Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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Was Chaco Canyon's 'Tree of Life' Actually Just a Bench?

"A towering ponderosa pine discovered in the center of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, known as the 'Plaza Tree,' was once thought to symbolize life and the center of the world for an ancient pueblo town..."
Posted: 02 April 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: livescience.com
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Researchers Find First Ever Extraterrestrial Protein in Meteorite

"A research team led by Harvard University scientist Julie McGeoch has found a never-before-seen protein inside a meteorite called Acfer 086..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: Life in Space - Source: sci-news.com
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Read more at vice.com

X-Ray Signals Coming from Nearby Galaxies Remain a Mystery

"A weird, unidentified X-ray signal radiating out of nearby galaxies has perplexed scientists ever since it was first detected in 2014. Now, a promising study into its origins has come up empty-handed..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: vice.com
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Footballer Records 'UFO, Too High to Be a Drone' on Camera

"Former football player Simon Church has sparked a UFO-hunting frenzy after posting a video of a glowing orb which he encountered while entertaining himself with star-gazing during the coronavirus lockdown..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at foxnews.com

Mysterious Ancient Sword Discovered in Venetian Monastery

"A doctoral student in Italy discovered an ancient 5,000-year-old sword in a Venetian monastery. The student, Vittoria Dall'Armellina, was visiting the San Lazzaro degli Armeni Museum..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: foxnews.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Bigfoot Sighting Rattles Witness

"A North Carolina man was left visibly shaken last week following what he says was an encounter with Bigfoot. According to a local media report, the unnerving incident occurred this past Friday..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at etdatabase.com

'Key-shaped' UFO Seen over Massachusetts

"This key shaped UFO was seen over MA this week. The object seems to be made up of separate parts. The eyewitness called it many black orbs together..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: etdatabase.com
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

'Humanoid' UFO Spotted over Arizona

"Strange footage of what appears to be a human-like figure hovering in the sky in Phoenix, Arizona, has sent the conspiracy world into meltdown..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at nasa.gov

Revisiting Old Voyager 2 Data, Scientists Find One More Secret

"Eight and a half years into its grand tour of the solar system, NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft was ready for another encounter. It was Jan. 24, 1986, and soon it would meet the mysterious seventh planet, icy-cold Uranus..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: nasa.gov
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Read more at sf.curbed.com

Winchester Mystery House Offers Virtual Tours During Lockdown

"In 1884, Sarah Winchester, heiress to the titular rifle fortune, purchased a ramshackle farmhouse on 160 acres of farmland and orchards in the Santa Clara Valley..."
Posted: 28 March 2020 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: sf.curbed.com
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Read more at ibtimes.sg

Lanterns, Drones or UFOs? Strange Flying Orbs Spotted in Texas

"It was around a couple of years back that Donald Trump, the United States president asked authorities to begin a space force to proclaim the dominance of the country in the skies and beyond..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.sg
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Bigfoot Photographed Peering Through Window in Colorado?

"A remarkable series of photographs taken by a man in Colorado may show a Bigfoot peering into a window. The highly intriguing images were captured back in October of 2017 by Scott Yeoman..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Top Physicist Claims USS Nimitz UFO 'Time Travelled'

"Dr Jack Sarfatti, a world-renowned expert in quantum physics, believes a meta-material that doesn't belong on Earth allowed the speed of light to "slow down" on the infamous UFO..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Ice Age Structure Discovered, Made from Mammoth Bones

"An unusually large structure from the last ice age built from the bones of dozens of woolly mammoths has been uncovered in Russia..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: gizmodo.com
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Read more at architecturaldigest.com

Egypt Just Finished Restoring Its Oldest Pyramid

"With a few notable exceptions, the last few days and weeks have brought plenty of news of closings and postponements. Thankfully, these uncertain times haven’t stopped the completion of an ambitious Egyptian restoration project 14 years in the making..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: architecturaldigest.com
  Read more at architecturaldigest.com >
Read more at thevintagenews.com

Dead Sea Scrolls at Washington Museum 'Proved to be Fake'

"Unfortunately for the Museum of the Bible, all of its Dead Sea Scrolls have been found to be fake. The field of art and antiquities can be very lucrative, with some works for millions of dollars..."
Posted: 21 March 2020 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: thevintagenews.com
  Read more at thevintagenews.com >
Read more at vice.com

Current Owner of Skinwalker Ranch Reveals His Identity

"The person who owns the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, a supposedly haunted UFO hotspot in Utah, has decided to come out of the shadows..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: vice.com
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Read more at vice.com

US Army Refuses to Release 'To the Stars Academy' Documents

"The U.S. Army refused to release any records about its deal with Tom DeLonge's UFO-hunting group To the Stars Academy (TTSA)..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: vice.com
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Read more at gazette.com

Did an Alien Spacecraft Land in Southern Colorado?

