Unearthly News - UFOs
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: UFOs (unfilter)

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Orange Orb 'UFOs' Recorded in West Sussex, England

"Andre Figueira has released footage of the puzzling phenomenon after a friend told him of reports of unidentified flying objects witnessed in Billingshurs, Barns Green, Warnham and Rudgwick..."
Posted: 25 August 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: wscountytimes.co.uk
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Read more at sputniknews.com

Russian Cosmonaut Spots Mysterious Objects in Orbital Footage

"Ivan Vagner joined the ISS crew on 9 April, when a Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft sent him along with fellow cosmonaut Oleg Skripochka as well as NASA's Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir to the space oupost..."
Posted: 21 August 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: sputniknews.com
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Read more at examinerlive.co.uk

Fast Moving 'UFO' Spotted in Doncaster Aircraft Footage

"A bizarre looking object does indeed seem to fly past the aircraft at a high speed..."
Posted: 21 August 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: examinerlive.co.uk
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Read more at yahoo.com

Tom DeLonge and Luis Elizondo to Appear at Virtual Con

"While fans wait for more new Angels & Airwaves material, vocalist Tom Delonge will shift his focus from music later this month when he'll appear virtually at Metaverse — REEDPOP's comic conference..."
Posted: 11 August 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: yahoo.com
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Read more at en.brinkwire.com

UFOs Making 'Google Maps of the Universe', Says Former Insider

"A former military chief says there's a possibility 'aliens on reconnaissance missions' are mapping the surface of the Earth..."
Posted: 04 August 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: en.brinkwire.com
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Read more at newsweek.com

Canadian UFO Sightings Up Nearly 50 Percent During Lockdowns

"Chris Rutkowski, a researcher who studies unidentified flying objects (UFOs), said that UFO sightings across Canada have increased over 50 percent during the country's coronavirus lockdown..."
Posted: 30 July 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: newsweek.com
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Read more at etdatabase.com

'UFO' Recorded Hovering over Trees in Switzerland?

"Here is an early morning sighting by an eyewitness in Switzerland last week. He recorded a jug like UFO hovering over the tree tops..."
Posted: 30 July 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: etdatabase.com
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Read more at nytimes.com

Pentagon's 'UAP Task Force' to Release UFO Findings to the Public

"Despite Pentagon statements that it disbanded a once-covert program to investigate unidentified flying objects, the effort remains underway..."
Posted: 24 July 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: nytimes.com
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Read more at theoldhamtimes.co.uk

Owl Watcher Snaps 'Orb of Light' Shooting up over British Moor

"It may sound like science fiction but avid bird watcher Alan Jones of Delph found himself gripped by the sight a strange orb shooting upwards towards the sky from huge ball of bright light..."
Posted: 19 July 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: theoldhamtimes.co.uk
  Read more at theoldhamtimes.co.uk >
Read more at dailyrecord.co.uk

'Scottish X-files' Uncovered from Historical CIA Documents

"Incredible evidence has emerged of the extent that American CIA agents have kept tabs on Scotland. Declassified documents range from paranormal research to political intrigue..."
Posted: 19 July 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailyrecord.co.uk
  Read more at dailyrecord.co.uk >
Read more at en.brinkwire.com

Brisbane Woman Claims Triangular UFO Hovered Near Her Home

"A terrified woman has claimed she saw a UFO hovering near her Brisbane home in the early hours of the morning for five days running..."
Posted: 19 July 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: en.brinkwire.com
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Read more at inkedmag.com

Instagram Users Show-off Their UFO Tattoos

"Is there life on outer space? Man has been perplexed by this question centuries. I wish I could give you an answer to the question, but if I knew that chances are that I wouldn't be writing this article..."
Posted: 30 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: inkedmag.com
  Read more at inkedmag.com >
Read more at politico.com

US Senators Vote to Require Agencies to Release UFO Reports

"The Senate Intelligence Committee has voted to require U.S. intelligence agencies and the Defense Department to compile a detailed public analysis of all data collected on 'unidentified aerial phenomenon'..."
Posted: 23 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: politico.com
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Read more at nbcnews.com

Trump Says He's Heard 'Very Interesting' Things About Roswell

"President Donald Trump says he's heard some interesting things about Roswell, but he's not sharing even with his eldest child..."
Posted: 23 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: nbcnews.com
  Read more at nbcnews.com >
Read more at clitheroeadvertiser.co.uk

Erratic Orb-like UFO Recorded over Lancashire, England

"Motor technician Mark Gill took this fascinating video on his mobile phone after his 12-year-old daughter Ruby spotted the mysterious object from the family's garden in Park Avenue..."
Posted: 16 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: clitheroeadvertiser.co.uk
  Read more at clitheroeadvertiser.co.uk >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Weird UFOs Filmed from Airliner

"A puzzling piece of footage circulating online appears to show a pair of very weird-looking UFOs lingering in the sky next to an airliner..."
Posted: 09 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >
Read more at brobible.com

