Unearthly News - Life After Death
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: Life After Death (unfilter)

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Car Crash Survivor Reveals Near Death Experience

"A woman who survived a fatal car crash says her soul floated above her body in a 'comforting' near-death experience..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: gloucestershirelive.co.uk
  Read more at gloucestershirelive.co.uk >
Read more at thesun.co.uk

Woman Claims She Saw 'Heaven' During Near Death Experience

"A woman claims to have gone to heaven and met God as she slipped in a coma following a horrifying near-death experience..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Man Reveals Near Death Experience 'Walking into Bright Light'

"A man who was pronounced dead before being brought back to life has shared what he saw after 'walking into the bright light'..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Woman Says She Could See the Future Following NDE

"A woman who 'died' after being struck by lighting says she returned to her body with a strange new power..."
Posted: 21 May 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Hulk Hogan Says Rival Sent Him After Death Voicemail

"Pro wrestling legend Hulk Hogan claims that he received a voicemail from his longtime rival 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper two days after he had passed away..."
Posted: 06 May 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >
Read more at vancouverisawesome.com

60% of Canadians Believe There's an Afterlife, Poll Finds

"Three in five Canadians say they believe there is some sort of life after death, a new public opinion poll has found..."
Posted: 28 March 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: vancouverisawesome.com
  Read more at vancouverisawesome.com >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Comedian Bob Mortimer Recalls 'White Light' During NDE

"The popular British comedian experienced something profound while undergoing heart surgery. Best known for his wacky brand of comedy and his double-act with fellow British comedian Vic Reeves..."
Posted: 19 March 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at mirror.co.uk

Madonna Says She 'Spoke to God' During Her Coma

"Madonna believes she spoke to God when she woke up from a coma. Doctors put the pop legend, 65, into a coma while doctors battled to save her from a severe bacterial infection last summer..."
Posted: 08 March 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at ohmymag.co.uk

Man Recalls Near Death Experience after Heart Attack at Sea

"It is a fact of life: we are all going to die. Modern developments in technology and medicine mean that we are living for longer and we understand more about death..."
Posted: 11 January 2024 - Category: Life After Death - Source: ohmymag.co.uk
  Read more at ohmymag.co.uk >
Read more at ohmymag.co.uk

Man Who Survived Fall from Cliff Recalls Near Death Experience

"Two things we are fascinated by are and will probably always remain: death and the afterlife. Many who have had the unusual experience of dying and coming back to life have explained what they experienced..."
Posted: 26 December 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: ohmymag.co.uk
  Read more at ohmymag.co.uk >
Read more at mensjournal.com

Jamie Foxx Claims He Saw 'Tunnel' During NDE

"Jamie Foxx marked his first public appearance since being hospitalized for an unknown medical condition back in April..."
Posted: 05 December 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: mensjournal.com
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Read more at smithsonianmag.com

Study Finds Patients Maintain 'Awareness' after Cardiac Arrest

"Some people who survive cardiac arrest report experiencing some form of awareness during this time when their heart has stopped beating..."
Posted: 21 September 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: smithsonianmag.com
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Read more at upworthy.com

Oncologist Says Studying NDEs Convinced Him of an Afterlife

"What happens when we die? What, if anything, comes next? When our body goes kaput, is that it? Are we done?..."
Posted: 02 September 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: upworthy.com
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Read more at arkansasonline.com

'Mushroom Coffins' Now Available for Biodegradable Afterlife

"For those seeking to live in the most sustainable way, there now is an afterlife too..."
Posted: 29 May 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: arkansasonline.com
  Read more at arkansasonline.com >
Read more at bgr.com

Study Finds Surge of Unknown Activity in Dying People's Brains

"Scientists from the University of Michigan have published an intriguing paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)..."
Posted: 08 May 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: bgr.com
  Read more at bgr.com >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Taekwondo Instructor 'Died for 28 Minutes' and Experienced NDE

"A fitness instructor who dropped dead in the middle of a basketball game for 28 terrifying minutes has revealed what he saw as he was sent to St Peter’s pearly gates..."
Posted: 27 April 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at femalefirst.co.uk

Actress Jane Seymour Saw 'White Light' During NDE

"The actress, 72, famed for playing Bond girl Solitaire in 1973's 'Live and Let Die' alongside Roger Moore as 007, said she could have been killed when she contracted bronchitis..."
Posted: 18 April 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: femalefirst.co.uk
  Read more at femalefirst.co.uk >
Read more at mirror.co.uk

Woman Spent 'Five Years in Heaven' after Being Clinically Dead

"A woman who was clinically dead for over fourteen minutes and says she saw a mountain range '30,000 times huger than Mount Everest' in the afterlife has shared her experience..."
Posted: 31 January 2023 - Category: Life After Death - Source: mirror.co.uk
  Read more at mirror.co.uk >
Read more at theguardian.com

