation domes on the lunar surface, according to state media..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Life in Space - Source: thesun.co.uk
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BBC 'Paranormal' Series Returns with 'The Village That Saw Aliens'

"The trailer for brand new documentary series Paranormal: The Village That Saw Aliens has been released alongside the key art..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at dailyrecord.co.uk

'Ghost of Witch' Captured at Ancient Scottish 'Healing Site'

"Scotland has a colourful history when it comes to myths, legends, and the supernatural. The Loch Ness Monster is renowned worldwide and there are stories of many other creatures and spirits that have been passed down through the centuries..."
Posted: 29 May 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: dailyrecord.co.uk
  Read more at dailyrecord.co.uk >
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Solar Storm Threat Is Back as Giant Sunspot Cluster Reappears

"It's back! After unleashing the strongest geomagnetic storm in more than 20 years, the notorious sunspot cluster AR3664 is once again visible..."
Posted: 29 May 2024 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: gizmodo.com
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Odd 'UFO' Zips Through Sky During Blue Angels Airshow

"A peculiar piece of footage from an airshow in New York City shows the moment when a mysterious UFO zips through the sky during a performance by the famed Blue Angels..."
Posted: 29 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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'Vegas Alien Video Shows at Least 2 Beings', Say Researchers

"There are at least two 'beings' using some sort of 'cloaking device' that landed in a Las Vegas backyard, a veteran crime scene reconstruction analyst said..."
Posted: 29 May 2024 - Category: Otherworldly Beings - Source: nypost.com
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Security Guard Encounters Ghost Girl at Peruvian Market?

"A security camera at a Peruvian market captured a guard seemingly speaking to an unseen person and the man at the center of the now-viral video has come forward..."
Posted: 29 May 2024 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >

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