Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
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Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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UFOs Photographed During Missouri Storm

"At the beginning of the year, the Henrys have the film in their camera developed. Photos of the storm offered some surprises..."
Posted: 01 March 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: monett-times.com
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Read more at dailymail.co.uk

The Lost World of the Native Americans

"It was a mystery how the ancestors of Native Americans survived the Ice Age. But now a team of international scientists think they might have solved the mystery and it has to do with the ancient people living in a wooded tundra area after splitting from their Asian relatives 25,000 years ago..."
Posted: 01 March 2014 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com

Behind the Scenes at Phoenix's UFO Congress

"There's more to the UFO community than tales of lights in the sky and little green men. In this week's New Times cover story, Jason P. Woodbury examines the parts that make up the International UFO Congress, which is held outside Phoenix..."
Posted: 01 March 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com
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Read more at examiner.com

The Moody Blues Founder Reveals UFO Sightings

"Michael Pinder was affectionately labeled 'Micky the Moonboy' as a youth for his preoccupation of the moon, stars, music and electronics. But who could have predicted that a silly nickname perhaps more suited for a sci-fi cartoon superhero would actually forecast his destiny. Pinder’s fascination with the cosmos and a life-changing realization that we are not alone in the universe became the basis for composing intricate and surreal musical masterpieces..."
Posted: 01 March 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at nbcnews.com

Meteorite 'Fossils' Revive Debate Over Life on Mars

"Eighteen years after a Martian meteorite sparked a debate over alien-looking 'nanofossils,' researchers are reporting that different structures inside an even bigger space rock suggest biological processes might have been at work on the Red Planet hundreds of millions of years ago..."
Posted: 27 February 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: nbcnews.com
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Read more at wtvr.com

Couple Claims Chupacabra Killed Outside House

"An animal shot and killed outside a Texas couple’s home was a mythical Chupacabra, according to Doug and Lucy Ohrt. The Ohrts said their grandson shot the creature on their Texas ranch Sunday night..."
Posted: 27 February 2014 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: wtvr.com
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Read more at guardianlv.com

UFO Hoaxers Prepare Large-Scale Drone Launch

"...The believers and those interested in Ufology are going to have their hands full in April as hoaxers are preparing a massive prank, by launching flashy drones into the sky around the world in a large-scale attempt to fool many people into thinking that the apocalypse has come at last..."
Posted: 27 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: guardianlv.com
  Read more at guardianlv.com >
Read more at sevenoakschronicle.co.uk

Kent Ghostseekers Photograph Spooky Apparition

"A group of ghost hunters believe they found up to nine spirits inhabiting the Stag theatre during a paranormal pursuit last weekend..."
Posted: 27 February 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: sevenoakschronicle.co.uk
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Read more at blogs.capecodonline.com

Early UFO Accounts From Cape Cod

"Over the years, there have been many UFO accounts across Cape Cod. Perhaps our proximity to water and flat surfaces make us susceptible to these eyewitness reports..."
Posted: 27 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: blogs.capecodonline.com
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Valentine's Day UFO Photographed Over Italy

"A woman in Rivoli, Italy says she witnessed strange lights hovering over the town for around 3 hours on the evening of Valentine’s Day. She took several pictures and submitted them to the UFO Center Mediterranean (CUFOM) for evaluation..."
Posted: 26 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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New Twist In 'Haunted Pub' Mystery

"A pub in Bolton, UK, is allegedly haunted by a ghost, but paranormal researchers in Denver, Colo., are saying 'boo' to the surveillance tape of the alleged ghost sighting..."
Posted: 26 February 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Read more at examiner.com

UFO Videoed at Brazilian Motocross Event

"A new video published to YouTube on February 24, 2014, reveals how a stationary sports camera with an ultra wide-angle lens captured a daylight UFO incident during a motocross event in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Producer Mariva Brito states in the video description how the object appears to maneuver in a way inconsistent with known flight parameters for conventional aircraft..."
Posted: 26 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at wkyt.com

Teen Medium Uses Her Talent to Help Others

"...Amber takes you inside the Rohs theatre and the world of a central Kentucky teenager with the mysterious ability to communicate with those on the others side..."
Posted: 26 February 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: wkyt.com
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Read more at examiner.com

