Unearthly News - UFOs
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: UFOs (unfilter)

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UFOs 'Buzz' Siberian City of Ulan-Ude

"The latest unidentified flying objects in the capital of Buryatia have had the social media buzzing in recent days. A woman reported seeing a 'glowing' entity in the sky above Ulan-Ude with 'a lot of green lights, some red and blue'. She watched with her son and male two passers-by as the mysterious object disappeared and then reappeared 'very close', making a noise like the engine of a car, she claimed..."
Posted: 23 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: siberiantimes.com
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Read more at ufosightingsdaily.com

Pyramid-Shaped UFO Recorded Over Sao Paulo

"This shape of UFO has been recorded before in the past. For example, in Oct 5, 1996 a pilot over Pelotas, Brazil recorded a similar bronze pyramid shape in the sky and even flew around it as some smaller UFOs came out its top..."
Posted: 20 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: ufosightingsdaily.com
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Read more at motherjones.com

Global Sensor Network Launched to Scientifically Track UFOs

"A group of scientists and academics from around the world has launched a new effort called UFODATA, which stands for UFO Detection and Tracking, to apply some rigorous scientific research to the study of UFOs..."
Posted: 20 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: motherjones.com
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Read more at au.news.yahoo.com

Melbourne Man Captures 4K UFO Footage

"An Australian man believes he may have captured a UFO on two cameras. Just before he started filming on October 14, 2015, Peter Slattery noticed what looked like a kite fly by the side of his home in Melbourne..."
Posted: 20 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: au.news.yahoo.com
  Read more at au.news.yahoo.com >
Read more at express.co.uk

Hundreds See 'Floating City' Filmed in Skies Above China

"Onlookers, some who are said to have videoed the bizarre event, were said to be mesmerised as a towering city of sky scrapers appeared from the clouds..."
Posted: 18 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

'Squid-Shaped' UFO Returns to Haunt Witness

"Fascinating footage shows a 'squid-shaped' UFO reportedly returning to the same area after 14 years..."
Posted: 18 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at express.co.uk

'Millennium Falcon' UFOs Snapped Beaming Across Skies

"The first sighting of a strange series of lights, up to 180 metres across, was said to have resembled the back of the fictional Rebel Alliance craft while in flight..."
Posted: 15 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at pressexaminer.com

George Bush Senior on UFOs: 'Americans Can’t Handle the Truth'

"George Bush Sr., the former President of the United States, is busy these days campaigning for his son Jeb Bush’s presidential candidature. Jeb was organizing a fundraiser this week in Orlando..."
Posted: 11 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: pressexaminer.com
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Read more at ibtimes.co.in

Giant Transparent UFO Caught on Camera in Manipur?

"May be aliens exist or may be not. But UFO (unidentified flying object) sightings from around the world continue to stir up the debate on claims by conspiracy theorists on the existence of extraterrestrial life. And in what could spur the interest of UFO enthusiasts around the world, a huge see-through, cloud-like round object was spotted in Manipur, India..."
Posted: 11 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.co.in
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Read more at express.co.uk

'UFO' Recorded Speeding Past Volcano

"An eerie series of lights and objects, including a long cigar-shaped anomaly, were filmed near the active Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico which has got UFO hunters excited that it confirms their theory that aliens monitor or even CAUSE geothermal activity on Earth..."
Posted: 08 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Multiple UFOs Recorded During Blood Moon Phase

"Humans weren't the only ones watching the phenomenon known as the blood moon earlier this week. Reports are coming in of increased UFO activity during this rare total lunar eclipse..."
Posted: 05 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
  Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org >
Read more at express.co.uk

Does FBI Memo Prove Aliens Did Crash Near Roswell?

"UFO researchers in Japan stumbled across an FBI memo that some believe could prove the infamous Roswell flying saucer incident DID happen - and involved THREE flying saucers instead of just the suspected one..."
Posted: 05 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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'Triangular UFO' Spotted in Apollo 17 Photo

"An online UFO hunter has discovered a bizarre image in a NASA photo taken 43 years ago by Apollo 17, the final manned mission to the moon. The 1972 image from the lunar surface, according to the online UFO site Disclose.tv, appears to show three mysterious lights than when examined closely appear to be a 'triangle' UFO hovering in the distance..."
Posted: 05 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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Read more at chron.com

UFO Lights Spotted Over Houston

"Six months ago in the middle of the night, 'strange lights' hovered over Houston for two hours, changing shape a few times before disappearing into the early-morning sky, a witness said..."
Posted: 03 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: chron.com
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

'I Was Bullied Over Childhood UFO Encounter,' Reveals Witness

"Dave Davies, 49, has spent more than three decades on a quest for answers after witnessing one of Britain's most famous UFO incidents..."
Posted: 03 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at swindonadvertiser.co.uk

