Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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Dozen Black Holes Found at Galactic Centre

"A dozen black holes may lie at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way, researchers have said. A new analysis provides support for a decades-old prediction..."
Posted: 08 April 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at sputniknews.com

'UFO' Close Encounter with Plane Caught on Video

"An Argentinian veteran pilot filmed two UFOs out of his cockpit which had passed dangerously close to his private plane, cutting through dense clouds; one craft moved twice from one side to the other before it disappeared from sight..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: sputniknews.com
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Read more at livescience.com

How to Track the Chinese Space Station's Plunge to Earth

"It's time to grab the popcorn: The Chinese space station Tiangong-1 is plummeting back to Earth this weekend, and anyone with an internet connection can track the fiery demise live online..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: livescience.com
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Read more at star-telegram.com

Reward Offered for Return of Stolen 'UFO Alien Grave' Marker

"A Dallas lawyer is offering $1,000 for the return of a grave marker stolen from a cemetery in the small Texas city of Aurora where, according to local legend, the remains of an alien killed in a UFO crash were buried..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: Otherworldly Beings - Source: star-telegram.com
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Archaeologists Find 'Oldest Human Footprints' in North America

"Archaeologists in Canada have discovered dozens of ancient footprints that might be the earliest known evidence of human migration in North America..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: bgr.com
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

Co-ordinates of Pyramid Match the Speed of Light - Coincidence?

"Researchers believe extraterrestrials left one vital clue in its design in Giza, Egypt – its co-ordinates. The speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second and the geographic co-ordinates for the Great Pyramid are 29.9792458°N..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at phys.org

Is There Life Adrift in the Clouds of Venus?

"In the search for extraterrestrial life, scientists have turned over all sorts of rocks. Mars, for example, has geological features that suggest it once had—and still has—subsurface liquid water, an almost sure prerequisite for life..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: phys.org
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'Ghostly Galaxy' May Be Missing Dark Matter

"An unusually transparent galaxy about the size of the Milky Way is prompting new questions for astrophysicists..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Scientists Aim to Find Out If Our Brains Are Quantum Computers

"It's possible that our own human brains are capable of performing advanced quantum computing calculations - and now scientists are conducting a series of detailed experiments to try and find out for sure..."
Posted: 31 March 2018 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: sciencealert.com
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Pilots on Two Separate Aircraft Report 'UFO' High Above Arizona

"Pilots on two separate aircraft reported an unidentified flying object high over southern Arizona last month. One of them, a commercial pilot flying a passenger jet for American Airlines, said the object was above 40,000 feet and 'had a big reflection'..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: aol.com
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

'Ghost of 17th Century Soldier' Snapped at 'Haunted' Cemetery

"An uncanny figure appearing in images from a 'haunted' cemetery may be that of a soldier from the 1600s, it has been claimed..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Read more at independent.co.uk

'Out-of-control' Space Station Will 'Crash to Earth' over Easter

"China’s out-of-control space station will crash to Earth over the Easter weekend, according to experts. Engineers have refined their predictions of when the Tiangong-1 satellite will finally leave orbit..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: independent.co.uk
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Read more at washingtonpost.com

'Flat-earth' Believer Launches Himself in Homemade Rocket

"Mike Hughes, a California man who is most known for his belief that the Earth is shaped like a Frisbee, finally blasted off into the sky in a steam-powered rocket he had built himself..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: washingtonpost.com
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Origin of 'Six-inch Mummy' Confirmed

"Tests on a six-inch-long mummified skeleton from Chile confirm that it represents the remains of a newborn with multiple mutations in key genes..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: Otherworldly Beings - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Freak Orange Snowstorms Hit Four Countries

"A freak weather incident turned snow an eerie shade of orange in at least four countries. The bizarre phenomenon has been reported in cities in Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Romania and footage of the strange snow quickly went viral..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >
Read more at dailyrecord.co.uk

Two 'UFOs' Caught on Video Flying Past Military Helicopter

"A pair of 'UFOs' zoom past a military helicopter as it hovers over a sinking ship off the French coast. The silver disc-shaped objects were caught on camera by a local news crew who were filming the Spanish vessel after it smashed into rocks..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailyrecord.co.uk
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Read more at defenseone.com

US Military Making Lasers to Create Voices Out of Thin Air

"Within three years, the Pentagon's non-lethal weapons lab hopes to have a direct energy weapon that can produce an effect like a haunted walkie-talkie or the biblical burning bush..."
Posted: 26 March 2018 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: defenseone.com
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Read more at news4jax.com