Final Funeral in Wiltshire 'Ghost Village' That of Former Resident

"A 'ghost village' evacuated almost 80 years ago is to host what might be its final funeral for a man who lived there when he was a boy..."
Posted: 23 December 2022 - Category: Life After Death - Source: theguardian.com
  Read more at theguardian.com >
Read more at newsweek.com

Near-Death Experiences Cause Out-Of-Body Events, Study Finds

"A never-before-done study found that 20 percent of people who survive CPR following a cardiac arrest while in a hospital report a lucid heightened experience once they recovered..."
Posted: 08 November 2022 - Category: Life After Death - Source: newsweek.com
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Read more at globeecho.com

'Real Wisdom' in Near Death Experiences, Says Psychiatrist

"Does science have a say in the afterlife? Yes, answers psychiatrist Christophe Fauré, in a puzzling book. The doctor, who is also interested in Buddhism..."
Posted: 01 November 2022 - Category: Life After Death - Source: globeecho.com
  Read more at globeecho.com >
Read more at manchestereveningnews.co.uk

Man Who 'Died Twice' Recalls Out of Body Experience

"A dad-of-two whose heart stopped beating TWICE claims he saw his own unconscious body as doctors fought to revive him..."
Posted: 21 June 2022 - Category: Life After Death - Source: manchestereveningnews.co.uk
  Read more at manchestereveningnews.co.uk >
Read more at technologynetworks.com

First Scan of the Dying Brain Reveals a 'Last Recall'

"Neuroscientists have recorded the activity of a dying human brain and discovered rhythmic brain wave patterns around the time of death that are similar to those occurring during dreaming, memory recall, and meditation..."
Posted: 22 February 2022 - Category: Life After Death - Source: technologynetworks.com
  Read more at technologynetworks.com >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Bigelow Institute Publishes Winning Life after Death Essays

"29 essays detailing the best evidence for life after death have been published and are available to read online..."
Posted: 07 December 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at nypost.com

Man Discovers Hair Poking Out of One-hundred-year-old Grave

"It was a hair-raising adventure. A California man was given the fright of his life after allegedly stumbling upon a century-old grave with human hair sticking out of it..."
Posted: 21 September 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: nypost.com
  Read more at nypost.com >
Read more at cnet.com

Mars Rover Rocks Reveal 'Potentially Habitable Environment'

"NASA had high hopes for Mars' Jezero Crater and what it could tell us about the potential for past life on the red planet. The Perseverance rover's first rock core samples from this now-dry lakebed are giving scientists plenty of reason for enthusiasm..."
Posted: 14 September 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: cnet.com
  Read more at cnet.com >
Read more at tvnz.co.nz

Sharon Stone Reveals She Had a 'Beautiful' NDE Twenty Years Ago

"The 63-year-old actress suffered a stroke and came close to death 20 years ago, and after recently discussing the topic in her memoir, The Beauty of Living Twice, Sharon has now detailed the process of her hospitalisation, which happened after she experienced bleeding in her brain for several days..."
Posted: 15 May 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: tvnz.co.nz
  Read more at tvnz.co.nz >
Read more at popularmechanics.com

Study Claims 'Zombie Genes' in the Brain Come to Life, after Death

"Here's some fun news: After you die, you're not completely dead. In a new study, scientists from the University of Illinois–Chicago reveal that some genes express more actively in the human brain after death..."
Posted: 02 April 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: popularmechanics.com
  Read more at popularmechanics.com >
Read more at newsweek.com

Near-Death Experiences Can 'Totally Transform' a Person

"People who come close to death often report remarkable experiences, that have long been dismissed by the medical profession..."
Posted: 02 March 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: newsweek.com
  Read more at newsweek.com >
Read more at bbc.co.uk

Online Service Offers 'Creepy' Deepfake Tool to Reanimate Dead

"Genealogy site MyHeritage has introduced a tool which uses deepfake technology to animate the faces in photographs of dead relatives..."
Posted: 27 February 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at religionnews.com

US's First Human-composting Funeral Home Is Now Open

"As the nation's first human-composting funeral home is now operational in the state of Washington, death care specialists say this new and environmentally friendly procedure is crucial..."
Posted: 16 February 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: religionnews.com
  Read more at religionnews.com >
Read more at nytimes.com

Robert Bigelow Offers Nearly One Million Dollars for Afterlife Proof

"What's across the River Styx? Robert Thomas Bigelow would like to know. Wouldn't anyone, especially now? But Mr. Bigelow is not just anyone..."
Posted: 22 January 2021 - Category: Life After Death - Source: nytimes.com
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Read more at scientificamerican.com

NASA Probe May Have Found Signs of Life on Venus 40 Years Ago

"Earlier this month scientists announced the surprising discovery of phosphine on Venus. This compound of phosphorus and hydrogen could be associated with life..."
Posted: 08 October 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: scientificamerican.com
  Read more at scientificamerican.com >
Read more at wsls.com

Texas Family Shares 3-year-old's Near Death Experience

"Water safety has a whole new meaning for one Holliday, Texas family after almost losing their 3-year-old son. Jenna and Craig Kerr said they never thought it would happen to them..."
Posted: 19 July 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: wsls.com
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Read more at news.sky.com

