Unearthly News - UFOs
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: UFOs (unfilter)

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Horseshoe-Shaped UFO Photoed Hovering Over Pikes Peak

"Colorado witnesses at Colorado Springs reported watching a 'lighted object' hovering over nearby mountains in the shape of a horseshoe that quickly disappeared, according to testimony in Case 62085 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 24 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at omaha.com

Man Builds 'Warp Drive' in Garage

"You might not believe any of this stuff. But suspend your disbelief for a moment and make space for something incredible..."
Posted: 21 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: omaha.com
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Read more at birminghammail.co.uk

Christmas Lights Spark UFO Alert

"In the corner of a sleepy Midland town is a property with such dazzling Christmas decorations that they’ve sparked UFO alerts..."
Posted: 21 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: birminghammail.co.uk
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Read more at unearthlynews.com

Evidence Supporting Extraterrestrial Intelligence Delivered to Congress

"Scores of military/agency/political witnesses of rank and station are ready to testify before congressional committees regarding events and evidence confirming an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. The last congressional hearing to address this matter was in 1968..."
Posted: 17 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: unearthlynews.com
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Colombian UFO Videos Cause Some to Believe It Is a Hotspot

"The media has picked up on a few alleged UFO videos from Colombia, prompting some to ask whether it is a new UFO hotspot. Many of the facts regarding the videos have been misreported by UFO websites, causing confusion and dubious conclusions on their part. Furthermore, some researchers think the objects in the videos are likely very terrestrial in origin..."
Posted: 16 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at au.ibtimes.com

Statue of Liberty UFO Debunked as 'Solar Balloon'

"A recent UFO sighting experience has been shared on YouTube showing a mysterious black object moving over the Statue of Liberty in New York City. An expert gave an explanation as to what the object was in the video that the witness shared in the Web site..."
Posted: 16 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: au.ibtimes.com
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UFO Filmed Over Statue of Liberty

"Get ready for a close encounter - of the blurred kind. In recent weeks there have been bizarre claims of alien cities on Mars, hovering saucers and artificially designed rocks. But now a shaky video has shown a UFO floating above the Statue of Liberty - leading some to question if extraterrestrial life has been secretly making its way to Earth..."
Posted: 14 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at ibtimes.co.uk

Mysterious Red 'UFO' Appears Near International Space Station

"A suspicious red light flashing near the International Space Station has again sparked UFO sighting rumours..."
Posted: 14 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.co.uk
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NASA Astronaut on ISS Asked About UFOs

"A NASA astronaut, Joseph Acaba, answered questions on a Spanish TV show, including one about UFOs. Bloggers claimed that he was evading the question..."
Posted: 09 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Another Alleged UFO Sighting Near Volcano in Mexico

"A new video shows a UFO flying near Popocatépetl in central Mexico. Popocatépetl is an active volcano that erupted as recently as 2013. Several UFOs have been reported near the volcano in recent years. Witnesses have recorded mysterious aerial objects on video. And some of these videos have allegedly shown UFOs entering the volcano..."
Posted: 02 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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UFO Stops Traffic Over Florida Boulevard

"A Florida witness at Port Charlotte driving westbound along Midway Boulevard at 6:34 p.m. on November 30, 2014, reported getting stopped behind several cars just as a 'pretty large white orb' UFO moved overhead, according to testimony in Case 61753 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 02 December 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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'No UFOs' Reported in Southland, New Zealand Since 1990

"If ET ever came to Southland, he phoned home so quickly no one ever spotted him..."
Posted: 29 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: stuff.co.nz
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Read more at theepochtimes.com

ISS Captures UFO ‘Matching Speed’ Over Earth

"Bloggers are claiming they’ve found a 'UFO' flying near the International Space Station (ISS), as captured on a live camera feed..."
Posted: 29 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Read more at manchestereveningnews.co.uk

'Massive Bang' Heard Across Manchester, UFO Suspected

"The mystery surrounding a reported explosion heard across Manchester and Salford has been the talk of the town since it happened last night..."
Posted: 26 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: manchestereveningnews.co.uk
  Read more at manchestereveningnews.co.uk >
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Mysterious Rain of ‘Alien Angel Hair’ Falls from Sky in Portugal

"A rain of mysterious strands of wispy, white ‘angel hair’ fell from the sky in Portugal – leaving locals baffled by the substance, which seems to ‘come alive’ under ultraviolet light..."
Posted: 26 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
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Boomerang UFO Zigzags Over New Hampshire

"UFO sightings don't always get media attention immediately after they occur. When they do, however, those stories are often packed with surprises, even for an old man like me, who has been reporting on these things for decades..."
Posted: 26 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Group Attempting to Crowd Fund Space Warp Technology

"That is right, the time is finally here. Whether it works or not, as far as I know, this is the first time a group has attempted to seek funding to develop space warp technology (at least outside of those sneaky black budget projects at Area 51, right?). And in another sign of the times, they are turning to crowd sourcing to do it..."
Posted: 22 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at novinite.com

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences to Investigate UFO Claims