Mystery Object Recorded Flying Over Wiltshire

"This is the moment an Unidentified Flying Object was caught travelling above one of Wiltshire's most iconic landmarks..."
Posted: 01 October 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: swindonadvertiser.co.uk
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Read more at en.yibada.com

UFO Sighting 'Causes' Car Crash in Russia

"One person died and another was seriously hurt in Udmurt Republic, western Russia, when a vehicle crashed because of an alleged UFO sighting..."
Posted: 28 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: en.yibada.com
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Read more at express.co.uk

MoD Conducted Secret Investigation into Welsh UFO Sighting

"An explosive new novel published today has revealed details of a declassified MoD document which suggests top-ranking officials carried out a covert inquiry into the 1977 Broad Haven Triangle sightings in Wales..."
Posted: 26 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at patch.com

UFO Lights Seen Over New Hampshire

"During the last few years, Granite Staters looking up at the sky have seen some pretty strange, unexplained things including triangle shaped flying objects and orbs that appear to dance in the sky..."
Posted: 26 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: patch.com
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Fast-Flying Object Leaves UFO MUFON Researchers Baffled

"The skies over Long Island, New York lit up with a rather unusual object that has left UFO researchers baffled..."
Posted: 24 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Footage of 'Black Triangle' UFO Shows Lights Drifting Over City

"On first inspection this video looks like someone has captured the light in his back garden and is passing it off as a brush with alien life..."
Posted: 22 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at uk.news.yahoo.com

Russian UFO Hunters Find Giant Disc from 'Spaceship'

"Is this huge stone disc a remnant of a war in space a million years ago - or just a large rock? Naturally, UFO enthusiasts are convinced that the big rock is, in fact, a working part from a spacecraft..."
Posted: 18 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: uk.news.yahoo.com
  Read more at uk.news.yahoo.com >
Read more at mirror.co.uk

Woman Captures Footage of 'UFO Plasma' Melting in the Sky

"It's a scene straight out of a Hollywood movie - scores of strange unidentified flying objects that appear to melt into the sky..."
Posted: 18 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

UFO Crash Site Spotted at South Pole?

"Satellite photographs reveal what looks like a dark disk-shaped object in the frozen wasteland – sparking suggestions it is a flying saucer embedded in the ice..."
Posted: 15 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Man Films UFO Moving Over the Sunshine Coast

"A man has captured the moment he spotted an unidentified object in the sky near his home on the Sunshine Coast, in Queensland..."
Posted: 13 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at en.yibada.com

Colorado Witness Claims Seeing UFO Head Towards NORAD

"A resident of Colorado Springs claims seeing a UFO flying towards the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) headquarters on Sept. 4 at about 9:30 p.m..."
Posted: 13 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: en.yibada.com
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Mysterious Fireball Sparks UFO Rumours

"Drivers on a busy motorway were left stunned after spotting a mysterious fireball shooting through the sky in broad daylight..."
Posted: 09 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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'Perfect Flying Saucer' Found Snapped on Google Earth

"UFO hunter Scott C Waring said he was sent the image of the ET ship which can be seen on Google Earth by a reader..."
Posted: 09 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Mysterious UFO Cluster Filmed Over Baltic Sea

"If aliens are coming to Earth, are they visiting Russia? A new video uploaded to YouTube appears to show strange lights in the sky, hovering above the Baltic Sea on Russia's western edge..."
Posted: 09 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Multiple 'UFOs' Descend on Earth in Shocking Footage

"This is is bizarre moment multiple UFOs appear to descend on Earth in an intriguing home video..."
Posted: 09 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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'UFO' Caught Flying Off of Comet

"A UFO seems to appear in a Comet 67P image released by the European Space Agency last month, appearing to take off from the surface of the comet and shoot directly out into space — at least according to one prominent online UFO researcher who posted a video on Thursday explaining why he believes the object is not what the ESA says it is..."
Posted: 06 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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Read more at express.co.uk

Is This the Moment a UFO Almost Crashed into a Jumbo Jet?

"Footage taken on board the Boeing 737 appears to show a small black object shooting inches past the plane's wing at high speed, leaving a trail of dark smoke in its wake..."
Posted: 06 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Odly Shaped UFO Caught on Camera in Costa Rica

"UFO photographs are often criticised for being blurred, fuzzy or taken from too far away to tell what it is. But a photographer snapped these clear images of this bizarrely-shaped craft in the skies over Costa Rica..."
Posted: 04 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Mysterious 'Humanoid' UFO Filmed Floating in the Sky

"A strange 'humanoid' object has been filmed floating in the sky above Los Angeles. Eager alien-hunters captured footage of the UFO from multiple different angles, before posting the footage on YouTube..."
Posted: 04 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Historical UFO Footage 'Edited Out' by BBC, Claims Researcher

"Alien researcher Matt Lyons made the allegations during the 50th anniversary celebrations of the still unexplained mystery which rocked Britain from 1965 to 1980 and made the country town in south west England a mecca for global UFO chasers..."
Posted: 04 September 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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UFO Struck by Lightning in Brazil?