Mysterious Sea Creature Washes Ashore on Georgia Coastline

"A mysterious sea creature washed ashore in St. Simons Island and it has beachgoers scratching their heads. Jeff Warren and his son were at Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge just north of St. Simons Island in Georgia Friday when they came upon the creature on a barrier island..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: news4jax.com
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Read more at express.co.uk

'Giant Footprint' Found Imprinted on Mattress in US Wilderness

"Stunning new evidence which proves the existence of Bigfoot has been found in the US wilderness, a sasquatch hunter claims..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at popculture.com

Toddler Spots Something 'Spooky' in the Corner, Dad Sees Nothing

"After capturing footage of his 2-year-old daughter saying she saw something 'spooky' in the corner of their family home, an Alabama dad believes it’s time for his family to now move..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: popculture.com
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Read more at express.co.uk

International Space Station Feed Shows 'UFOs' in Earth Orbit

"UFOS are monitoring the International Space Station (ISS) according to shock claims after three 'mysterious craft' were apparently recorded during a NASA live feed..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Gorilla Filmed Walking Like a Human

"Zookeepers say Louis the gorilla can often be seen walking on twos when his hands are full of snacks - or when the ground is muddy (so he doesn't get his hands dirty)..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: ndtv.com
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Read more at techtimes.com

Scientists Detect Strongest Mysterious 'Fast Radio Burst' Signal

"Fast radio bursts or radio waves originating from space have always been a mystery for scientists. The brightest fast radio burst signal so far was detected from Australia this month..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: techtimes.com
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Hawking Spent Final Days Solving Parallel Universe Mystery

"Stephen Hawking pushed off of this mortal coil last week, but the world-famous physicist was pondering some of humanity's most puzzling questions right up until the end..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: Time and Dimensional Travel - Source: bgr.com
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'Demon House' Documentary Explores 'Portal to Hell'

"People around the world were captivated by the story of the Gary 'demon house,' where a woman and her three children claimed to be possessed by demonic spirits who made one child levitate and another walk backwards up a wall..."
Posted: 20 March 2018 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: nwitimes.com
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Shadow of 'UFO' Filmed Passing the Moon

"Paranormal investigators are looking at footage which seems to show a black UFO passing the Moon. The footage was sent to the US-based Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world's largest organisation dedicated to alien and UFO research, which is investigating..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: express.co.uk
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Footage Shows Taxi Crash into Tree after 'Ghostly Attack'

"A taxi veers from the road into a tree after a mysterious shadowy figure appears to strike the vehicle in footage caught on a dashcam. In the video, uploaded to YouTube, the red vehicle is seen being filmed by the dashcam of a car travelling behind it..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: express.co.uk
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Bavarian Cone-headed Women Had 'Vastly Different Genetics'

"cientists have finally cracked the mystery of the 1,500-year-old egg-shaped skulls found in Bavaria almost five decades ago. The 'alien-like,' elongated crania were unlike anything seen in northern Europe at that time..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: rt.com
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7% of Astronaut's DNA Permanently Changed after Living in Space

"Spending time in space permanently changes your genes, a shock new Nasa study has revealed. Astronaut Scott Kelly now has different DNA to his identical twin brother after spending just a year in space, scientists found..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at space.com

NASA Shapes Science Plan for Deep-space Outpost Near the Moon

"NASA is pressing forward on plans to build a Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway, an outpost for astronauts positioned in the space near Earth's moon..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: space.com
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Brain 'Back-up' Company Aims to Scan Brains into Computers

"A start-up that claims it will one day allow people to back-up their brains admits it will come at the ultimate price: death..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: bbc.co.uk
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Read more at inverse.com

Why Stephen Hawking Urged Humanity to Leave Earth

"Stephen Hawking died at age 76 on Wednesday, his family announced in a statement. The famed British physicist, whose theories on black hole radiation and cosmology transformed him into a household name, died peacefully in his Cambridge home..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: inverse.com
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Read more at buzzfeed.com

Dog with Human-like Face Confounds Onlookers

"Meet Yogi, the Shih-poo who looks like a person. This is Yogi, a 1-year-old Shih-poo who is going viral because of his incredibly humanlike face..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: buzzfeed.com
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Read more at cbc.ca

Bomb Squad Called in after Ghost-hunting Device is Misidentified

"It turns out a small black box with a dangling red wire and little blue light investigated by Windsor's bomb squad Tuesday isn't actually dangerous — at least to the living..."
Posted: 16 March 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: cbc.ca
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Read more at inverse.com

Latest 'To the Stars' Video Depicts Fast Moving 'UFO' over Ocean

"New footage depicting a UFO was released by former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge's extraterrestrial research institute To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA) on Friday..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: inverse.com
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Read more at monstersandcritics.com

