Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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'Time Crystals' Created in Two New Types of Materials

"It was only a matter of time. A weird form of matter called a time crystal has made an appearance in two more types of materials, doubling the number of known time crystal habitats..."
Posted: 05 May 2018 - Category: Weird Science - Source: sciencenews.org
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Read more at foxnews.com

Archaeologists Link Ancient Site to City of King David

"Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered an ancient site that may offer fresh insight into the ancient biblical kingdom of David and Solomon..."
Posted: 05 May 2018 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: foxnews.com
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Read more at dailygrail.com

Former President of Brazil Talks About His UFO Encounter on TV

"...A good example of this more open attitude toward UFOs is the recent appearance of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who was the president of Brazil from 1995 to 2003, on the late-night TV talk show Conversa com Bial (‘Chat with Bial’)..."
Posted: 05 May 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailygrail.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Can a Medieval Tapestry Help Find Planet Nine?

"Scientists have been looking to the past to help them determine the whereabouts of the elusive ninth planet..."
Posted: 05 May 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Amateur Astronomer Records Three 'UFOs' Flying Across the Moon

"An amateur astronomer has captured strange footage of three UFOs appearing to fly in formation in front of the moon..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at amp.livescience.com

Amazing Animation from the Surface of a Comet Released by ESA

"Look at this amazing GIF. That snowy-looking scene wasn't captured on Mount Everest, or in some canyon in Antarctica. That's the view from a lander on the surface of a comet..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: amp.livescience.com
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Berwyn Mountains 'UFO Crash' Map Revealed

"A map claiming to chart show a UFO crashed in one of North Wales' greatest mysteries has been revealed for the first time..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailypost.co.uk
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Scientists Discover 'Another Type of DNA' Inside Human Cells

"Scientists have identified an entirely new kind of DNA inside humans. This new DNA, known as the 'i-motif,' was suggested in previous research, but had only been identified under artificial conditions in a lab..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: Weird Science - Source: nypost.com
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Read more at washingtonpost.com

Trump Delays Full Release of JFK Assassination Files until 2021

"President Trump vowed last year to release all the long-secret files related to the JFK assassination, but the administration announced Thursday that some documents will remain redacted until October 2021 for national security reasons..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: washingtonpost.com
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Ethics Debate Rages as Pig Brains Kept Alive without a Body

"Researchers at Yale University have restored circulation to the brains of decapitated pigs, and kept the organs alive for several hours..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: Weird Science - Source: bbc.co.uk
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NASA and ESA Plan to Bring Martian Soil Samples Back to Earth

"Sophisticated laboratories aboard probes like the Curiosity Rover and the upcoming Insight Mars Lander can tell us much, but samples of Martian soil in terrestrial laboratories would open new worlds of exploration for scientists..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: digitaltrends.com
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'Giant Mouth' Spotted in Aerial Images of Sudan Desert

"Footage shows what appears to be a giant mouth in the middle of a Sudan village. Can you see the lips formation in the sand?..."
Posted: 29 April 2018 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: express.co.uk
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Indian Scientists Claim to Have Detected Extraterrestrial Bacteria

"The Indian Space Research Organization has claimed to have detected three types of bacteria which are so far not identified on earth. The experiment, conducted with the help of a high-altitude balloon..."
Posted: 25 April 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: sputniknews.com
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Unexplained 'Ghost Hand' Captured in Family Photo

"A mother claims the image of a 'dismembered hand' in a family photo 'points towards' a man who later died. Rhynnice Trelfa, 28, was enjoying a picnic with friends and family beside the Dovestones Reservoir in Greenfield, Manchester..."
Posted: 25 April 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at bridgwatermercury.co.uk

'Plummeting UFO' Caught on Video During Thunderstorm

"A reader captured a mysterious falling object during a storm in Bridgwater over the weekend. The storms hit Somerset on Saturday afternoon and megan Taylor caught some dramatic footage of lightning in the skies above the town..."
Posted: 25 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: bridgwatermercury.co.uk
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Read more at metro.co.uk

New Research Suggests Cosmos Filled with 'Alien Megastructures'

"Scientists have made a discovery which could be a crucial step towards proving that our universe is populated by vast numbers of advanced alien civilisations..."
Posted: 25 April 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: metro.co.uk
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Read more at au.be.yahoo.com

Duchess of Cornwall Recounts Ghostly Encounters at Eerie Mansion

"She's the no-nonsense Duchess who's the last person you'd expect to get spooked by ghosts. But Prince Charles' wife Camilla has spoken out about her terror over an eerie encounter at Dumfries house, the stately Scottish home belonging to her husband..."
Posted: 25 April 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: au.be.yahoo.com
  Read more at au.be.yahoo.com >
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Spooky Quantum Entanglement 'Goes Big' in New Experiments

