Unearthly News - UFOs
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

Category: UFOs (unfilter)

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US House Members to Receive Classified UFO Briefing

"Members of the House Oversight Committee will receive a classified briefing next week on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), better known as UFOs, Axios has learned..."
Posted: 11 January 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: axios.com
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Read more at thehill.com

US Lawmakers Unveil Legislation to Close Gap in UAP Reporting

"New legislation proposed by bipartisan lawmakers aims to protect civilian pilots and air personnel who report sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) — more commonly known as UFOs..."
Posted: 11 January 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: thehill.com
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Read more at irishstar.com

Dan Ackroyd Describes 'Spectacular Grey UFO' Encounter

"Ghostbusters star Dan Ackroyd has described his encounters with UFOs in a revealing interview. Ackroyd, the native of Canada, has claimed to have encountered extraterrestrial crafts on four separate occasions..."
Posted: 11 January 2024 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Read more at republicworld.com

'UFO' Appears to Fly by Air Force One at LAX During Biden Visit

"Amateur plane trackers shared online footage of a UFO hovering over Air Force One during President Biden's fundraising trip to Los Angeles earlier this month..."
Posted: 26 December 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: republicworld.com
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Read more at thehill.com

David Grusch 'Has Been Living a Nightmare' Since Going Public

"Former intelligence officer and UFO whistleblower David Grusch said he’s been living a nightmare since making his testimony public over the summer..."
Posted: 18 December 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: thehill.com
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Read more at irishstar.com

Multicolored 'UFOs' Captured Above Chicago

"A photographer from Chicago captured pictures of incredible aerial phenomena that has confused experts, according to the Daily Mail..."
Posted: 18 December 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: irishstar.com
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Read more at thehill.com

UFO Transparency Threatened by Powerful Congress Members

"Since 2020, no fewer than 10 former government officials, military officers and scientists, along with a former senate majority leader, have alleged (or suggested) publicly that the U.S. government has recovered advanced craft of unknown origin — that is, UFOs..."
Posted: 05 December 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: thehill.com
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Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Secret CIA Office 'Conducted at Least Nine UFO Retrievals'

"A secretive CIA office has been coordinating the retrieval of crashed UFOs around the world for decades, multiple sources told DailyMail.com..."
Posted: 28 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at thehill.com

Why Are Key US Republicans Resisting Transparency on UFOs?

"In July, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), along with a bipartisan group of five other senators, announced sweeping legislation to declassify and release government information about unidentified flying objects..."
Posted: 28 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: thehill.com
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Read more at news.com.au

Whistleblower David Grusch Reveals More UFO Details

"A former US intelligence officer turned UFO whistleblower claims the government has recovered remains of multiple different types of non-human biological 'entities' from crashed craft..."
Posted: 23 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: news.com.au
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Game Camera Photographs Strange 'String of Lights' in Woods

"A puzzling set of photos captured by a game camera shows what appears to be a string of lights floating behind a deer in a forest..."
Posted: 23 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

'UFO' Causes Airport to Shut Down in India

"A spherical white object of unknown origin led an international airport in Manipur, India, to shut down for close to four hours on Sunday..."
Posted: 23 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at metro.co.uk

Ryanair Plane Flew 'within Twenty Metres of a UFO'

"A Ryanair plane came within just '20 metres' of a UFO, according to a police log. It had just taken off from Stansted Airport in Essex when the pilot spotted a 'black object' at 4,000ft..."
Posted: 13 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Daylight 'UFO' Sighting in Indiana

"Coast listener Norman writes that he and his family were returning home from shopping in Evansville, Indiana on September 27, 2023, when they saw a brilliant pulsing red light, almost metallic in color..."
Posted: 13 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at ndtv.com

Pentagon UFO Chief Resigns: 'I'm Ready to Move On'

"The chief of the Pentagon's UFO investigation division will step down in December, the Department of Defence said. Sean Kirkpatrick, Director of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office..."
Posted: 13 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: ndtv.com
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Read more at dailyinterlake.com

Strange 'Light Show' Witnessed over Kansas City

"When O'Brien Byrd woke up to a strange light coming through his bedroom window in Martin City early Wednesday morning, he knew something odd was going on..."
Posted: 13 November 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailyinterlake.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

'Classic Flying Saucer' Recorded on Plane Flight over Colombia

"Clear video footage of a classic 'flying saucer' was recently captured during a commercial flight over Colombia..."
Posted: 29 October 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Airline Passenger Films 'Glowing UFOs' over New Mexico