"The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) Institute for Space Studies recently held its first official conference on the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence, Prof. Lachezar Filipov told the Nova TV breakfast show..."
Posted: 22 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: novinite.com
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Read more at sploid.gizmodo.com

Mysterious Huge Flash Illuminates Russian Skies

"This is really, really weird: Multiple sightings and dashcam videos of a gigantic yellow flash that covered the skies of the Sverdlovsk region, in Russia, have been reported on the night of November 14. Scientists and local authorities still don't know what it is or where did it come from..."
Posted: 20 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: sploid.gizmodo.com
  Read more at sploid.gizmodo.com >
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Global UFO Database Goal of MUFON’s Kickstarter Campaign

"Construction of a 'new, global UFO database' was announced today by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), according to Executive Director Jan C. Harzan..."
Posted: 20 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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'Giant UFO Anomaly Forms Near Saturn'

"An alleged astronomer from the Hawaii based Keck Observatory claims to have taken clandestine photographs of a giant UFO anomaly near Saturn that appeared in early November. He says that the anomaly is responsible for super storms on Uranus which are baffling astronomers as evidenced in this November 17 report on Perfect Science..."
Posted: 20 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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UFO Buzzes Nuclear Plant in Mexico

"A UFO filmed hovering over nuclear power plant in Veracruz, Mexico, and posted to YouTube November 7 is just the latest in a long series of UFO sightings over and near nuclear facilities — as history of ominous sightings that stretches back six decades, to the earliest days of nuclear energy production..."
Posted: 18 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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Photo Allegedly Shows a UFO Hovering Over Manchester

"A witness photographed what appears to be a saucer-shaped UFO hovering over the English city of Manchester..."
Posted: 18 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Airbus Patents 'UFO-Shaped' Plane

"The image at right is not a UFO or a prop design idea from the new 'Star Wars' movie — it's a patent for a new commercial aircraft..."
Posted: 18 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: uk.businessinsider.com
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Roswell UFO Researcher Claims to Have Picture of Aliens

"Roswell researcher and author Tom Carey told the crowd at American University yesterday that he has the “smoking gun” to prove once and for all aliens are real. According to an article by WTOP in Washington, Carey claims to have a picture of an alien, but did not have the picture with him..."
Posted: 16 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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‘UFO’ Spotted on Moon in Apollo 15 Mission Photo

"A YouTube uploader claims to have found a UFO near the surface of the moon during the Apollo 15 mission..."
Posted: 16 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Reports of ‘UFO’ Over Holland Town, Spotted via Google Earth

"Users have reported seeing a UFO in northern Holland on Google Earth. Images of the alleged UFO were posted on UFOSightingsDaily, a blog. They were sourced from Google Maps and Street View and Google Earth..."
Posted: 16 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Read more at theepochtimes.com

‘Mysterious Moving Light’ on Mars Captured in Photos

"A blogger and YouTube users are claiming they’ve found what appears to be a UFO on the surface of Mars..."
Posted: 13 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
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'Intelligently Controlled' UFO Spacecraft Captured on Video

"A video of a UFO posted this week offers some unbelievable footage of a spacecraft of some kind firing thrusters, which appears to slow it down each time this is done. The UFO was filmed against the backdrop of the moon. The narration accompanying this filmed unidentified spacecraft, said that it was about 200 miles to 400 miles above the Earth and it appears to be orbiting the planet..."
Posted: 09 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at thetimes-tribune.com

Carbondale Celebrates 40th Anniversary of 'Alien' Incident

"Embrace it or ignore it. That was the advice a tourism planning consultant gave Carbondale a few years ago about how to deal with its mysterious UFO legend that began 40 years ago..."
Posted: 09 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: thetimes-tribune.com
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UFO Skips Wildly Over Clouds Above Las Vegas

"An incredible UFO video, uploaded to YouTube on Nov. 5, shows an unidentified flying object skipping like a stone over and through the clouds above Las Vegas, and was caught by a passenger in a jet preparing to land at McCarran airport..."
Posted: 06 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Dan Aykroyd: Aliens See Us as a 'Depraved Species'

"Chiming in on the latest UFO news is 'Ghostbusters' star Dan Aykroyd who says that he has personally seen several UFOs in the U.S. and that aliens refuse to make contact with humans because we are not only inferior but also self-destructive. As reported by the New Zealand Herald on Nov. 4, Aykroyd spoke about UFOs and aliens in a recent interview with The Sunday Times Magazine..."
Posted: 06 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Airline Passenger Films UFO Flying Over Iran

"A passenger on board a commercial airliner has caught some astonishing footage of a disc-shaped UFO flying underneath their plane..."
Posted: 06 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
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China Has an Anti-UFO Drone Laser Gun

"Months after the United States showed footage of its new weapons defense system, a laser cannon capable of shooting down drones and hostile aircraft, China introduced one of its own. Supposedly, the Chinese military has created a laser weapon system that has short-range capability and is able to shoot down a UFO and ward off a drone attack, according to a Vida Latino news report..."
Posted: 03 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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UFO 'Landing' and Martian Discoveries in the News

