Unearthly News - UFOs
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: UFOs (unfilter)

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MUFON Reveal Possible Debris from 'Crashed UFO' at Live Event

"In a news conference held in Irving, Texas, US earlier this week the UFO organisation MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) presented the minuscule pieces of debris from a supposed alien spacecraft..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Flotilla of Flickering 'UFOs' Filmed in Finland

"A peculiar piece of footage from Finland shows a veritable flotilla of flickering UFOs floating through the sky over a city..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at bloody-disgusting.com

Tom DeLonge Provides Update on UFO Projects

"Tom DeLonge is the co-founder, co-lead vocalist, and guitarist of the rock band blink-182. He is also an author and UFO researcher..."
Posted: 18 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: bloody-disgusting.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Bizarre T-Shaped UFO Photographed in Mexico

"A very strange photograph taken in Mexico City shows a bizarre T-shaped UFO mysteriously hovering in the sky..."
Posted: 13 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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UFO-style Car Pulled over by Police in Missouri

"A law enforcement agency's social media users have been left starry eyed after a traffic stop with a difference was reported in the US..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: news.sky.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Canadian Couple Film Curious Group of Pulsating UFOs

"A couple in Canada were left scratching their heads when they spotted a curious group of pulsating lights that appeared hovering over a river..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Details of 'UAP Material' to Be Revealed at Upcoming Live Event

"The Mutual UFO Network will reveal its findings pertaining to a study of alleged samples of material from a UFO..."
Posted: 01 July 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Read more at culturacolectiva.com

'UFO' Caught Entering the Crater of a Mexican Volcano

"The Popocatépetl volcano has become an important spot for sightings of what appear to be UFOs for years..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: culturacolectiva.com
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Witness Reports Two Women Abducted by 'Giant White Cubes'

"New York state is a hotspot for unidentified aerial phenomena, with numerous reports of mysterious objects like discs and orbs in the sky..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: msn.com
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Possible Roswell UFO Metal Found to Be 100% Pure Aluminum

"The most renowned UFO case in America continues to yield more evidence as both scientists and civilians strive to prove that the Roswell crash was extraterrestrial..."
Posted: 20 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Read more at irishstar.com

US Government Deadline to Release UFO Documents by October

"A prominent lawyer representing leading UFO whistleblowers has made a startling revelation: the US government is set to unveil its alien secrets by October 18, 2024..."
Posted: 10 June 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Odd 'UFO' Zips Through Sky During Blue Angels Airshow

"A peculiar piece of footage from an airshow in New York City shows the moment when a mysterious UFO zips through the sky during a performance by the famed Blue Angels..."
Posted: 29 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Professor Garry Nolan 'Warned' Against Talking About UFOs

"A top professor from a leading US university has reportedly received an ominous official warning to 'be careful what you say.' Stanford's Professor Garry Nolan shared this revelation..."
Posted: 29 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Read more at irishstar.com

Scientists Plan to 'Attract UFOs' with Handheld Nuclear Reactor

"Scientists are developing compact 'handheld' nuclear reactors in an attempt to attract aliens to Earth, according to an expert..."
Posted: 21 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Peculiar UFO Photographed over Italian Town

"An Italian woman taking pictures on her balcony inadvertently photographed a saucer-shaped UFO in the sky above her town..."
Posted: 21 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

USS Nimitz UFO 'Dropped Out of Sky' after Sailor Fell Overboard

"A crewman involved with one of the world's most famous UFO sightings says he saw another craft with his own eyes..."
Posted: 21 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Chilean Senator Reveals 'Astounding Alien Abduction Experience'

"A Chilean senator recently shared an astounding account of being abducted by aliens and then being visited by an individual claiming to be from out of this world..."
Posted: 21 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

New US Bill Aims to Force Full UFO Disclosure within 270 Days

"Rep. Tim Burchett is introducing a new bill designed to force the US government to release all of its UFO files..."
Posted: 21 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Read more at unearthlynews.com