"On a summer night in 1992, Ellen Booth saw a bright light as she looked out the window of her home west of La Veta. So bright, she had to turn her head..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: gazette.com
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Read more at metro.co.uk

New Mini-planets Found Lurking at the Edge of the Solar System

"A vast swarm of micro-worlds has been found in a mysterious area of our solar system beyond the chilly ice giant Neptune's orbit..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: metro.co.uk
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ExoMars Rover Mission Delayed Until 2022

"Europe and Russia have decided to postpone their Mars rover mission. The ExoMars 'Rosalind Franklin' vehicle was due to launch to the Red Planet in July/August but engineers aren't able to get the vehicle ready in time..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: Life in Space - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at phys.org

Ancient Maya Kingdom Unearthed in a Mexican Backyard

"Associate professor of anthropology Charles Golden and his colleagues have found the long-lost capital of an ancient Maya kingdom in the backyard of a Mexican cattle rancher..."
Posted: 14 March 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: phys.org
  Read more at phys.org >
Read more at sciencealert.com

Organic Molecules Found on Mars 'Could Have a Biological Origin'

"New analysis of organic molecules found in dried-up Martian mud in the Gale Crater has revealed an intriguing possibility..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Life in Space - Source: sciencealert.com
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Read more at devonlive.com

Agatha Christie Museum Haunted by Ghost of Author, Say Staff

"Staff and volunteers who work at Torquay Museum are convinced that the playful ghost of crime writer Agatha Christie may be behind frequent poltergeist activity in the gift shop..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: devonlive.com
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Read more at unearthlynews.com

'My Near Death Experience'

"Some time ago whilst I was starting to experience being very thirsty and feeling sick, and my mind was getting confused, and I was starting to make not a lot of sense..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: unearthlynews.com
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Unidentified Object Captured by Solar Observatory

"UFO experts claimed that a massive alien vessel as big as the Moon is currently moving across Earth's neighborhood. According to the experts, the alleged UFO was spotted by NASA’s solar satellite..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.com
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Read more at dreadcentral.com

Photos Emerge of 'Surgically' Mutilated Cattle in Oregon

"Five young purebred bulls mysteriously showed up dead – drained of blood and with body parts precisely removed – at the Silvies Valley Ranch in remote eastern Oregon in the summer of 2018..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: dreadcentral.com
  Read more at dreadcentral.com >
Read more at ibtimes.com

'Black Car-like UFO' Caught on Camera in Mexico

"A video shared by an eyewitness shows what appears to be a black-colored UFO flying over a city in central Mexico..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.com
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New Trailer for Steven Greer's Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

"'Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind' is a feature documentary presented by Dr. Steven Greer, the authority on extraterrestrials who created the worldwide disclosure movement..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: youtube.com
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Read more at movieweb.com

Dr Strange Director Takes on Bermuda Triangle Movie

"Director Scott Derrickson has lined up his next movie. The Doctor Strange filmmaker is set to tackle Skydance's long-gestating Bermuda, which is an action/adventure take on the Bermuda Triangle..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: movieweb.com
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NASA's Next Mars Rover Will Be Called 'Perseverance'

"The American space agency has a new name for the rover it will be sending to the Red Planet this summer..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Life in Space - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at bbc.co.uk

Telescopes Detect 'Biggest Explosion Since Big Bang'

"Scientists have detected evidence of a colossal explosion in space - five times bigger than anything observed before..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at en.brinkwire.com

USAF Emails About Mystery 'Drones' Reveal Security Concerns

"Newly released Air Force emails have revealed the confusion and concern sparked by mass sightings of mysterious drones near nuclear missile silos..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: en.brinkwire.com
  Read more at en.brinkwire.com >
Read more at thenational.scot

Turkey's 'Lost Kingdom' Discovered in New Archaeological Find

"It has been announced that archaeologists and researchers have found hard evidence, indeed stone-hard evidence, of a lost kingdom of Turkey dating from hundreds of years before the birth of Christ..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: thenational.scot
  Read more at thenational.scot >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Woman Comes Back to Life Ten Hours After Being Declared Dead