"Quantum entanglement has left the realm of the utterly minuscule, and crossed over to the just plain small. Two teams of researchers report that they have generated ethereal quantum linkages..."
Posted: 25 April 2018 - Category: Weird Science - Source: sciencenews.org
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'Rotten Egg Gas' Discovered Around Planet Uranus

"The planet Uranus has clouds made up of hydrogen sulphide, the gas that gives rotten eggs their unpleasant smell..."
Posted: 25 April 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Ex Air Force Pilot Recalls '8000mph UFO' Encounter

"A retired Air Force officer claims the UK government is hiding proof of extraterrestrial life and has spilled the beans on his own encounter..."
Posted: 21 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at express.co.uk

Woman 'Communicates with Other Side' Following NDE

"A woman who temporarily died and went to the afterlife now says that she is contacted by the 'other side' following her near death experience..."
Posted: 21 April 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: express.co.uk
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Royal Canadian Mint Issues Coin Celebrating 1967 UFO Incident

"Canada's most famous UFO sighting near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, occurred on May 20, 1967, when according to Stefan Michalak's account, two glowing objects descended from the sky, one landing close enough for him to approach..."
Posted: 21 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: coinworld.com
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Read more at scientificamerican.com

Scientists Court Controversy by Growing Human Brains in Mice

"The mice behaved just like others of their kind, as far as scientists could tell, and they also looked the same—except for the human mini brain that had been implanted into each rodent’s own cortex, made visible by a little clear cover replacing part of their skull..."
Posted: 21 April 2018 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: scientificamerican.com
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Mysterious 'Purple Beams' Spotted in Arizona Skies

"Video footage uploaded to YouTube Tuesday is catching buzz after showing purple beams of light coming from the skies of Arizona while unidentified flying objects hover in the background..."
Posted: 21 April 2018 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: sputniknews.com
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Meteorite Diamonds 'Came from Lost Planet'

"A diamond-bearing space rock that exploded in Earth's atmosphere in 2008 was part of a lost planet from the early Solar System, a study suggests..."
Posted: 21 April 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at edition.cnn.com

Colossal Statue of 'Forgotten' Pharaoh Brought to Life in 3D Images

"When a huge statue of a pharaoh was uncovered last year in Matariya, a working-class suburb of Cairo that was once the ancient city of Heliopolis, the press eagerly greeted it as a depiction of the great Ramses II, one of ancient Egypt's most famous rulers..."
Posted: 21 April 2018 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: edition.cnn.com
  Read more at edition.cnn.com >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

'Haunted Garage' Spotted by Police in Spooky CCTV Footage

"CCTV footage has revealed a haunting truth about what happened in a police station car park overnight. The strange video shows the moment the garage door opened on its own accord, before a broom flies out..."
Posted: 16 April 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at berkshireeagle.com

Town Plans to Move UFO Monument, Original Witness Unhappy

"A memorial marking the location of a 1969 close encounter, known as 'our nation's first off-world/UFO incident,' is going to be moved. Again..."
Posted: 16 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: berkshireeagle.com
  Read more at berkshireeagle.com >
Read more at gloucestershirelive.co.uk

Drone Camera Captures 'Ghost Riding Horse' Through Castle

"A camera enthusiast is convinced he has captured the ghost of a knight on horseback galloping through the courtyard of a Gloucestershire castle..."
Posted: 16 April 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: gloucestershirelive.co.uk
  Read more at gloucestershirelive.co.uk >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Mystery Booms in US Spark Secret Underground Base Theories

"Bizarre new footage has emerged from Cleveland, Ohio, US, that shows a CCTV recording of one of these mysterious occurrences..."
Posted: 16 April 2018 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

UK Celebrity Katie Price Catches 'Footage of Ghost' at Her Mansion

"She took to Instagram on Sunday morning, where she shared a brief clip of nocturnal footage from the previous night..."
Posted: 16 April 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at 10tv.com

NASA Spacecraft Aims to Put Mystery Planets on Galactic Map

"...The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite — Tess for short — is embarking Monday on a two-year quest to find and identify mystery worlds thought to be lurking in our cosmic backyard..."
Posted: 16 April 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: 10tv.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

'Freeze-dried Death' Could Replace Cremation, Claims Its Creator

"A controversial burial method that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze and disintegrate a dead body is being heralded as the future of cremation by its creator..."
Posted: 16 April 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at chicagotribune.com

Paranormal Radio Pioneer Art Bell, Dead at 72

"Art Bell, a radio host best known for a paranormal-themed nightly show syndicated on hundreds of stations in the 1990s, died at his home in southern Nevada, authorities said Saturday..."
Posted: 15 April 2018 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: chicagotribune.com
  Read more at chicagotribune.com >
Read more at openminds.tv

