Unearthly News - Peruvian TV Crew Unexpectedly Capture UFO Footage
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Peruvian TV Crew Unexpectedly Capture UFO Footage

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A TV film crew in Peru have captured footage of a strange hovering craft over the city of Lima.

The Great Pyramid of Giza
Image Credit: Eduardo Chávez Guerra. Image Source: YouTube.

The crew were filming outside with local congressman Renzo Reggiardo on 10th February when they spotted the strange craft hovering in the distance. The video was later uploaded to YouTube by one of the production team, Eduardo Chávez Guerra.

Although the details of the craft are not clear from the footage, it appears to be triangular in shape, with a purple glow underneath.

The Open Minds website suggests that theories of drones, paragliders, and plastic bags have been put forward, but these are dismissed by witnesses due to the fact that the object was too large and was seen hovering for nearly two hours.

It also seems unlikely that the video is a hoax due to the presence of the congressman, and the fact that this was a professional TV crew filming for ‘Alto Al Crimen’ (Crime Stoppers), a programme related to the reporting of serious crime.

The sighting remains unexplained.

Sources: Open Minds, Peru This Week

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