"An airline passenger flying over New Mexico captured footage of a curious cluster of mysterious glowing objects hovering in the sky..."
Posted: 17 October 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Strange Black Triangular 'UFO' Filmed Floating over German City

"A bewildered witness in Germany was left scratching their head when they spotted what appeared to be a black triangular craft floating in the sky..."
Posted: 09 October 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >
Read more at thescottishsun.co.uk

Investigators Demand Public UFO Inquiry in Scotland

"Paranormal investigators have demanded a public inquiry in Scotland into the existence of UFOs..."
Posted: 09 October 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: thescottishsun.co.uk
  Read more at thescottishsun.co.uk >
Read more at liberationtimes.com

US Air Force Reports UFO Incident to Pentagon Office

"The Department of Defense (DoD) has officially confirmed to Liberation Times that the United States Air Force (USAF) has submitted a report about an incident..."
Posted: 09 October 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: liberationtimes.com
  Read more at liberationtimes.com >
Read more at mirror.co.uk

Locals Spot Weird 'Bouncing UFO' Darting Around the Night Sky

"This is the bizarre moment stunned locals spot an unidentified flying object glowing in the sky and moving through the clouds before disappearing..."
Posted: 09 October 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at syfy.com

US Custom and Border Patrol Releases 10 UFO Videos

"In early August and with little fanfare, the United States Customs and Border Patrol released 10 videos depicting reported UAPs along with 387 pages of supporting documents..."
Posted: 01 October 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: syfy.com
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Read more at hitc.com

Claim: King Charles 'Piloted UFO' in Secret Canada Project

"A former colleague of King Charles has alleged the monarch flew a 'UFO' in 1975 – but the whole thing seems a little far-fetched..."
Posted: 30 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: hitc.com
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Mysterious 'Unidentified Falling Object' Smashes into Home

"A Phoenix woman was left scratching her head after something seemingly plummeted from the sky and smashed into the roof of her home..."
Posted: 21 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at cnbc.com

NASA Releases UFO Report

"NASA said Thursday that the study of UFOs will require new scientific techniques, including advanced satellites as well as a shift in how unidentified flying objects are perceived..."
Posted: 14 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: cnbc.com
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Read more at reuters.com

Mexican Congress Holds UFO Hearing Featuring 'Alien Bodies'

"Mexican lawmakers heard testimony that 'we are not alone' in the universe and saw the alleged remains of non-human beings in an extraordinary hearing marking the Latin American country's first congressional event on UFOs..."
Posted: 14 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: reuters.com
  Read more at reuters.com >
Read more at says.com

Bright 'UFO' Captured in the Skies over Kuala Lumpur

"A bright 'foreign' object captured in the skies over Kuala Lumpur at 12.30am on Thursday, 31 August, continues to leave experts puzzled..."
Posted: 07 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: says.com
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Read more at ctvnews.ca

'Secret' UAP Memo for Canadian Prime Minister Released

"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was provided a classified memo on the subject of 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)' in February, CTV News has learned..."
Posted: 07 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: ctvnews.ca
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Read more at marca.com

US Football Star Recalls UFO Encounter

"Aaron Rodgers, the four-time NFL MVP, has revealed that he believes in UFOs and claims to have seen one himself. In a recent interview, Rodgers described seeing a 'tremendously large object moving through the sky'..."
Posted: 07 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: marca.com
  Read more at marca.com >
Read more at express.co.uk

UFO Sighting Hotspots Map Revealed by Pentagon

"The Pentagon has unveiled some of the hottest spots for UFO sightings, with western and southern Japan topping the chart in newly unveiled data..."
Posted: 07 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
  Read more at express.co.uk >
Read more at eu.clarionledger.com

Calvin Parker, Alleged Victim of 1973 Alien Abduction, Has Died

"Calvin Parker of Moss Point, Mississippi, one of two men who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in Mississippi in 1973, has died following a life that was dictated by the alleged event..."
Posted: 03 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: eu.clarionledger.com
  Read more at eu.clarionledger.com >
Read more at news.sky.com

Pentagon Launches 'One-stop Shop' Website for UFO Information

"Declassified information about resolved UFO sightings will be available on a new website set up by the US defence department..."
Posted: 02 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: news.sky.com
  Read more at news.sky.com >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Reporter Reveals Remarkably Clear Photos of Diamond 'UFO'

"A tantalizing set of photographs circulating online purportedly show a remarkably clear diamond-shaped UFO hovering in the sky over a plain in Argentina..."
Posted: 02 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at earlymemorials.com

