Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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Witness Snaps Photo as UFO Hovers Over Ohio Field

"Two Ohio witnesses at Springfield reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped object hovering over a field along a country road on April 23, 2014, according to testimony in Case 55763 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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UFOs Photographed Cruising Over the Desert

"An Open Minds reader sent us a few pictures her mother took of UFOs seemingly cruising over the desert somewhere between Oklahoma and Arizona..."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at turnto10.com

Homeowner Disputes History of 'Conjuring' House

"The family that currently lives in the Harrisville house depicted in 'The Conjuring' says the movie has made their lives a living nightmare..."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: turnto10.com
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Ridley Scott to Direct Ancient Aliens Show for HBO

"It was announced on Thursday, April 24 that director Ridley Scott is developing an alien-themed drama titled Pharaoh for HBO..."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: openminds.tv
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Indian Burial Ground Quietly Destroyed for Million Dollar Houses

"A 4,500-year-old American Indian burial ground-one of the richest and best preserved found in California in the past century-has been paved over for a multimillion dollar housing development in the Bay Area. And archeologists are pissed. .."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: gizmodo.in
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Read more at westernjournalism.com

Is Heaven for Real?

"A new movie is sweeping across the nation and bringing with it debate about near-death experiences and the nature of heaven..."
Posted: 27 April 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: westernjournalism.com
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Read more at uk.news.yahoo.com

Inside Britain's First Support Group for Alien Abduction Victims

"People who have befriended aliens and had hybrid alien children are among the star speakers who will take the stage at Britain's only 'support group' for those who claim to have met aliens..."
Posted: 26 April 2014 - Category: Otherworldly Beings - Source: uk.news.yahoo.com
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Read more at watoday.com.au

Gallipoli 'Ghost' Captured at Soldiers' Cemetery

"Dusk had settled and night was closing in on Beach Cemetery at Hell Spit, on the old Anzac battlefields of Gallipoli, when Fairfax photographer Joe Armao opened the shutter on his last series of pictures for the day – and captured something inexplicable..."
Posted: 26 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: watoday.com.au
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Read more at westbriton.co.uk

UFO Spotted Above Portreath

"An unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted by several people in the skies above Portreath last night..."
Posted: 26 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: westbriton.co.uk
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Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Near-Death Experiences of the Blind; How Does That Work?

"Near-Death-Experiences, depending on which researcher you listen to, are nearly universal across the globe. People in every country, from every culture, with every belief system and background report having these highly profound and life-altering experiences..."
Posted: 26 April 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
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Read more at theepochtimes.com

Controlling Nature: Man and Weather Manipulation

"Since the 1950s, many technologies that were once considered to be science fiction have become science fact. The impossible dream of controlling the weather with technology might not only be technologically possible, but it may be happening at the hands of governments around the world..."
Posted: 26 April 2014 - Category: Weird Science - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Read more at nypost.com

New York State Welcomes Visitors from Out of This World

"The truth is out there — in fact, it might be just up the New York State Thruway..."
Posted: 26 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: nypost.com
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Ten Mysteries Science Can't Currently Explain

"A surprising number of people might be unwilling to accept it, but science has gone quite a long way to explaining the core mysteries of existence..."
Posted: 23 April 2014 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Meet the UK's Scariest Ghosts

"Fresh from the 'sighting' of a shadowy hooded figure in Bolton yesterday, we've scoured the length and breadth of the country to bring you plenty more..."
Posted: 23 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: mirror.co.uk
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'Heaven is for Real' Spurs Conversations and Controversy

"Is it possible to die, take a quick look around, and come back to life to describe what you found?..."
Posted: 23 April 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Read more at vogue.co.uk

Filming with the Ghost of Dior

"Christian Dior haunts the rooms of his former atelier, so say seamstresses who have worked for the company for decades - and now someone else, the director of new fashion documentary Dior and I, can corroborate their claims..."
Posted: 23 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: vogue.co.uk
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Read more at news24.com

'Wow!' Signal Might Have Been Interference, Says Astronomer

"The controversial and unexplained Wow! Signal from decades ago may have been interference, says a top radio astronomer..."
Posted: 23 April 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: news24.com
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Read more at abc.net.au