Disc UFO Photographed Over California

"A California witness at Fresno reported watching and photographing a disc-shaped UFO hovering about 1,000 feet overhead at First and Nees streets about 6:30 p.m. on February 24, 2014, according to testimony in Case 54277 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 26 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
  Read more at examiner.com >
Read more at examiner.co.uk

Finding Aliens Through Pollution

"Scientists will soon be able to look for life on other planets by checking out their pollution levels. This will be possible by the launch of a £1 billion European space telescope in 2024..."
Posted: 26 February 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: examiner.co.uk
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Read more at worldbulletin.net

Mars One Responds to Fatwa Against Living on Mars

"Mars One, a Dutch company that is planning to create a permanent human settlement on the planet Mars in 2023, has responded to criticisms in a religious ruling offered by Muslim scholars forbidding Muslims from participating in the project..."
Posted: 25 February 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: worldbulletin.net
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Read more at business-standard.com

Indian Air Force Scrambles Jet to Intercept UFO

"The Indian Air Force scrambled a Su-30MKI after its radars detected a slow moving unidentified flying object going towards Pakistan near Amritsar border and in the process, it came close to two civilian flights operating in that area..."
Posted: 25 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: business-standard.com
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Read more at bbc.co.uk

Biggest Observed Meteorite Impact Hits Moon

"Scientists say they have observed a record-breaking impact on the Moon. Spanish astronomers spotted a meteorite with a mass of about half a tonne crashing into the lunar surface last September..."
Posted: 25 February 2014 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: bbc.co.uk
  Read more at bbc.co.uk >
Read more at pjmedia.com

Near Death Experiences and Life Reviews

"Out-of-body experiences, tunnels, bright lights, deceased relatives, a being of light—and life reviews. These are the most commonly reported elements of near-death experiences. They have been reported now for decades from all over the world, across cultures and religions. Of all of them, the life review may be the most difficult to imagine and 'otherworldly'..."
Posted: 25 February 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: pjmedia.com
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Read more at ncregister.com

The Star of Bethlehem: A Myth? A UFO? Or Something Else?

"The Star of Bethlehem is endlessly fascinating. All kinds of theories about what it was have been proposed..."
Posted: 25 February 2014 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: ncregister.com
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Read more at leenks.com

The Most Unexplained Photos That Exist

"The Mysterious Hinterkaifeck Murders...The Phoenix Lights...Solway Firth Astronaut...The falling body..."
Posted: 24 February 2014 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: leenks.com
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Read more at chroniclelive.co.uk

UFOs, Hauntings and the Very Strange

"There is a world of the weird and wonderful, magical and mysterious and downright inexplicable here in the North East..."
Posted: 24 February 2014 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: chroniclelive.co.uk
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Read more at livemint.com

Witch Hunting - Victims of Superstition

"...The National Crime Records Bureau says 2,097 murders were committed between 2000 and 2012 where witch hunting was the motive..."
Posted: 24 February 2014 - Category: Witchcraft and Magic - Source: livemint.com
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Read more at centauri-dreams.org

SETI at the Particle Level

"...If SETI is giving us no evidence of extraterrestrials, maybe it's because we're looking on too large a scale. What if, in other words, truly advanced intelligence, having long ago taken to non-biological form, finds ways to maximize technology on the level of the very small?..."
Posted: 23 February 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: centauri-dreams.org
  Read more at centauri-dreams.org >
Read more at huffingtonpost.com

9 Signs Your Child Had a Past Life

"Does your 3-year-old have a strange understanding of the inner workings of the Titanic? Is your 6-year-old boy able to translate the words of Adolf Hitler? Does your 7-year-old girl say bizarre things about how she spied on you in a window from heaven before she was born? As strange as it sounds, some people believe those anecdotes are signs the kids were reincarnated..."
Posted: 23 February 2014 - Category: Reincarnation - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Read more at examiner.com