Journalist and UFO Researcher Lee Speigel Dies

"With heavy hearts, we come together on behalf of the International Community for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) to mourn the loss of a true luminary in the world of journalism, Lee Speigel..."
Posted: 02 September 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: earlymemorials.com
  Read more at earlymemorials.com >
Read more at grimsbytelegraph.co.uk

Residents' Shock as UFO Spotted Above Scunthorpe Steelworks

"Scunthorpe woman said she was left both shocked and elated to see three mysterious lights in the sky above the steelworks which 'shot up into the atmosphere' as quickly as they had appeared..."
Posted: 08 August 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: grimsbytelegraph.co.uk
  Read more at grimsbytelegraph.co.uk >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

'Triangular UFO' Filmed in Pennsylvania

"A Pennsylvania woman was left mystified when she looked out her window and spotted a triangular set of lights hovering in the night sky..."
Posted: 08 August 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at nbcnews.com

'Are Aliens Real? People Online Don't Seem to Care Either Way'

"The news that the government may be in possession of 'nonhuman' biological matter and UFOs was met with surprising apathy online..."
Posted: 28 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: nbcnews.com
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Read more at cbsnews.com

Key Takeaways from US Congress UFO Hearing

"A former military intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower told House lawmakers that Congress is being kept in the dark about unidentified anomalous phenomena, known as UAP or UFOs..."
Posted: 26 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: cbsnews.com
  Read more at cbsnews.com >
Read more at abcnews.go.com

House Oversight Committee to Hold UFO Hearing on July 26th

"The Republican-led House Oversight Committee will hold a hearing on UFOs, officially called unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), next week..."
Posted: 19 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: abcnews.go.com
  Read more at abcnews.go.com >
Read more at liberationtimes.com

Congress Initiates Plan To Reveal Recovered 'Technologies'

"In a historic development relating to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has introduced legislation creating what will become a Review Board dedicated to the disclosure of UAP information and materials..."
Posted: 19 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: liberationtimes.com
  Read more at liberationtimes.com >
Read more at bbc.co.uk

Australia Baffled as Unidentified Object Washes up on Beach

"Police have been baffled by a mysterious 'unidentified' dome that washed up on a West Australian beach..."
Posted: 19 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at metro.co.uk

Mussolini Covered Up Secret 1930s UFO Crash, Researcher Claims

"An Italian researcher has shared what he claims is evidence of a secret UFO crash that took place in Italy in 1933 – and was covered up by Benito Mussolini..."
Posted: 06 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
  Read more at metro.co.uk >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Strange Set of Floating Lights Filmed by Trail Cam in Canada

"A curious piece of trail camera footage from Canada shows a mysterious set of lights that rise up from the ground and then float across the sky..."
Posted: 06 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: coasttocoastam.com
  Read more at coasttocoastam.com >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Professor Claims Pacific Crash Debris Might Be 'Spacecraft'

"Mystery debris pulled out of the Pacific Ocean appears to be 'artificial in origin,' according to UFO-hunting academics..."
Posted: 06 July 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at nymag.com

Senator Marco Rubio Says He's Heard 'Firsthand' UFO Accounts

"Most of the Senate's public hearings on UFOs over the past two years have been pretty boring events, full of terrestrial explanations for the many unidentified aerial phenomena..."
Posted: 27 June 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: nymag.com
  Read more at nymag.com >
Read more at japannews.yomiuri.co.jp

Japan Group Releases Images of 'Likely UFOs'

"International UFO Lab, an organization dedicated to the investigation of unidentified flying objects, has released six photographs and videos that the group believes are highly likely to depict real UFOs..."
Posted: 27 June 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: japannews.yomiuri.co.jp
  Read more at japannews.yomiuri.co.jp >
Read more at the-sun.com

Son of 'Alien Abduction' Dad Reconsiders His Father's Story

"A man whose father claimed to be abducted by aliens has changed his tune after initially not believing the wild stories..."
Posted: 27 June 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: the-sun.com
  Read more at the-sun.com >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Another 'UFO' is Spotted Flying over Las Vegas

"Another unidentified object in the sky has been spotted flying over Las Vegas, weeks after a family claimed 10ft aliens with large shiny eyes were in their backyard and police footage filmed a strange light in the sky..."
Posted: 27 June 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at douglasjohnson.ghost.io

Senate Bill Proposes Forced Reveal of "Non-Earth" UAP Materials

"The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) has unanimously approved legislation containing language that appears intended to dig out any UAP-associated technology that is or ever was controlled by the federal government..."
Posted: 25 June 2023 - Category: UFOs - Source: douglasjohnson.ghost.io
  Read more at douglasjohnson.ghost.io >

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