Unearthly News - UFOs
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: UFOs (unfilter)

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UFO Spotted Hovering Above Cruise Ship Off Florida Coast

"For as long as man has walked the earth, he has looked to the stars. For centuries, man could only understand a fraction of what took place overhead. Even now, mankind continues to look out into the night sky, hoping some grand answer to the universe's questions are out there among the stars. We live in a world of mysteries; it only makes sense that mankind would look to the sky for answers..."
Posted: 14 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: techtimes.com
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Read more at openminds.tv

South Dakota Campers Encounter UFO at Ground Level

"Three South Dakota campers in Black Hills National Forest reported encountering a glowing UFO that moved toward them at ground level, according to testimony in Case 60560 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 14 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at hngn.com

UFO or Lensflare? Another 'Object' Appears in ISS Footage

"Space enthusiasts were left baffled after spotting an alleged UFO spacecraft hover near astronauts as they performed their spacewalk abroad the International Space Station (ISS) on Tuesday, according to a YouTube video uploaded by NASA. Earlier reports in 2014 have also indicated sightings of UFO's visiting the habitable space station, Examiner reported..."
Posted: 11 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: hngn.com
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Read more at au.ibtimes.com

Object Seen Shooting Along the Surface of the Moon

"A video has been caught that shows a UFO shooting along the surface of the moon. Two parts of the video have been released on YouTube..."
Posted: 09 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: au.ibtimes.com
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Read more at examiner.com

UFO Chases Chemtrail Jet Over Los Angeles

"A high flying UFO was captured on video, and published to YouTube on Oct. 7, after it appeared to be chasing, or at least tailing, a high flying jet leaving a serious chemtrail over the skies of Los Angeles recently..."
Posted: 09 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at 9news.com

Police Investigate UFO Spotted Over Colorado Town

"Breckenridge Police say they are investigating reports of three 'shiny' objects in the sky Friday morning..."
Posted: 07 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: 9news.com
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Pennsylvania Family Hoping to Identify UFO in Fall Photos

"Witnesses in Potter County, PA, report capturing a UFO in a photograph taken about 4:43 p.m. on October 1, 2014, according to testimony in Case 60310 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 07 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at mtlblog.com

Unidentified 'Green Orb' Appeared Over Montreal on Live TV

"Last night, during your run of the mill weather forecast on TVA news, a mysterious green orb was seen in the skies of Montreal. This unidentified flying object, or UFO, as the kids are calling it these days, immediately baffled viewers, and as is always the case when people see aerial orbs of light of unknown origin, made them think about aliens..."
Posted: 04 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: mtlblog.com
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Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Mystery Fireball Lights Up the Utah Sky

"With dazzling flashes of green, blue and white, a mysterious object lit up the Utah sky early this morning..."
Posted: 04 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at scotlandnow.dailyrecord.co.uk

Scottish Man Spots UFO in Live TV Footage

"A Scotsman believes he spotted a UFO as he sat watching TV this morning. Vincent Smith, from Blantyre near Glasgow, was watching coverage of ongoing protests in Hong Kong on BBC news when a bright object descended in the top right of the screen..."
Posted: 02 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: scotlandnow.dailyrecord.co.uk
  Read more at scotlandnow.dailyrecord.co.uk >
Read more at theepochtimes.com

UFO Spotted in Sunset Time Lapse Video

"An apparent unidentified flying object appears in the sky during this time lapse video featuring a sunset over Berau, Germany..."
Posted: 02 October 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Read more at business-standard.com

Scarborough to Boost 'Extraterrestrial Tourism'

"Scarborough, England, has decided to boost 'extraterrestrial tourism', after it was recently named 'UFO capital of Britain' following multiple UFO sightings..."
Posted: 30 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: business-standard.com
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Read more at metro.co.uk

The Secrets of Britain’s Top Five UFO Haunts

"Scarborough is famous for its bracing sea air and miniature railway… which may well be why sinister extraterrestrials like to visit when hunting for fresh animal organs to devour..."
Posted: 30 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

UK to Release More MoD Files on UFOs

"The UK government is set to release another set of declassified documents relating to the topic of UFOs..."
Posted: 25 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at bbc.com

Rendlesham UFO Sculpture to Be Installed at Forest Site

"A 'UFO' has been built to mark the spot where an alleged landing took place in one of the UK's biggest UFO mysteries..."
Posted: 25 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: bbc.com
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Read more at ibtimes.co.in

Fleet of UFOs Spotted Over Normandy

"A fleet of seven UFOs have been reportedly seen by a witness in the afternoon sky of Normandy. The exact date of the sighting is not known, but the witness states that he was out taking a sun bath when he noticed the unusual activity between the clouds..."
Posted: 22 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.co.in
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Read more at examiner.com