"Doctors in Ukraine were stunned when an elderly woman who had been declared dead ten hours earlier came back to life and shared an amazing story of journeying to the 'other side'..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at globalnews.ca

Mysterious 'Hum' Detected Amid Hundreds of Quakes on Mars

"A NASA robot measuring quakes on Mars has detected a strange-yet-familiar sound on the Red Planet, which some Earthlings might recognize as similar to 'The Hum'..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: globalnews.ca
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Possible New 'Mini-Moon' Detected in Orbit Around Earth

"Astronomers from the Catalina Sky Survey say they have detected a rare mini-moon around Earth. Sadly, we shouldn't get too attached to our new natural satellite..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: gizmodo.com
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Read more at news.wttw.com

SETI Expands Search for ETs with 'Very Large Array' Observatory

"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is about to get a big boost. Earlier this month, the privately funded SETI Institute announced plans to use the Very Large Array (VLA) observatory..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Life in Space - Source: news.wttw.com
  Read more at news.wttw.com >
Read more at salisburyjournal.co.uk

Controversial Stonehenge Tunnel Scheme 'Scrapped'

"The controversial £1.7 billion Stonehenge Tunnel scheme is set to be scrapped, the Journal understands..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: salisburyjournal.co.uk
  Read more at salisburyjournal.co.uk >
Read more at bbc.co.uk

Renowned Flat Earther Dies in Homemade Rocket Crash

"A US daredevil pilot has been killed during an attempted launch of a homemade rocket in the Californian desert..."
Posted: 23 February 2020 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at americanmilitarynews.com

Third Navy Crew 'Ordered to Stay Quiet' About 'Tic-Tac' UFO

"There is possibly a third aircraft to have witnessed one of the most infamous UFO sightings in recent history, according to a person familiar with the matter..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: americanmilitarynews.com
  Read more at americanmilitarynews.com >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Terrifying 'Bigfoot' Screams Recorded in Ohio

"A recently uploaded video has captured some interesting (and unnerving) sounds coming from the woods..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at express.co.uk

Man Saw Snippets of His Life in 'Colourful' Near Death Experience

"A man who was involved in a horrific accident which saw him temporarily die believes he was in a colourful dome where he was shown snippets of his life..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at bbc.co.uk

'Tomb of Romulus' Discovered in Rome

"A sarcophagus discovered in the remains of an ancient temple in Rome is causing a stir among historians who cannot agree if it belongs to the Italian city's legendary founder, Romulus..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Current USS Nimitz Captain Has 'Obligation' to Watch for UFOs

"The commanding officer of the US Navy supercarrier, the USS Nimitz, has revealed his crew has an 'obligation' to make sure the airspace is clear of UFOs..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at rnz.co.nz

Concerns over Secret Search for Giants' Bones in New Zealand

"Archaeologists say a group of people tunnelling into the side of a country road in search of a race of pre-Polynesian giants' skeletons could be damaging the archaeological record..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: rnz.co.nz
  Read more at rnz.co.nz >
Read more at globetrender.com

'Martian Utopia' to Be Built in the Mojave Desert

"Interstellar Lab is building a 'bio-regenerative' Martian utopia in the Mojave desert that will be open to tourists who want to discover what it would be like to live on Mars. Emily Eastman reports..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: Life in Space - Source: globetrender.com
  Read more at globetrender.com >
Read more at inverse.com

Fish's Incredible Ability to Suspend Ageing Could Help Humans

"In the quest for eternal life, humans have come up with all kinds of schemes to halt the aging process. From hacking our DNA to blood transfusions..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: inverse.com
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Read more at bbc.co.uk

Astronomers Want Public Funds for Intelligent Life Search

"The head of one of the US's national observatories says the search for intelligent life elsewhere in the universe needs to be taken more seriously..."
Posted: 15 February 2020 - Category: Life in Space - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at somersetlive.co.uk

Woman Reports Sighting of 'Ghost on Horseback' on Country Road

"A fresh account of an alleged sighting of a ghost on horseback near the A39 has emerged from a woman who said the spectre 'freaked her dogs out'..."
Posted: 15 February 2020 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: somersetlive.co.uk
  Read more at somersetlive.co.uk >

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