Unearthly News - UFOs
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: UFOs (unfilter)

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MUFON’s UFO Photo of the Week

"The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) posted a UFO photo of the week recently that was taken in Kentucky in 2009. It shows an odd object in the sky that the witness says looked completely different when viewed with the naked eye..."
Posted: 12 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at bbc.co.uk

The Lasting Allure of the Flying Saucer

"Nasa is launching a spacecraft that strongly resembles a flying saucer. For more than half a century the distinctive shape has exerted a powerful grip over the popular imagination..."
Posted: 12 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at yourlocalguardian.co.uk

Carshalton UFO Believed to Be Drone Camera

"The mystery behind several reported UFO sightings over Carshalton could have been solved..."
Posted: 10 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: yourlocalguardian.co.uk
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NASA's 'UFO' Spacecraft Mission Delayed Three Times

"According to NASA, unfavorable winds have forced the space-agency to postpone the launch of its saucer-shaped Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator for the fourth time in a week, writes NBC News..."
Posted: 10 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: designntrend.com
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Read more at ufodigest.com

Unidentified Light Videotaped Over La Serena, Chile

"Everyone knows that the region has a record of unidentified flying object manifestations in different locations, particularly the local valleys. However, the UFO captured on video by local youths was recorded from La Serena's Avenida del Mar..."
Posted: 09 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: ufodigest.com
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Read more at scotlandnow.dailyrecord.co.uk

The Small Scots Town with More than 300 UFO Sightings

"It is a small town in the heart of central Scotland. But Bonnybridge has earned its place in the unexplained history books along with Roswell, in New Mexico, and even the Bermuda Triangle..."
Posted: 09 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: scotlandnow.dailyrecord.co.uk
  Read more at scotlandnow.dailyrecord.co.uk >
Read more at kpopstarz.com

Is Australian Coast Underwater Headquarters for Aliens?

"UFO Sightings and videos have become more common as almost everyone has a video recording function with their smartphones. However, there are some areas that have reported sightings on a consistent basis. Dee Why Beach in Australia is one of them..."
Posted: 07 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: kpopstarz.com
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Cross-Shaped UFO Photographed in Alabama

"An Alabama witness at Centerville reported watching a dull red, cross-shaped object moving just above the tree line at 9:15 p.m. on June 4, 2014, according to testimony in Case 56846 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 07 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at lincolnshireecho.co.uk

UFO Videoed in Lincoln, UK

"A Lincolnshire Echo reader has sent in a video of a strange light travelling across the sky in Lincoln..."
Posted: 07 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: lincolnshireecho.co.uk
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Read more at metro.co.uk

Another UFO Approaches the International Space Station?

"...A film clip showing what appears to be a huge UFO approaching the International Space Station has been placed on social media..."
Posted: 07 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
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Read more at openminds.tv

Puerto Rican Security Agency Records Amazing UFO Footage

"A video that was allegedly obtained from sources inside a Puerto Rican federal agency shows two UFOs over western Puerto Rico..."
Posted: 03 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at globalnews.ca

NASA’s UFO-Like Spacecraft Ready for First Test Flight

"People in Hawaii might think they're seeing a UFO on Tuesday, but they needn't worry: it's just NASA..."
Posted: 03 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: globalnews.ca
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Read more at sg.news.yahoo.com

Triangular UFO Over Reutlingen, Germany?

"Recent footage of a strange triangular object flying over Reutlingen, Germany. What do you think it is? Is it a man-made object, or perhaps something from out of this world?!..."
Posted: 03 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: sg.news.yahoo.com
  Read more at sg.news.yahoo.com >
Read more at ufodigest.com

The Media's 'Double Standards' on UFOs

"If I announced that I was going to make telepathic contact with extraterrestrials, many people would label me as crazy. If I asked for a donation for my efforts, I'd doubtless be condemned as a charlatan and a fraudster. The mainstream media would probably attack or ridicule me, and at best, the government would ignore me. What if I changed the wording a little? Is there a way to make any of this sound a little bit more respectable? As it happens, there is..."
Posted: 02 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: ufodigest.com
  Read more at ufodigest.com >
Read more at digitaljournal.com

UFO Cult Want to Build Canadian Embassy to Welcome Aliens

"On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, representatives of the International Raelian Movement in Canada will officially hand over the project file for the construction of the Embassy of Elohim to the Canadian Government..."
Posted: 02 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: digitaljournal.com
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Read more at huffingtonpost.co.uk

UFO Filmed 'Flying Out of the Moon'

"What a week! We've seen a cereal bowl on Mars, freaked out about a deadly asteroid that didn't exist and witnessed the dramatic invasion of Earth by aliens, which turned out to be a balloon, or something..."
Posted: 01 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
  Read more at huffingtonpost.co.uk >
Read more at hinckleytimes.net

Strange Red Light Spotted Hovering Over UK

"A UFO has been spotted flying around the Hinckley area. The incident was reported to the Leicestershire UFO Investigation Network who said on their Facebook page that a male witness spotted a 'large pulsating bright red light in the sky' about the Jelson Estate on May 1..."
Posted: 01 June 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: hinckleytimes.net
  Read more at hinckleytimes.net >
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UFO Nearly Collides with Airplane in Australia

"The Australian Transportation Safety Bureau (ATSB) released a report this week on the investigation of a 'near collision' between an unknown object and an airplane. After investigation, the object remains unidentified..."
Posted: 29 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at gralienreport.com

What is This Object Photographed from a Plane Over London?