"The world is constantly being graced by appearances of aliens. This recent weeks, several UFO sightings have been documented. What's interesting is that man may be closer to uncover the truth about these unexplained appearances on Earth and even on Mars..."
Posted: 29 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: jobsnhire.com
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'Warp Speed UFO' Flies Past International Space Station

"The International Space Station has proven a hub for UFO sightings, thanks to the NASA live video feed broadcast continuously from the ISS back to the space agency's website..."
Posted: 27 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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‘100 Mile Mothership’ UFO Seen on Moon

"A massive UFO 'mothership' was photographed looming over the surface of the moon last month — a ship that appears to be 100 miles long....."
Posted: 23 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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'UFO' Approaches and Flies Past International Space Station

"The International Space Station in low Earth orbit had a close encounter with a UFO on August 19, 2015, according to UFO enthusiasts. The YouTube UFO hunter Streetcap1 reports that the footage below — a recent excerpt from NASA's Live ISS Stream — shows a UFO approaching the ISS. The UFO approaches, flies past the ISS, and eventually disappears into the inky darkness of space..."
Posted: 21 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Diamond UFO Over Volcano, Arrow Over Glasgow, Truck Over NY

"If you have friends who still refer to all UFOs as 'flying saucers,' this weekend brought news of three different sightings with three different shapes – a diamond, an arrow and a semi-truck – that you can show them as proof that UFOs come in all shapes and sizes. Are we in the midst of an alien spacecraft show where they bring out all of the new models?.."
Posted: 19 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
  Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org >
Read more at huffingtonpost.com

Tantalizing Theory Emerges After UFO Sighting in Lightning Storm

"As storm clouds gathered over Oak Park, Illinois, on the evening of July 13, an individual, videotaping an impressive display of heat lightning, also captured something else streaking through the field of view..."
Posted: 17 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Read more at bognor.co.uk

UFO Sighting in Sussex ‘Excites’ Expert

"A speeding UFO was seemingly spotted following in the wake of the RAF Vulcan which flew through Sussex on Saturday (July 15)..."
Posted: 17 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: bognor.co.uk
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Mexican Grandad Claims Aliens Knocked Him off His Bike

"Police found a Mexican grandad and pensioner, Francisco Acosta Tostada, 68, on the roadside late in the night, delirious and with serious head injuries. He told officers that he crashed his bicycle into the bush after aliens in a UFO chased him from the sky, knocked him off his bicycle, and tried to abduct him..."
Posted: 17 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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Read more at express.co.uk

Homeland Security Jet Cam Records Incredible UFO Footage

"Video alleged to have been leaked from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which shows a 'UFO being tracked by thermal imaging camera' has appeared online..."
Posted: 13 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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'UFO Base' Spotted in Moon Photos

"Intriguing claims in 2014 of alien base and UFO spaceship discoveries on the Moon by YouTube UFO hunter Atraviesa, using Google Moon are attracting attention once again due to the spectacular nature of the finds..."
Posted: 12 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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Read more at express.co.uk

Metallic Orb 'UFO' Filmed Over Russia

"A local family said they watched the weird illuminated ball above woodland for 15 minutes before filming it from two different angles in skies near Moscow then uploading their videos to YouTube..."
Posted: 10 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Metallic Orb 'UFO' Filmed Over Chile

"Do cows let each other know about alien cattle mutilations and abductions? It sure looks that way in a new video from Chile showing a UFO checking out a farm when a cow suddenly rushes by heading for the barn. Can animals sense UFOs like they sense earthquakes?.."
Posted: 10 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
  Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org >
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Metallic Orb 'UFO' Filmed Over Indonesia

"A resident of North Jakarta, Indonesia, reports filming a metallic orb UFO flying across the sky over the city..."
Posted: 10 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: inquisitr.com
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Read more at liverpoolvs.net

Unexplained Object Falls from the Sky in India

"On Friday the people of Chhattisgarh heard a loud bang and what they saw in the fields of Gaangpur was something which is not identified yet..."
Posted: 10 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: liverpoolvs.net
  Read more at liverpoolvs.net >
Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

'The Sky is Turning Green Around the World'

"Green may be your favorite color but it’s not a good thing when the nighttime sky gets a green glow and green UFOs appear to fall from space. That’s what’s been happening around the world recently..."
Posted: 08 August 2015 - Category: UFOs - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
  Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org >

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