UFO Captured on Video Outside International Space Station

"There has been another reported sighting of a UFO outside the International Space Station. In a video posted to YouTube, a glowing orb was spotted hovering as the space station makes its orbit around the Earth. But is it of alien or extraterrestrial origin -- or is it a product of something less exotic and far more mundane?.."
Posted: 22 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
  Read more at examiner.com >
Read more at metro.co.uk

Plane Passenger Films Strange UFO Lights Through Window

"A man returning from holiday has claimed to have captured real footage of a UFO on camera after spotting dancing lights next to his plane..."
Posted: 20 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
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Read more at portsmouth.co.uk

‘UFO’ Spotted Over the Skies of Portsmouth

"People have spotted a strange flying object in the skies of Portsmouth and believe it could be a UFO..."
Posted: 20 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: portsmouth.co.uk
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Read more at huffingtonpost.co.uk

Disc Shaped UFO 'Five Miles Wide' Caught in NASA Photo

"Brace yourselves for inanity. Someone has found a five-mile-wide black disc hovering over the ocean in a NASA photograph..."
Posted: 20 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
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Read more at wnd.com

Mystery Streak of Light Across U.S. West

"Americans in the West are still buzzing about a mysterious light that flashed across the sky early Friday, with no confirmed explanation yet for the phenomenon..."
Posted: 15 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: wnd.com
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Read more at huffingtonpost.co.uk

UFO Sighted on Surface of Rosetta Comet

"A UFO has been sighted on the surface of Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko by the Rosetta spacecraft..."
Posted: 15 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
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Read more at dorkingandleatherheadadvertiser.co.uk

Reports of UFO in Dorking after Strange Lights Seen in the Sky

"Reports of strange lights in the sky over Dorking have fuelled whispers that a UFO may have visited the town..."
Posted: 15 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: dorkingandleatherheadadvertiser.co.uk
  Read more at dorkingandleatherheadadvertiser.co.uk >
Read more at openminds.tv

Electronics Go off as UFOs Move Over Georgia Town

"A Georgia witness at Loganville reported his cell phone, Internet and cable television reception failed during a sighting of '8 to 10 pulsating orbs' moving under 500 feet and less than 100 feet away, according to testimony in Case 59611 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 13 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at modernfarmer.com

'Moo-F-Os' - What’s Behind Tales of Cattle Mutilation?

"We’ve heard the creepy stories before: A farmer goes out in the field to feed their livestock and discovers one (or more) cows dead, drained of blood, perhaps missing an appendage or two..."
Posted: 13 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: modernfarmer.com
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

UFO Mystery as 'Flaming Space Rock' Falls from the Sky

"This is the moment a suspected meteorite lit up the Spanish skies with a trail of fire, sparking fears from panicked people that a burning UFO was heading for Earth..."
Posted: 09 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at havasunews.com

UFO Filmed Over Arizona

"A double rainbow graced Lake Havasu City skies on July 13, but for a few locals, the spectacle of refracted light was overshadowed by a strange orb of light descending from the clouds..."
Posted: 07 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: havasunews.com
  Read more at havasunews.com >
Read more at fox2now.com

Was a UFO Captured on Video During a St. Louis Newscast?

"A Labor Day lightning storm put on a spectacular show for St. Louis Monday night. Some of the storm's flashes were used during live cut-aways during the FOX 2's nightly newscast. Some viewers say they saw something strange at around 9:07pm..."
Posted: 04 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: fox2now.com
  Read more at fox2now.com >
Read more at media.brisbanetimes.com.au

UFO Sighted Over Brisbane

"A 'saucer-shaped object' photographed at Wooloowin on Brisbane's north side should be taken 'pretty seriously'..."
Posted: 02 September 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: media.brisbanetimes.com.au
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Read more at huffingtonpost.co.uk

'Strange Red Glowing Light' Spotted by Pilot Remains a Mystery

"In what may turn out to be one of life's biggest unexplained mysteries; a pilot witnessed a collection of red glowing lights beneath him, just twenty minutes after a lightning bolt appeared to shoot up from the surface..."
Posted: 31 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
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Read more at heraldsun.com.au

‘UFO’ Spotted Hovering Over Melbourne for More than an Hour

"An object with flashing red, green and blue lights was spotted hovering over Melbourne’s southeast last night as residents reported they had never seen anything quite like it..."
Posted: 31 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: heraldsun.com.au
  Read more at heraldsun.com.au >
Read more at brisbanetimes.com.au

Spike in UFO Sightings Across Queensland

"The truth is out there - and maybe it is hovering over Queensland. There has been a spike in the number of reported UFO sightings across the state over recent months, according to president of UFO Research Queensland Sheryl Gottschall, with the Gold Coast being a real 'hot spot'..."
Posted: 31 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: brisbanetimes.com.au
  Read more at brisbanetimes.com.au >
Read more at abcnews.go.com

Video of Possible UFO Recorded by Pennsylvania Woman

"A Pennsylvania woman who captured what she insists was an unidentified flying object on her cell phone camera says she is 'scared to death now.'..."
Posted: 29 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: abcnews.go.com
  Read more at abcnews.go.com >
Read more at au.ibtimes.com