Close Encounter of the 'Yowie' Kind

"While fads in phenomena have swung through crop circles, aliens and conspiracy theories; one phenomena that refuses to go away and regularly surfaces with each new 'sighting or encounter' is that of the mythical Australian creature known as a Yowie..."
Posted: 23 April 2014 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: abc.net.au
  Read more at abc.net.au >
Read more at orlandosentinel.com

Face of Jesus and Virgin Mary in Odd Places

"Faces of Jesus, The Virgin Mary in food..."
Posted: 21 April 2014 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: orlandosentinel.com
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Read more at sploid.gizmodo.com

Clearer Image of Secret Plane Taken

"A clearer photo of the mysterious unidentified flying object in Texas has surfaced..."
Posted: 21 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: sploid.gizmodo.com
  Read more at sploid.gizmodo.com >
Read more at time.com

Beyond Death: The Science of the Afterlife

"If you've seen heaven, does that mean it exists? This question is more than a mind-bender. For thousands of years, certain people have claimed to have actually visited the place that, Saint Paul promised, 'no eye has seen … and no human mind has conceived,' and their stories very often follow the same narrative arc..."
Posted: 21 April 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: time.com
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Extraterrestrial Vitamins: Scientists Find B3 on Meteorites

"Scientists have confirmed that Vitamin B3, or Niacin, can actually be produced in space. Niacin is one of the essential nutrients for life and researchers have successfully extracted the vitamin from sample meteorites..."
Posted: 21 April 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: techtimes.com
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FEATURED ARTICLE: A Portal to Another Realm?

"In this special featured article, Unearthly News contributor Peter Rosendaal describes some seemingly inexplicable occurrences that he has encountered in and around the doorway to his house..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: unearthlynews.com
Read more at unearthlynews.com >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Satellite Image Reveals Final Proof of Loch Ness Monster?

"So large that it can be seen from space, it is enough to send shockwaves through even the most cynical Nessie sceptic..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at yorkpress.co.uk

Haunting Image of 'Ghost' Discovered on Old Phone

"A family were spooked when they discovered ghostlike pictures of a little girl in Victorian costume shadowing them from room to room around a museum..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: yorkpress.co.uk
  Read more at yorkpress.co.uk >
Read more at openminds.tv

UFO Photobombs Selfie in the UK

"Just in time for Friday, a UFO apparently photobombed a party selfie in the UK..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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People Turn Off Streetlights with Their Bodies

"People all over the world have noticed that streetlights turn off when they get near them and turn back on when they’ve passed..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Oklahoman Shares Her Own Glimpse of Heaven

"...Oklahoma schoolteacher Crystal McVea says she found herself in heaven as a result of a health crisis in 2009..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: newsok.com
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Medium Warns Shadow People Are at Large

"Trisha Braden left scenic Monterrey, Calif., for the countryside of Alabama, but she took with her the shadows of an unseen world..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: kpopstarz.com
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Read more at brainerddispatch.com

Did This Man Meet an Angel?

"Larry Kvitek of Alexandria had an unusual encounter a couple of weeks ago. It all started when he came across a stranger in the parking lot of The Coffee Pot Café. The man came up to where Kvitek was parked and asked him for a ride to Walmart..."
Posted: 20 April 2014 - Category: Angel Encounters - Source: brainerddispatch.com
  Read more at brainerddispatch.com >
Read more at exopolitics.org

Marilyn Monroe Planned UFO Disclosure - New Evidence

"New evidence has just been released supporting the authenticity of a leaked CIA document allegedly of wiretaps of Marilyn Monroe and her friends shortly before her suspicious death on August 4, 1962..."
Posted: 17 April 2014 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: exopolitics.org
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Read more at motherboard.vice.com

The New UFO Hunters

"...UFO enthusiasts haven’t had the best reputation. Some groups are now trying to change that; they want to be taken seriously..."
Posted: 17 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: motherboard.vice.com
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Read more at telegraph.co.uk

'World's Most Haunted Island' Up for Auction

"Dubbed one of the most haunted places in the world, Poveglia, which was sealed off after it was hit by the plague, is to be sold off to raise money for Italy..."
Posted: 17 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: telegraph.co.uk
  Read more at telegraph.co.uk >
Read more at coventrytelegraph.net

Black Smoke UFO Ring Mystery Solved?