"A new UFO sighting has been reported this week in South Carolina. A man from York County believes that a UFO landing may in fact be possible, as the grass in his backyard has been pushed down in what appears to be a 'circular pattern.' The Inquisitr also reveals this Tuesday, November 2, 2014, that questions over life on Mars are being renewed this week with a NASA Curiosity rover video hinting what appears to be high-level technology..."
Posted: 03 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Mystery Drones Fly Over French Nuclear Sites

"French security officials are investigating a spate of mysterious and illegal flights by drone aircraft over more than a dozen nuclear power stations in France, raising security concerns in a country that largely lives off atomic energy..."
Posted: 03 November 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: kswo.com
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Read more at uk.news.yahoo.com

Strange Radio Signals Detected from Ancient Underwater 'Ship'

"A mysterious underwater structure near Malibu, which conspiracy theorists believe could be a ‘stargate’ used to travel to alien planets has emitted strange new radio signals..."
Posted: 31 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: uk.news.yahoo.com
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Witnesses Terrified by UFO as They Catch It on Video

"A couple in the town of Saint John in New Brunswick, Canada captured a strange light zipping around the sky on video. John Edwards says he and his girlfriend were terrified as the objected seemed to fly in close to their home and watch them..."
Posted: 31 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Does This Painting Linked to 'Dracula' Depict a UFO?

"A UFO appears to hover over a building that may be connected to the real-life Dracula in a recently uncovered painting from the town of Sighisoara, Romania. A photo of the mysterious painting that appears on the wall of a 700-year-old monastery was snapped this summer by tourist Catalina Borta, who sent it to a prominent UFO research group for evaluation..."
Posted: 27 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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California Witnesses Spot Fiery Orange Glowing Orbs

"A UFO sighting took place in California recently. Multiple witnesses were on hand to see a brightly shining light through the clouds as the light changed from fiery orange to blinding white over the course of several seconds. One of the people present during the incident captured the unidentified flying object on camera as it hovered in the cloudy sky above them. Then the first orb was joined by a second one..."
Posted: 24 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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More NASA 'UFO' Footage Emerges

"On October 22 during a spacewalk by two Russian astronauts, the International Space Station (ISS) live feed showed a luminescent UFO briefly fly nearby. The astronauts had just jettisoned two parts of the ISS that had been removed, and the live feed showed the objects slowing falling towards the earth. As the second object is jettisoned, the UFO appears and briefly maneuvers near it..."
Posted: 24 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Mysterious Underwater Craft off Coast of Sweden Sparks Hunt

"A mysterious craft which surfaced in the Baltic Sea has left Swedish forces scanning the ocean with ‘specialised sensors’ – as some speculate that a hi-tech submarine could be in the area, and others suspect more mysterious forces are at play..."
Posted: 22 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
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UFO Maneuvers Above Moon

"While the majority of the nation sleeps, a detailed study of UFO activity around the moon is capturing unbelievable video evidence of some type of crafts in space. They are filmed traveling at a high rate of speed with the moon seen as the background in these shots..."
Posted: 22 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at neonnettle.com

Mysterious Box Found Contained Drawings of Extraterrestrials

"They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure and the internet has treasured a mysterious box containing notes and drawings of aliens which was found in the trash. Images of the odd find, posted on Reddit and Imgur, seem to illustrate a paranormal event..."
Posted: 22 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: neonnettle.com
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Giant Triangular UFOs Spotted in West Virginia

"A UFO sighting in southern West Virginia has been reported that not only presents multiple witnesses of the objects in question but also the witnessing of multiple unidentified flying objects during the sighting..."
Posted: 20 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at standardmedia.co.ke

Unexplained 'Human UFO' Spotted by Plane Passengers

"Pilots on a passenger plane were stunned when a 'flying man' zipped past the side of their aircraft at 3,500ft..."
Posted: 20 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: standardmedia.co.ke
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Dome-Shaped UFO Photographed Over Paranormal Conference

"Attendees at a paranormal conference in England got to experience the paranormal first hand when a dome-shaped UFO unexpectedly hovered in the sky above the event..."
Posted: 17 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Travis Walton Holding Sky Watch at UFO Abduction Site

"Travis Walton’s alleged UFO sighting and subsequent abduction, is one of the strangest, most credible, and most famous alien abduction stories. His experiences were the focus of the 1993 movie Fire in the Sky. Now, 39 years after the event, Walton is inviting the public to join him for a nighttime sky watch at the site where it all went down..."
Posted: 17 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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UFO Flying Alongside Air France Flight Caught on Camera

"A UFO recorded from the window of an Air France flight was posted online on Fri., Oct. 10, 2014. The unidentified flying object was triangular in shape and dark in color. It was spotted en route to France as the airplane moved through a cloudy sky. The mysterious object was seen flying just above the clouds alongside the plane before diving into the cloud cover, and a passenger caught the sight on camera..."
Posted: 14 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at southwales-eveningpost.co.uk

UFOs Filmed Hovering Over Swansea

"Even the most sceptical viewer has to admit that something funny is going on in this video..."
Posted: 14 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: southwales-eveningpost.co.uk
  Read more at southwales-eveningpost.co.uk >

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