500-year-old Gemstone Uncovered on Mysterious 'Oak Island'

"reasure has finally been found on The Curse of Oak Island — in the form of a brooch containing a 500-year-old faceted red gemstone..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: monstersandcritics.com
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Read more at abc.net.au

Farmer Loses Six Cows in a Single Lightning Strike

"A Beaudesert farmer has found six cows lying dead, all in a straight line, after thunderstorms in south-east Queensland..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: abc.net.au
  Read more at abc.net.au >
Read more at theguardian.com

Chinese Space Station to 'Crash' into Earth, No-one Knows Where

"China's first space station is expected to come crashing down to Earth within weeks, but scientists have not been able to predict where the 8.5-tonne module will hit..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: theguardian.com
  Read more at theguardian.com >
Read more at infosurhoy.com

Mysterious 'Monster Fish' Washed Ashore On Australian Beach

"A massive, odd-looking fish was found washed ashore on a beach in Australia and it has captured the attention of many, with some suggesting it could be the ancient and mysterious coelacanth. What is it?..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: infosurhoy.com
  Read more at infosurhoy.com >
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Singer Kim Wilde Says UFO Sighting Helped to Inspire Her Music

"80's icon Kim Wilde is back in the music business, and she's revealed that it's not just the memories of shoulder pads and giant hair that have tempted her into make a new album..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: metro.co.uk
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Loyal Dog Refuses to Leave Hospital Where Owner Died

"A pet dog whose owner was fatally stabbed has made a home for himself in front of the hospital where the man died..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: independent.co.uk
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Peruvian Mummies 'Are Not Human', Claims Scientist

"A scientist has claimed that strange 'alien' remains unearthed in Nazca, Peru are 'not human' – but have a 'different' anatomic structure..."
Posted: 12 March 2018 - Category: Otherworldly Beings - Source: metro.co.uk
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NASA Accused of Alien 'Cover-up' by Scientist

"Nasa has been accused of covering up the existence of alien life on Mars. Barry DiGregorio, a researcher at Buckingham University, said Nasa’s Mars Rover found traces of alien lifeforms on Mars but did not investigate them properly..."
Posted: 06 March 2018 - Category: Life in Space - Source: metro.co.uk
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Read more at express.co.uk

Attempted Murder Victim Felt 'Like a Cloud' During NDE

"A woman who was nearly strangled to death in an attempted murder has described the moment she clinically died before being brought back to life..."
Posted: 06 March 2018 - Category: Life After Death - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at piratefm.co.uk

Oddly Shaped 'UFO' Spotted on Google Maps over Cornwall

"Is it a bird, is it a plane, or has a UFO been spotted in the skies above Cornwall? Well that's what one man thinks may have been caught on camera above Penryn..."
Posted: 06 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: piratefm.co.uk
  Read more at piratefm.co.uk >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Triangular Shaped Object Spotted Flying over the Moon?

"Footage of a triangular-shaped UFO is 'proof' of an air base on the moon, say conspiracy theorists..."
Posted: 06 March 2018 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at sciencealert.com

Mysterious Anomaly Under Africa Weakens Earth's Magnetic Field

"Above our heads, something is not right. Earth's magnetic field is in a state of dramatic weakening – and according to mind-boggling new research, this phenomenal disruption is part of a pattern lasting for over 1,000 years..."
Posted: 06 March 2018 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: sciencealert.com
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Read more at newsweek.com

'Ball Lightning' Replicated Using Strange Quantum Materials

"Scientists have finally succeeded in producing a strange phenomenon they've been hunting for more than 50 years now. Called a Shankar skyrmion, it's a knot of matter looped together by twisted magnetic fields that, just like a giant tangle of yarn, often only gets tighter when you pull on a string..."
Posted: 06 March 2018 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: newsweek.com
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Read more at sciencealert.com

Alien-like Underground Plant Rediscovered after 150 years

"Thismia neptunis is a fickle plant. Living underground, it only shows its face to flower for a few weeks a year, and when you live in the remote jungles of Malaysia, it might be a while between human visits..."
Posted: 06 March 2018 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: sciencealert.com
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Read more at dailystar.co.uk

CCTV Footage Captures 'Ghost' Dropping Phone at 'Haunted' Pub

"The chilling footage – taken at Jamaica Inn in Cornwall – shows barmaid April clearing up for the night. As she washes some beer trays, a wall phone behind her falls off its stand – seemingly of its own accord..."
Posted: 01 March 2018 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >

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