Captured on Video: UFO Emulates the 'Wow!' Signal

"An independent group of researchers in Puerto Rico believe that they made contact with aliens, 'beings from elsewhere.' On the 37th anniversary of the mysterious 'WOW! Signal,' this incident they stated, had occurred..."
Posted: 26 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: au.ibtimes.com
  Read more at au.ibtimes.com >
Read more at openminds.tv

Slow Moving UFO Caught on Video Over Ohio Town

"An Ohio witness at Lakewood reported watching and videotaping a silent, slow moving object on August 20, 2014, that could not immediately be identified, according to testimony in Case 59118 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 24 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at shieldsgazette.com

UFO Encounter as Woman Walked Her Dog

"I had an interesting e-mail from someone called Sarah this week, detailing a rather close encounter she had back in February..."
Posted: 24 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: shieldsgazette.com
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Witnesses Spot ‘Tube-Like’ UFO Hovering Over Small Town

"A Canadian couple at Mainstone in southwest Saskatchewan reported watching a silent, tube-like UFO, hovering before it broke into two parts and disappeared, according to testimony in Case 59121 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 24 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at countytimes.co.uk

UFO 'Swerves Over Powys'

"An 'unexplainable banana shaped object' has been spotted in the Montgomeryshire sky by a model plane enthusiast..."
Posted: 24 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: countytimes.co.uk
  Read more at countytimes.co.uk >
Read more at wwaytv3.com

UFO Over North Carolina?

"What was in the sky over Ocean Isle Beach this weekend?..."
Posted: 22 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: wwaytv3.com
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Read more at news10.net

Woman Takes Picture of Mysterious Cloud, or UFO?

"A Sacramento resident wanted to know what she captured on her iPhone..."
Posted: 20 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: news10.net
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Read more at theepochtimes.com

Horseshoe UFO Filmed in the Sky Over South Korea

"Raw footage featuring a strange, horseshoe-shaped UFO, spotted in the sky over Busan, South Korea. The unidentified flying object is seen traveling at incredibly fast speeds, what do you think it is?..."
Posted: 17 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
  Read more at theepochtimes.com >
Read more at openminds.tv

Incredible UFO Video Captured by Canadian News Agency

"On July 17, 2014, local news reporters covering a wildfire inadvertently got more than they were looking for. Thirty-seven seconds into their news report they show a clip of a water tanker dropping fire retardant, and above the mountain an object can be seen shooting out of the clouds across the sky. The video changes to another clip before the object can be seen leaving the field of view of the camera..."
Posted: 17 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at syracusenewtimes.com

Witnesses Report 'New York Lights' Flying Over the State

"Saturday, 26 July 2014, was a relatively clear night, perhaps that why so many folks witnessed the New York Lights. The pattern of fireball sightings covered a flight path spanning from Long Island, NY to Ontario, Canada..."
Posted: 17 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: syracusenewtimes.com
  Read more at syracusenewtimes.com >
Read more at openminds.tv

Chilean Government Says UFOs Pose No Threat

"The Chilean government's civil aviation department recently met on whether or not UFOs pose a threat to their military air operations. Upon examination of their recorded UFO cases, and with input from their official UFO investigation organization, they decided that no threat exists..."
Posted: 14 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at click2houston.com

'UFOs' Filmed Over Houston During Lightning Storm

"Pictures posted online of a bright object over the skies of Houston Monday night have attracted attention from around the world. Now new video shows bright lights Monday night over southeast Houston..."
Posted: 14 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: click2houston.com
  Read more at click2houston.com >
Read more at mirror.co.uk

NASA Space Webcam Shut Down after UFO Sighting

"This is the mysterious moment a 'flying disc' UFO was spotted on a live NASA space webcam - seconds before the video shut down..."
Posted: 14 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at ktrh.com

Another UFO Close Encounter with the ISS?

"This footage, captured by the ISS on 8/7/14 is raising a lot of question about whether or not a UFO was caught on film..."
Posted: 12 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: ktrh.com
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Low Flying V-Shaped UFO Spotted by Canadian Witness

"An Ontario, Canada, witness at Burlington reported watching a large, V-shaped UFO that was first thought to be a building – until it moved about 9:40 p.m. on August 10, 2014, according to testimony in Case 58833 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 12 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at ibtimes.co.in

Supermoon Mystery Object - UFO, or Passing Asteroid?

"As the world viewed the Supermoon on the bright night sky of Sunday, a photographer while taking shots of the Earth's satellite, accidentally captured a rare sighting, which appeared to be an alien craft..."
Posted: 12 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.co.in
  Read more at ibtimes.co.in >
Read more at openminds.tv

Megan Fox Defends Her '1000%' Belief in UFOs

"Megan Fox defended her belief in UFOs and other paranormal phenomena in a MTV News interview yesterday..."
Posted: 09 August 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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