Mysterious 'Vampire-slaying Kit' up for Auction

"A 'vampire-slaying kit' containing a pocket-sized pistol and a 19th century copy of the New Testament is going under the hammer..."
Posted: 14 July 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: news.sky.com
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Read more at ibtimes.sg

Woman Experienced 'Resonation of God' During NDE

"The hypothetical concept of an afterlife has been puzzling humans since the day the species achieved consciousness..."
Posted: 02 April 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: ibtimes.sg
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Read more at unearthlynews.com

'My Near Death Experience'

"Some time ago whilst I was starting to experience being very thirsty and feeling sick, and my mind was getting confused, and I was starting to make not a lot of sense..."
Posted: 07 March 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: unearthlynews.com
Read more at unearthlynews.com >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Woman Comes Back to Life Ten Hours After Being Declared Dead

"Doctors in Ukraine were stunned when an elderly woman who had been declared dead ten hours earlier came back to life and shared an amazing story of journeying to the 'other side'..."
Posted: 29 February 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >
Read more at express.co.uk

Man Saw Snippets of His Life in 'Colourful' Near Death Experience

"A man who was involved in a horrific accident which saw him temporarily die believes he was in a colourful dome where he was shown snippets of his life..."
Posted: 22 February 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: express.co.uk
  Read more at express.co.uk >
Read more at london.ctvnews.ca

New Near-death Study Finds People Have Positive Experiences

"Paramedic Adam Tapp had a near-death experience when he got electrocuted during a wood working project..."
Posted: 02 February 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: london.ctvnews.ca
  Read more at london.ctvnews.ca >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Memorial Plaque Honoring Art Bell Unveiled in Pahrump, Nevada

"Coast to Coast AM founder Art Bell has been honored with a memorial plaque at a park in the Nevada city of Pahrump..."
Posted: 28 January 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >
Read more at news.sky.com

TV Medium Derek Acorah Dies Aged 69

"TV medium Derek Acorah has died at the age of 69 after a 'very brief illness', his wife has confirmed..."
Posted: 04 January 2020 - Category: Life After Death - Source: news.sky.com
  Read more at news.sky.com >
Read more at theguardian.com

Video: Man Shares Life-changing Near Death Experience

"After David Ditchfield was dragged under a moving train, the way he looked at death changed. Before his accident he didn’t consider the afterlife, but now Ditchfield says he knows there is nothing to fear after we die..."
Posted: 05 December 2019 - Category: Life After Death - Source: theguardian.com
  Read more at theguardian.com >
Read more at kfiam640.iheart.com

Inmate Argues His Life Sentence Ended When He Died and Was Revived

"Four years ago, Benjamin Schreiber died while serving a life sentence for first-degree murder. Despite having a 'do not resuscitate' order..."
Posted: 10 November 2019 - Category: Life After Death - Source: kfiam640.iheart.com
  Read more at kfiam640.iheart.com >
Read more at hindustantimes.com

10% of People Have 'Near-death Experiences', Claims Study

"A recent study conducted in approx 35 countries suggests that mystical near-death experiences in which people report a range of spiritual and physical symptoms..."
Posted: 02 July 2019 - Category: Life After Death - Source: hindustantimes.com
  Read more at hindustantimes.com >
Read more at au.news.yahoo.com

Women Scribbles 'It's Real' During Near Death Experience

"In a brief moment of consciousness following a sudden heart attack, Tina Hines managed to scribble a short, cryptic message for her loved ones..."
Posted: 27 June 2019 - Category: Life After Death - Source: au.news.yahoo.com
  Read more at au.news.yahoo.com >
Read more at theepochtimes.com

Mother Who Predicted Her Death Retells Out-of-Body Experience

"Coming back from the dead may seem like the stuff of fairy tales, but here's one lady who experienced death for 37 seconds..."
Posted: 12 March 2019 - Category: Life After Death - Source: theepochtimes.com
  Read more at theepochtimes.com >
Read more at independent.co.uk

Washington Set to Legalise Human Composting

"Ashes to ashes, dust to new trees. The state of Washington is poised to make history by legalising a way of dealing with the dead in a way that is good for the planet – and potentially the soul..."
Posted: 07 January 2019 - Category: Life After Death - Source: independent.co.uk
  Read more at independent.co.uk >
Read more at ibtimes.co.in

NDE Experiencer Saw Light '10,000 Times Brighter Than the Sun'

"The concept of afterlife and life after death have been perplexing humans for ages, and until now, none of the spiritualists have succeeded in proving that life after death is a reality..."
Posted: 11 December 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: ibtimes.co.in
  Read more at ibtimes.co.in >
Read more at ibtimes.co.in

Near Death Experience Made Earthly Life Seem Like 'Role-playing'

"Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is a website that is known for publishing astounding near-death experience (NDE) testimonials shared by victims all across the globe..."
Posted: 06 December 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: ibtimes.co.in
  Read more at ibtimes.co.in >

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