UFO Investigators Study Kentucky Ball of Light

"Reporting on 2014 UFO activity at a time when military drone technology is coming of age is tough business - as referenced in this February 21, 2014, testimony in Case 54192 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 23 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: examiner.com
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Read more at newzimbabwe.com

Man Stones Uncle to Death Over Witchcraft

"A GUTU man has been sentenced to life imprisonment for stoning his 71 year-old uncle to death, accusing him of practicing witchcraft in the family..."
Posted: 23 February 2014 - Category: Witchcraft and Magic - Source: newzimbabwe.com
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Read more at al-monitor.com

Palestinian Teen Dies in Exorcism

"...Israa Zourob, 17, died at the hands of one of these "therapists" on Feb. 2 in front of her parents and brother. Abu Khalil al-Zamili forced her to drink a liter of water mixed with half a kilogram of salt to expell the djinn that was possessing her..."
Posted: 23 February 2014 - Category: Demons and Possession - Source: al-monitor.com
  Read more at al-monitor.com >
Read more at openminds.tv

Farrakhan Asks President Obama to Open Up Area 51

"Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan asked that President Obama open up Area 51 to scientists in a sermon he gave on Saturday, February 15. It was the last of a yearlong sermon series titled, 'Time and What Must Be Done'..."
Posted: 23 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at lankaweb.com

Patients' Experiences of NDE

"During my medical career I have treated a number of terminally ill patients who were on the verge of death. Some of these patients described their bizarre experiences when they faced clinical death. Yet I don’t know these experiences were resulted by hypoxia of the brain or due to any other psycho-physiological reaction..."
Posted: 23 February 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: lankaweb.com
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Read more at io9.com

The Amazing Vanishing Asteroid

"Last night, a giant asteroid was supposed to streak by the Earth, close enough for us to catch a glimpse as it zipped by. Except it never showed, and now astronomers say they have no idea just where the 900-foot asteroid has gone..."
Posted: 21 February 2014 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: io9.com
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Read more at siliconindia.com

The 10 Most Haunted Railway Stations in the World

"...Of course, train stations are places that have hundreds or thousands of people passing through their doors. But there are few train stations in this world which are believed to be haunted..."
Posted: 21 February 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: siliconindia.com
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Read more at nj.com

Another Triangular UFO Spotted in Vineland

"The truth is out there, and it may have been found in Vineland. An unidentified resident was headed to sleep around midnight on Nov. 21, 2013 when they noticed bright lights outside of their window — a possible UFO sighting..."
Posted: 21 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: nj.com
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Read more at geekosystem.com

Michigan is Having a Bigfoot Moment

"Apparently, Michigan is just full of sasquatches. Pizza-eating, shape-shifting, urban sasquatches. The state might be in economic shambles, but according to these entirely credible reports, the Bigfoot business should be booming..."
Posted: 21 February 2014 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: geekosystem.com
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Read more at syracusenewtimes.com

Summary of International UFO Congress 2014

"I just returned from the International UFO Congress (IUFOC) near Phoenix, AZ. We spent the week in a lovely desert casino and resort. The presentations were polished, deeply interesting and certainly entertaining. As one of a dozen representatives of the press, I had the opportunity to privately interview a number of the speakers and a handful of interesting guests. I even got to interview a real Man-In-Black (A retired USAF Colonel)..."
Posted: 21 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: syracusenewtimes.com
  Read more at syracusenewtimes.com >
Read more at openminds.tv

Did NASA Destroy Evidence of Life on Mars?

"...Opportunity rover in 2004 took an image of a fascinating structure on Mars that shows structural features that are consistent with organisms on Earth known as crinoids ... Crinoids are echinoderms, like starfish ... so these are animals!..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at news.nationalgeographic.com

Are We Living in a Black Hole?