Dr. Steven Greer Releases Full UFO Archive Through New Website

"Dr. Steven Greer, a prominent figure in UFO research and proponent of extraterrestrial intelligence disclosure, has announced the launch of a new website - the Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive (DPIA)..."
Posted: 17 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unearthlynews.com
Read more at unearthlynews.com >
Read more at irishstar.com

UFO-like Trio of Objects Recorded in Iraq

"This video, which shows three apparent UFOs speeding past buildings while a storm hits northern Iraq, has left UFO enthusiasts bewildered..."
Posted: 06 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Cluster of 'UFOs' Spotted after Powerful Earthquake

"A cluster of what appeared to be UFOs stunned onlookers after they were spotted in the night sky following a 5.6-magnitude earthquake..."
Posted: 06 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Flying Humanoid Filmed in Turkey?

"A Turkish shepherd was understandably amazed when he spotted what appeared to be a flying humanoid in the sky over a field where his sheep were grazing..."
Posted: 06 May 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

'Remarkably Clear' Video of 'UFO' Filmed over NYC Airport

"A remarkably clear video of a UFO over New York City's Laguardia Airport has gone viral as the witness who captured the footage has come forward to share her story..."
Posted: 30 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at thecomet.net

Stevenage Surprise after UFO Spotted Hovering over Town

"Sitting in his garden, eagle-eyed Stevenage resident Michael Potter was surprised to see a black shape in the sky with 'a glow around it'..."
Posted: 30 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thecomet.net
  Read more at thecomet.net >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Strange Humanoid-shaped Object Filmed over California

"Onlookers were left perplexed by the appearance of a UFO that happened to be shaped a bit like a human..."
Posted: 30 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Odd Fast-Moving Orb Mystifies Witnesses in Melbourne

"A curious video from Australia shows an odd orb that hovered in the sky for several minutes before suddenly departing the area at a remarkable speed..."
Posted: 16 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Strange Glowing Blue Object Filmed Descending into River

"Witnesses managed to capture the spectacle on film as the mysterious object slowly descended into the water..."
Posted: 16 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at thesun.co.uk

US Congressman Was Warned Telling UFO Truth Could Cause Riots

"A politician has revealed he was warned to stop asking questions about UFOs as 'people couldn't handle' the truth..."
Posted: 09 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

'Blue Cigar-shaped UFO' Filmed Hovering over Phoenix, Arizona

"Witnesses have captured the moment that they believe a strange UFO flew across their city..."
Posted: 09 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Texas Eclipse Viewers Catch Sight of UFO?

"During yesterday's solar eclipse, video footage captured in Arlington, Texas, shows an intriguing UFO flying through the clouds..."
Posted: 09 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Jets Scrambled to Intercept 'UFO' Near Spanish Air Force Base

"A pilot with the Spanish Air Force recently shared an intriguing account of an incident wherein fighter jets were scrambled to intercept a UFO..."
Posted: 09 April 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Glowing Diamond-shaped UFO Spotted in Sky over Brazil

"A peculiar piece of footage from Brazil shows a glowing diamond-shaped UFO hovering motionless in the sky over a city..."
Posted: 28 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Indian Police Spot 'UFOs' Zig-zagging over Nuclear Plant

"India's Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant has become a UFO hotspot after a police officer reported seeing odd aerial lights above it more than 10 times last summer..."
Posted: 28 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at thesun.co.uk

Ex-US Navy Admiral Discusses 'Unidentified Submersible Objects'

"A retired US admiral has warned governments to pay more attention to unidentified subs as they pose the 'real threat' to international maritime security..."
Posted: 19 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at oxfordmail.co.uk

Oxfordshire Resident Photographs 'UFO' in Night Sky

"Mystery surrounds the sighting of a bright light moving across the sky in Oxfordshire. Edward Drake was walking the dog near his home in Finstock..."
Posted: 19 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: oxfordmail.co.uk
  Read more at oxfordmail.co.uk >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Declassified UFO Footage is Now Available on AARO's Website