"In the series of photos featured in the video above, a purported unidentified object was observed during a morning flight over London. The video gives the date of May 25, presumably the date on which the observation was made..."
Posted: 29 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: gralienreport.com
  Read more at gralienreport.com >
Read more at mirror.co.uk

Mum Films UFOs from Her Back Doorstep

"A mum has captured the moment mysterious lights appeared in the sky above her home in the Midlands..."
Posted: 29 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

UFO or Mirage? Object Spotted Hovering Over Iceberg

"Like the icy Fortress of Solitude where Superman goes to meditate this iceberg seems to have an intergalactic secret..."
Posted: 27 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at dailytelegraph.com.au

Australian Inventor Builds His Own Flying Saucer

"Like a scene straight from a 1950s sci-fi movie, a far-flung hangar in the NSW Hunter Valley is home to a bizarre aircraft its designer says could revolutionise air travel worldwide..."
Posted: 25 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailytelegraph.com.au
  Read more at dailytelegraph.com.au >
Read more at starpulse.com

Dan Aykroyd Talks UFOs at Signing Event

"It's only natural that former Ghostbuster Dan Aykroyd dabble in the paranormal. But instead of busting ghosts, he has a slightly different hobby now; Aliens. It's fitting considering that he IS the original conehead..."
Posted: 23 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: starpulse.com
  Read more at starpulse.com >
Read more at couriermail.com.au

Mysterious Glow Over Hawaii ‘Caused by Missile Launch’

"They were the lights that left some people a little alarmed and UFO believers very excited. But the strange patterns that appeared over Hawaii on Tuesday night had nothing to do with extraterrestrial phenomena, at least as far as officials are concerned..."
Posted: 23 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: couriermail.com.au
  Read more at couriermail.com.au >
Read more at examiner.com

Vancouver Claimed as Canada's UFO Hotspot

"A new video published on May 21, 2014, offers a preview of a special report from CTV News claiming there are more UFO sightings in Vancouver, British Columbia, than anywhere else around Canada..."
Posted: 22 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
  Read more at examiner.com >
Read more at uk.news.yahoo.com

WW1 Angel 'May Have Been UFO'

"An 'Angel' which many British soldiers credited with saving their lives in one of the first, brutal battles of World War I may not have been sent from heaven after all - but from the stars..."
Posted: 22 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: uk.news.yahoo.com
  Read more at uk.news.yahoo.com >
Read more at motherboard.vice.com

Google's Secret 'UFO' Balloon Revealed

"The hardest thing about Google X's Project Loon hasn't been the engineering challenge of beaming high-speed internet down to the far-flung corners of the world from 60,000 feet up in the sky, explained Richard DeVaul, the founder of the moonshot project. It's trying to control all those freaking balloons..."
Posted: 20 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: motherboard.vice.com
  Read more at motherboard.vice.com >
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UFO Crash Lands in China

"Resident in the Heilongjiang province in China reported seeing three UFOs darting across the sky and apparently one of them came crashing down into in a man's vegetable garden..."
Posted: 18 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at examiner.com

Is a Giant UFO Hovering Near the International Space Station?

"Video footage captured from the live camera stream of the International Space Station (ISS) shows what appears to be a giant cigar shaped UFO hovering nearby..."
Posted: 18 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Small 'UFO' Crashes Through Man's Window

"A man in the United States says that he was sitting quietly watching TV when a UFO smashed through his window and landed in his TV..."
Posted: 15 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
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New Theory on UFO Hotspot in Norway

"The Hessdalen valley in Norway is one of the rare places that produces UFO sightings on a continued and regular basis. A new theory presented in New Scientist gives an alternative to the idea that the mysterious lights seen there are alien spacecraft, but still suggests they may be of extraterrestrial origin..."
Posted: 15 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at themorningbulletin.com.au

TV Crew Accidentally Catch Footage of High Speed UFOs

"The last thing you expect to see while touring New Zealand's islands is UFOs. An Australian television crew filmed two unidentified flying objects the other day. .."
Posted: 13 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: themorningbulletin.com.au
  Read more at themorningbulletin.com.au >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

What Caused a Mystery Hole in the Clouds Over California?