"Our universe may reside within a vast, black hole..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: news.nationalgeographic.com
  Read more at news.nationalgeographic.com >
Read more at laweekly.com

Doctor Visits Hellish Realm During Near Death Experience

"He was a selfish man, Dr. Rajiv Parti confesses, an arrogant, manipulative man. Until three years ago, when a near-death experience "changed my life forever." Speaking to a roomful of people gathered at a small church in Santa Monica for the Afterlife Convention, he hopes that they may learn from his mistakes..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: laweekly.com
  Read more at laweekly.com >
Read more at openminds.tv

3 Recent UFO Videos From Mexico

"Several interesting UFO videos have surfaced from Mexico in the last few weeks. The Epoch Times features them on a story about UFO videos from February of this year, although one of the videos was actually on the last day of January..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at kdvr.com

Man Dead for 45 Minutes Awoke After Seeing Afterlife

"Brian Miller was declared dead after suffering a massive heart attack at a Ohio hospital. Then to the surprise of nurses and doctors, after 45 minutes, his heart randomly started beating again. Miller, 41, told WJW-TV that while he was out, he saw a light and relatives who had passed away..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: kdvr.com
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Read more at fearnet.com

Haunted High School Spooks Students

"Eerie reports from students and faculty include urban legends surrounding the building's fourth floor, which is said to be inhabited by a thick mist, its ceilings dripping with ectoplasmic slime..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: fearnet.com
  Read more at fearnet.com >
Read more at theepochtimes.com

6 Best UFO Sightings This Month

"...Let’s start in Mexico, travel to New York, move on to the Space Station, then to the moon..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: theepochtimes.com
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Read more at livescience.com

Great Pyramid Vandalized to 'Prove' Conspiracy Theory

"Two German men who visited the Egyptian pyramids in April 2013 now face criminal charges for their attempt to prove their 'alternative history' conspiracy theories through vandalism. The men, Dominique Goerlitz and Stefan Erdmann, were joined by a third German, a filmmaker who accompanied them to document their 'discoveries'..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: livescience.com
  Read more at livescience.com >
Read more at costaricantimes.com

UFOs or Evidence of the Gods?

"Skeptics say that UFOs are no more than weather inversions, swamp gas, camera lens flares, etc…but, if we were to start gathering the evidence to present to the jury, let’s see what some of that evidence might be to make those skeptics think otherwise. You be the judge..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: costaricantimes.com
  Read more at costaricantimes.com >
Read more at worldbulletin.net

Muslim Scholars Issue Fatwa Against Living on Mars

"The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowment in the UAE has issued an fatwa (Islamic ruling) prohibiting Muslims from volunteering to live the rest of their lives on Mars..."
Posted: 20 February 2014 - Category: Life in Space - Source: worldbulletin.net
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Read more at policymic.com

What Mars Would Look Like if it Still Had Water

"What if? Mars is famous for its dusty, barren surface. But imagine if our Solar System contained another 'pale, blue dot.' What if Mars' valleys were full of flowing streams of liquid water, and its thin carbon dioxide-filled atmosphere was stuffed with fluffy white clouds made of vapor instead?..."
Posted: 18 February 2014 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: policymic.com
  Read more at policymic.com >
Read more at ibtimes.co.uk

Mysterious Ancient Village Near Jerusalem Discovered

"An ancient village dating to the third millennium BCE has been discovered on the 'Burma Road' in Israel, which leads to Jerusalem. The rural village, dating to around 2,300 BCE, is believed to have been abandoned at the end of the Hasmonean dynasty – about 37BCE – but why they left remains a mystery..."
Posted: 18 February 2014 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: ibtimes.co.uk
  Read more at ibtimes.co.uk >
Read more at triblive.com

History Channel Show to Feature MUFON Director

"John Ventre had no interest in unidentified flying objects until he decided to write a science fiction book about 17 years ago. The deeper he went in his research, the more evidence of UFOs he found..."
Posted: 18 February 2014 - Category: UFOs - Source: triblive.com
  Read more at triblive.com >
Read more at theblaze.com

Man Claims He Visited Heaven During NDE

"An Ohio man is claiming that he traveled to heaven and back again during a recent near-death experience..."
Posted: 18 February 2014 - Category: Life After Death - Source: theblaze.com
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Read more at detroit.curbed.com

Bigfoot Sighted on the Outskirts of Detroit

"If there's one thing fearsome creatures love, it's prancing around the rougher neighborhoods of Detroit..."
Posted: 18 February 2014 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: detroit.curbed.com
  Read more at detroit.curbed.com >

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