"The Pentagon's official UFO office now has a section on its website dedicated to videos of UAPs..."
Posted: 19 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Read more at washingtonexaminer.com

Pentagon's UFO Agency Report Shows 'Analytic Bias'

"The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office reflects the Pentagon's love for acronyms. AARO also leads the government's research of 'unidentified flying objects'..."
Posted: 19 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: washingtonexaminer.com
  Read more at washingtonexaminer.com >
Read more at thedebrief.org

UAP Incident Revealed by US Congressman Confirmed

"New details involving a military pilot UAP incident over the Gulf of Mexico revealed by a U.S. Representative last summer have come to light, following the release of documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request..."
Posted: 08 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thedebrief.org
  Read more at thedebrief.org >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Puzzling Pair of Glowing Orbs Captured in New York State

"A motorist in New York state snapped a peculiar photograph that shows a pair of sizeable glowing orbs hovering in the sky..."
Posted: 08 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

UFO-hunters Scouring Frozen Lake for Possible Wreckage

"Ufologists have begun a search operation in a frozen lake for the remains of a UFO that is thought to have crashed into the water 77 years ago..."
Posted: 08 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Commercial Pilot Reports Puzzling Orange UFO During Flight

"A commercial pilot flying from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania reported seeing a puzzling orange-colored UFO that performed a fantastic maneuver in the sky..."
Posted: 08 March 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

Drone Footage Shows 'UFO' Floating over Ukraine Warzone

"This is the shocking moment a circular UFO can be seen floating over a Ukrainian warzone. Eerie footage shows the mystery object hovering in the sky..."
Posted: 29 February 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Alaskan 'UAP' Shot Down in 2023 was an 'Anomalous' Craft

"A UFO whistleblower claims mysterious black helicopters swooped in and retrieved a 'UFO' shot down by USAF jets..."
Posted: 22 February 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

'Remarkably Clear UFO' Photos Snapped in Argentina

"A remarkable series of photos taken by an Argentine woman shows what appears to be a classic flying saucer cruising through the sky..."
Posted: 08 February 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at govexec.com

US National Archives Prepare New Rules for UFO Records

"Congress wants to know what agencies know about UFOs, and, under a new law, agencies have to tell them..."
Posted: 08 February 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: govexec.com
  Read more at govexec.com >
Read more at wgbh.org

Harvard Professor Avi Loeb Reveals New Evidence of ET Craft

"Harvard astronomy professor Avi Loeb believes he has new evidence of alien spacecraft. Last June, he recovered small magnetic spherules from the Pacific Ocean..."
Posted: 08 February 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: wgbh.org
  Read more at wgbh.org >
Read more at ctvnews.ca

Pilots Describe 'Bizarre' Lights and 'Triangles' over Canada

"Early on Jan. 19, several pilots reported 'multiple lights sometimes in a triangle formation' high above the Canadian Prairies..."
Posted: 01 February 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: ctvnews.ca
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Read more at newsweek.com

Pentagon's Former Top UFO Hunter Speaks Out on UAPs

"The scientist at the Department of Defense (DOD) who was until recently tasked with investigating UFO sightings has said he found no evidence of alien life on Earth, despite claims of a government conspiracy to 'reverse-engineer' crashed spacecraft..."
Posted: 25 January 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: newsweek.com
  Read more at newsweek.com >
Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

David Grusch Had Alleged Secret Meeting with 'Wall Street Bigwigs'

"According to reports, Grusch gave a talk to a number of 'Wall Street bigwigs' and intelligence community officials..."
Posted: 18 January 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Read more at globalnews.ca

Military Footage of 'Jellyfish UFO' Released

"A video purporting to show a bizarre jellyfish-like unidentified flying object (UFO) over a U.S. joint operations base in Iraq has internet users scratching their heads over what it could be..."
Posted: 11 January 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: globalnews.ca
  Read more at globalnews.ca >

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