"The mystery surrounding a giant black smoke ring over Warwick appears to have been solved..."
Posted: 17 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: coventrytelegraph.net
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Read more at patheos.com

Celebrating Life, Preparing for Death

"How does your religion say you get to heaven?..."
Posted: 17 April 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: patheos.com
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Schoolgirl Takes Picture of 'Black Ring' UFO

"A schoolgirl was stunned when when she looked into the sky to see an enormous unexplained black ring..."
Posted: 15 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Surprising History Facts That Will Warp Your Sense of Time

"Humans have been fascinated by time ever since the discovery of the regular movement of the sun and stars. Despite this obsession, our perception of time can be very inaccurate as these 10 surprising facts will show..."
Posted: 15 April 2014 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: weather.com
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Read more at westerntelegraph.co.uk

Woodstock Woman's Close Encounter with Mystery UFO

"A young woman from a small north Pembrokeshire village believes she had a close encounter early this morning (Tuesday)..."
Posted: 15 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: westerntelegraph.co.uk
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Read more at 9news.com

Dead for Nearly Fifteen Minutes

"...One man from Boulder also says heaven is for real after his heart stopped cold for nearly 15 minutes last fall..."
Posted: 15 April 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: 9news.com
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Read more at bristolpost.co.uk

Dowsing for Ley Lines in Bristol

"I met expert dowser Rory Duff with very little knowledge of dowsing apart from cartoon images of a character walking along with a forked stick searching for water..."
Posted: 15 April 2014 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: bristolpost.co.uk
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Read more at buzzfeed.com

New Jersey’s Annual UFO Conference - The 57 Best Theories

"I went to the New Jersey Paranormal and Consciousness Conference last weekend. Here are the theories I heard, ranked worst to best..."
Posted: 15 April 2014 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: buzzfeed.com
  Read more at buzzfeed.com >
Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Demons, Djinn and UFOs

"...For those who are not familiar with the Djinn, they are ancient, supernatural creatures who, according to the Qur’an, are made of 'smokeless fire,' and are typically hostile, manipulative, and even deadly..."
Posted: 14 April 2014 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
  Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org >
Read more at theepochtimes.com

Into the Synapses of Mind Control

"The U.S. government has a strange and dark secret that was once hidden away—mind control experiments conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) beginning in the 1950s..."
Posted: 14 April 2014 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Remote Pyramid Built to Track the End of the World

"A huge pyramid in the middle of nowhere tracking the end of the world on radar. An abstract geometric shape beneath the sky without a human being in sight. It could be the opening scene of an apocalyptic science fiction film, but it's just the U.S. military going about its business, building vast and other-worldly architectural structures that the civilian world only rarely sees..."
Posted: 14 April 2014 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: gizmodo.com
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Read more at dailymail.co.uk

The Myth and Mystery Behind Australia's Monster the Yowie

"It's considered Australia's answer to the Loch Ness monster, with everyone from famous politicians to entire families having claimed to see the Yowie.
Posted: 14 April 2014 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at unearthlynews.com

FEATURED ARTICLE: Eight Reasons Why Everyone Should Believe in UFOs

"There are those who believe that we are being visited by craft from other worlds, and those who don’t. Here are eight reasons why perhaps everyone should believe in UFOs, at least a little bit..."
Posted: 13 April 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: unearthlynews.com
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Read more at phys.org

Cherry Tree from Space Mystery Baffles Japan

"A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed years earlier than expected—and with very surprising flowers..."
Posted: 12 April 2014 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: phys.org
  Read more at phys.org >
Read more at bournemouthecho.co.uk

Five Weird Dorset Legends You Might Not Know

"Dorset is home to some weird and wonderful tales. Here are five you really should know..."
Posted: 12 April 2014 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: bournemouthecho.co.uk
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Read more at newswithviews.com

'How I Met the Original Haunted Highwayman'

"Paranormal Witness, a Syfy network documentary television series made by a British production company, is described as featuring eyewitness testimony from everyday people who claim to have experienced paranormal activity..."
Posted: 12 April 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: newswithviews.com
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Read more at crossmap.christianpost.com

Mickey Rooney's Angel Encounter Story

"Legendary actor Mickey Rooney, one of Hollywood's last surviving stars of its classic era, passed away April 6th from natural causes. He was 93..."
Posted: 11 April 2014 - Category: Angel Encounters - Source: crossmap.christianpost.com
  Read more at crossmap.christianpost.com >

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