Eagle-eyed Viewers Spot Multiple 'UFOs' in SpaceX Coverage

"With aliens reportedly monitoring us to see how we are handling the pandemic that they may or may not have caused, is it any wonder that they would also be very interested in closely observing the first manned space launch from American soil since 2011?..."
Posted: 03 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: brobible.com
  Read more at brobible.com >
Read more at thecourier.co.uk

Australian Witness Reveals 'UFO Air Battle' Encounter

"An Australian man has told The Courier how he witnessed what he can only describe as 'an air battle between two UFOs' – which ended with one crashing to the ground..."
Posted: 03 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: thecourier.co.uk
  Read more at thecourier.co.uk >
Read more at earthfiles.com

Brazil UFO Crash: New Details Emerge

"Reports of helicopters chasing UFOs and alleged hacked Portuguese radio transmissions of Brazilian military add to the mystery of the Mage encounter..."
Posted: 03 June 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: earthfiles.com
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Read more at etdatabase.com

'Triangular UFO' Spotted in Apollo 9 Archive Photo

"The module was flying directly over Arizona at the time and this triangle UFO was seen in the clouds below. The triangle looks dark brown. The object is blurry at an equal pace as that of the clouds and other objets in the picture..."
Posted: 25 May 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: etdatabase.com
  Read more at etdatabase.com >
Read more at gizmodo.com.au

Brazil 'UFO Crash': Cover-up or Hoax?

"The internet is piecing together an alleged UFO crash landing in Brazil on Wednesday, with convincing evidence. Here’s a Reddit thread, a Twitter video at night, a Twitter video in the daytime..."
Posted: 19 May 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: gizmodo.com.au
  Read more at gizmodo.com.au >
Read more at thedrive.com

Navy Pilot 'UFO' Incident Reports Released by US Government

"Nearly one year ago, Navy fighter pilot testimony about a seemingly bizarre rash of encounters with unidentified craft flying in restricted airspace off the east coast hit the news cycle with a bang..."
Posted: 19 May 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: thedrive.com
  Read more at thedrive.com >
Read more at dnaindia.com

Japan's Defense Ministry to 'Ramp Up' UFO Encounter Protocols

"The Defense Ministry of Japan is planning to draw up protocols for their potential encounters with UFOs after the Pentagon released three previously classified videos..."
Posted: 05 May 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dnaindia.com
  Read more at dnaindia.com >
Read more at ibtimes.sg

More Mystery 'UFO' Lights Appear in Las Vegas

"In 2020, there has been a massive spike in UFO sightings in the US, and over the past few months, several mysterious flying lights have been spotted in different parts of the country..."
Posted: 05 May 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.sg
  Read more at ibtimes.sg >
Read more at theguardian.com

Pentagon Officially Release 'To The Stars' UFO Videos

"The Pentagon on Monday released three declassified videos that show US navy pilots encountering what appear to be unidentified flying objects..."
Posted: 28 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: theguardian.com
  Read more at theguardian.com >
Read more at etdatabase.com

'UFO' Orbs Recorded in Michigan

"Here is a great video that was just sent into MUFON today. The eyewitness recorded several glowing lights in the sky during sunset. All the lights clearly have no wings, body or tail..."
Posted: 23 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: etdatabase.com
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Read more at etdatabase.com

'UFO' Recorded Passing Mouth Of Mexican Volcano

"Here we see a catch from the live Popocatepetl volcano cam. The person caught a large glowing UFO exiting the mouth of the volcano and moving up into space..."
Posted: 23 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: etdatabase.com
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Read more at bbc.co.uk

Elon Musk Says SpaceX Is 'Fixing' Brightness from Satellites

"SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk said the company was 'fixing' the brightness of his company's satellites..."
Posted: 23 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at vice.com

New Documents Show USAF Investigated Release of 'UFO' Videos

"A new document acquired by Motherboard shows that the Air Force launched an investigation into the release of classified UFO videos by former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge’s UFO outfit To the Stars Academy..."
Posted: 13 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: vice.com
  Read more at vice.com >
Read more at etdatabase.com

Spherical 'UFO' Filmed over Paris?