FAA Releases Audio and Radar of Multiple Pilot UFO Encounter

"A few weeks ago a story about a UFO encounter by pilots over Arizona and New Mexico made headlines. While this encounter was impressive, the journalist who broke that story has a much more exciting case involving many more pilot witnesses and the scrambling of jets..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at inverse.com

Scientists Find a New Clue in the 'Martian Mega Impact' Mystery

"A mineral found in Earth’s mantle could help scientists better understand a hypothetical scenario that asks if Mars was sucker-punched by a massive object, sending pieces of it flying across the solar system..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: inverse.com
  Read more at inverse.com >
Read more at au.be.yahoo.com

'UFO' Filmed in the Sky over Turkey

"A Facebook group, called 'Ufo Türkiye. Turkey' uploaded a mind-blowing video to the page, which has over 17,000 views and nearly 300,000 shares..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: au.be.yahoo.com
  Read more at au.be.yahoo.com >
Read more at space.com

NASA Video Journeys over Jupiter's Monster Polar Storms

"The massive cyclones that swirl near Jupiter's north pole glow like lava in a gorgeous new 3D flyover video captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: space.com
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Read more at spacedaily.com

Psychologists Say SETI 'Will Never Make Contact with Aliens'

"A group of psychologists say scientists will never make contact with aliens because aliens are likely to use communications based on unknown physical principles. They also say scientists are prone to so-called inattentional blindness..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: spacedaily.com
  Read more at spacedaily.com >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

'Trumpet-like Sounds' Recorded over Hawaii

"Could it be a sign of the end of time? A strange trumpet sound was heard in Hawaii last week - leaving people wondering whether or not it could be a sign of a coming apocalypse..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
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Survey Reveals How Many American Adults Have Seen a 'UFO'

"Late last month, two commercial pilots flying over the Arizona desert reported seeing an unidentified flying object pass overhead. Few Americans claim to have ever seen, or know someone who has seen, a UFO..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: rasmussenreports.com
  Read more at rasmussenreports.com >
Read more at duluthnewstribune.com

'Boy Who Came Back From Heaven' Now Wants His Day in Court

"On Nov. 14, 2004, as 6-year-old Alex Malarkey drove home with his father Kevin in rural Ohio, a left turn nearly took his life. As Kevin turned the car it collided with another vehicle, and the boy's skull became completely detached from his spinal cord..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: duluthnewstribune.com
  Read more at duluthnewstribune.com >
Read more at stltoday.com

Buzz Aldrin UFO Sighting is 'Fabrication', Says Spokeswoman

"The view from the lunar landing module on July 20, 1969, was - in mankind's best guess - the first time a living being traveled to another celestial body to observe the luminous blue planet shrouded in the seemingly infinite darkness of space..."
Posted: 13 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: stltoday.com
  Read more at stltoday.com >
Read more at perthnow.com.au

Buzz Aldrin Passes 'Lie Detector' Test over Moon UFO Sighting

"Legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin passed a lie-detector test over claims he's encountered alien life, reports claim. Aldrin, the second man on the moon, and four others gave accounts of their sightings under strict lab conditions..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: perthnow.com.au
  Read more at perthnow.com.au >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

'Ghosts of Two Brothers' Caught on Camera at 'Haunted' Castle

"A group of friends say they were left absolutely terrified after capturing a haunting picture they believe shows two brothers who committed suicide..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at sivtimes.com

'Rectangular Object' Spotted in Chinese Moon Photos

"Popular Scottish ufologist George Graham, who discovered the photos of the moon many amazing anomalies shared with your subscribers information about your new discovery..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: sivtimes.com
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Read more at odditycentral.com

Boy Allegedly Lights up LED Light Bulbs Through Touch

"A 9-year-old boy from Kerala, in India, has become a social media sensation after videos of him lighting rechargeable LED light bulbs just by touching their electrical contacts with any part of his body went viral online..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: odditycentral.com
  Read more at odditycentral.com >
Read more at charlotteobserver.com

'V-shaped UFO' Recorded over North Carolina

"Video of yet another claimed UFO sighting over North Carolina has hit YouTube, this time in Columbus, a Polk County town 85 miles west of Charlotte..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: charlotteobserver.com
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Read more at news.nationalgeographic.com

Huge Dinosaur Footprints Discovered on Scottish Coast

"More than 160 million years ago, long-necked dinosaurs called sauropods lumbered through the ancient lagoons that dotted what is now Great Britain..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: news.nationalgeographic.com
  Read more at news.nationalgeographic.com >
Read more at nbcnews.com

Company Aims to Launch 'Luxury Space Hotel' within Four Years

"If road trips, theme parks, and beach resorts just don't do it for you, how about a stay in a swanky space hotel?..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: nbcnews.com
  Read more at nbcnews.com >

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