"Photos that have emerged of a bizarre cloud formation over Northern California are causing social media users to wonder: Is the truth out there?.."
Posted: 13 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at heraldsun.com.au

Possible UFO Crop Circles Spotted in Australian Outback

"Muckaty Station, 110km north of Tennant Creek, has been home to various UFO sightings over the years but now an unexplained marking has appeared on the land..."
Posted: 13 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: heraldsun.com.au
  Read more at heraldsun.com.au >
Read more at click2houston.com

Houston's Alien Hunter on a Mission

"Derrel Sims, a larger than life Texan living near Houston, is an alien hunter..."
Posted: 10 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: click2houston.com
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Read more at whofortedblog.com

Kaifeng City: China’s Roswell?

"Here's a curiosity straight off Google Maps, using satellite view. Three craft are heading due north but one's exhibiting peculiar properties. Two appear to be commercial jets, but might the craft leading the vanguard be something else? This shot was taken on April 11th, 2013 over Zhumadian City..."
Posted: 09 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: whofortedblog.com
  Read more at whofortedblog.com >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

UFO Destroys Taliban Base in Devastating Attack?

"The short clip – reportedly filmed by U.S. Marines in March this year – shows a triangular-shaped object hovering above the camp in Afghanistan before unleashing a devastating attack..."
Posted: 09 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at democratandchronicle.com

The View from Greece: Meteor? Flare? UFO?

"Jim Montanus stood on a dock at Braddock Bay Marina Wednesday night making long-exposure photographs of a clear dark-blue sky set with twinkling stars being overrun from the west by a dense mass of clouds..."
Posted: 09 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: democratandchronicle.com
  Read more at democratandchronicle.com >
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Two UFOs appear over Eagle Rock, California

"Two UFOs were recorded on video over Eagle Rock, California on June 27, 2011..."
Posted: 06 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at ibtimes.co.in

Curiosity Rover Spots Cigar-like Object on Martian Sky

"Curiosity, the car-sized robotic rover exploring Gale Crater on Mars as a part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission, which was on its way to Mount Sharp came across an interesting anomaly, giving rise to speculations of a UFO sighting. But what is more interesting is the fact that the anomaly or the flying object was visible for almost ten minutes, before it disappeared..."
Posted: 03 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.co.in
  Read more at ibtimes.co.in >
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UFO Video in Ibiza Baffles Local Astronomers

"A remarkable video of a large white object falling out of the sky over the Spanish island of Ibiza has many authorities believing it to be space junk. However, local astronomers tracked the object and say its movement could only be explained if it were self-propelled..."
Posted: 03 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at examiner.com

Cemetery UFO May Be Classified Air Force Project

"An Indiana witness recalls a UFO event in a Claypool cemetery late one night with clues indicating a disc-shaped object was an Air Force project, according to April 30, 2014, testimony in Case 55895 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 01 May 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
  Read more at examiner.com >
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Blue UFO Spotted Over the Netherlands

"A blue-colored UFO, videotaped by a Netherlands resident, remains unexplained. Blue? That's something new..."
Posted: 30 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Read more at huffingtonpost.com

Canadian Witnesses Video UFO at 400 Feet

"Two Canadian witnesses traveling east along Highway 16 near Marlobo, Alberta, reported stopping and photographing an unknown object hovering above the tree tops about 400 feet away, according to April 29, 2014, testimony in Case 55866 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 30 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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UFO Swims Through the London Sky

"A witness recorded video of a UFO floating in the sky above London, England on the afternoon of Monday, April 28..."
Posted: 30 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at sunraysiadaily.com.au

Another Smoke Ring UFO Photographed?

"...Still bemused by what the object hovering over the Mildura central business district was, he shared the images with Sunraysia Daily in the hope that others might have seen the object and had an explanation..."
Posted: 28 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: sunraysiadaily.com.au
  Read more at sunraysiadaily.com.au >
Read more at space.com

How to Land on Mars with Inflatable Flying Saucers

"Less than two years after placing the 1-ton Curiosity rover gently on the Martian surface, NASA is already dreaming up ways to land even bigger spacecraft on the Red Planet..."
Posted: 28 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: space.com
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Read more at huffingtonpost.com

Witness Snaps Photo as UFO Hovers Over Ohio Field

"Two Ohio witnesses at Springfield reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped object hovering over a field along a country road on April 23, 2014, according to testimony in Case 55763 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Read more at openminds.tv

UFOs Photographed Cruising Over the Desert

"An Open Minds reader sent us a few pictures her mother took of UFOs seemingly cruising over the desert somewhere between Oklahoma and Arizona..."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at westbriton.co.uk

UFO Spotted Above Portreath

"An unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted by several people in the skies above Portreath last night..."
Posted: 26 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: westbriton.co.uk
  Read more at westbriton.co.uk >

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