"This UFO was reported by Youtube user HiddenUnderBelly. The UFO was reported of Paris this week and it seems to be holding its location and watching the citizens around it..."
Posted: 13 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: etdatabase.com
  Read more at etdatabase.com >
Read more at brobible.com

Clusters of 'UFOs' Recorded in Detroit and Cleveland

"With the recent surge in UFO sightings, many people are wondering what the cause may be? Is it because the skies are clearer with less smog..."
Posted: 10 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: brobible.com
  Read more at brobible.com >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Tom DeLonge Films 'UFO' Off California Coast

"The co-founder of the 'To The Stars' group reported that he had witnessed something unusual on Tuesday night..."
Posted: 10 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at ibtimes.sg

Repeated Triangular UFO Sighting in Texas Sparks Speculations

"Since the alleged Roswell UFO crash, conspiracy theorists strongly believe that aliens have been visiting the earth to monitor human activities..."
Posted: 02 April 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.sg
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Footballer Records 'UFO, Too High to Be a Drone' on Camera

"Former football player Simon Church has sparked a UFO-hunting frenzy after posting a video of a glowing orb which he encountered while entertaining himself with star-gazing during the coronavirus lockdown..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at etdatabase.com

'Key-shaped' UFO Seen over Massachusetts

"This key shaped UFO was seen over MA this week. The object seems to be made up of separate parts. The eyewitness called it many black orbs together..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: etdatabase.com
  Read more at etdatabase.com >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

'Humanoid' UFO Spotted over Arizona

"Strange footage of what appears to be a human-like figure hovering in the sky in Phoenix, Arizona, has sent the conspiracy world into meltdown..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at ibtimes.sg

Lanterns, Drones or UFOs? Strange Flying Orbs Spotted in Texas

"It was around a couple of years back that Donald Trump, the United States president asked authorities to begin a space force to proclaim the dominance of the country in the skies and beyond..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.sg
  Read more at ibtimes.sg >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Top Physicist Claims USS Nimitz UFO 'Time Travelled'

"Dr Jack Sarfatti, a world-renowned expert in quantum physics, believes a meta-material that doesn't belong on Earth allowed the speed of light to "slow down" on the infamous UFO..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at vice.com

US Army Refuses to Release 'To the Stars Academy' Documents

"The U.S. Army refused to release any records about its deal with Tom DeLonge's UFO-hunting group To the Stars Academy (TTSA)..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: vice.com
  Read more at vice.com >
Read more at gazette.com

Did an Alien Spacecraft Land in Southern Colorado?

"On a summer night in 1992, Ellen Booth saw a bright light as she looked out the window of her home west of La Veta. So bright, she had to turn her head..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: gazette.com
  Read more at gazette.com >
Read more at ibtimes.com

Unidentified Object Captured by Solar Observatory

"UFO experts claimed that a massive alien vessel as big as the Moon is currently moving across Earth's neighborhood. According to the experts, the alleged UFO was spotted by NASA’s solar satellite..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.com
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Read more at ibtimes.com

'Black Car-like UFO' Caught on Camera in Mexico

"A video shared by an eyewitness shows what appears to be a black-colored UFO flying over a city in central Mexico..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.com
  Read more at ibtimes.com >
Read more at en.brinkwire.com

USAF Emails About Mystery 'Drones' Reveal Security Concerns

"Newly released Air Force emails have revealed the confusion and concern sparked by mass sightings of mysterious drones near nuclear missile silos..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: en.brinkwire.com
  Read more at en.brinkwire.com >
Read more at americanmilitarynews.com

Third Navy Crew 'Ordered to Stay Quiet' About 'Tic-Tac' UFO

"There is possibly a third aircraft to have witnessed one of the most infamous UFO sightings in recent history, according to a person familiar with the matter..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: americanmilitarynews.com
  Read more at americanmilitarynews.com >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Current USS Nimitz Captain Has 'Obligation' to Watch for UFOs

"The commanding officer of the US Navy supercarrier, the USS Nimitz, has revealed his crew has an 'obligation' to make sure the airspace is clear of UFOs..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at popularmechanics.com

'Inside the Pentagon's Secret UFO Program'

"The government can't keep its story straight about its involvement with UFO research. After a yearlong investigation, we bust open the files, break through the noise, and reveal the definitive, staggering truth..."
Posted: 15 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: popularmechanics.com
  Read more at popularmechanics.com >
Read more at express.co.uk

'Fleet of UFO' Lights Captured over Arizona

"UFO enthusiasts have claimed to have captured video of a convey of alien crafts apparently hovering in formation over the Arizona desert..."
Posted: 15 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
  Read more at express.co.uk >
Read more at thesun.co.uk

RAF's Reported UFO Sightings over Britain to Be Released Online

"Claimed sightings of UFOs reported to the RAF by terrified members of the British public are to be published online for the first time..."
Posted: 28 January 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
  Read more at thesun.co.uk >
Read more at ibtimes.com

Pilot Catches Silver 'UFO' Flying Below His Aircraft in Utah

"A professional pilot was able to capture a UFO flying under his airplane. The video of the incident shows the strange object flying across the sky without any visible means of propulsion..."
Posted: 28 January 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.com
  Read more at ibtimes.com >
Read more at wigantoday.net

'UFO' Photographed Through Roof Window in Wigan, UK

"A Wigan man has described the moment he witnessed a 'dazzlingly bright and colourful' UFO in the sky in the early hours of the morning as the most surreal experience of his life..."
Posted: 28 January 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: wigantoday.net
  Read more at wigantoday.net >

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