Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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Bone-Sniffing Dogs to Hunt for Amelia Earhart's Remains

"Nearly 80 years ago, on July 2, 1937, Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan took off from Lae, New Guinea, in a Lockheed Electra 10E on one of the last legs of their around-the-world flight..."
Posted: 22 June 2017 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: news.nationalgeographic.com
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Read more at bismarcktribune.com

Former Air Force Crew Commander Tells of UFO Cover-up in Book

"Capt. David D. Schindele was a Minuteman I intercontinental ballistic missile launch crew commander in the Minot Air Force Base missile field when he experienced a situation in which a flying object took down all 10 of the nuclear-tipped missiles he was responsible for, causing them to be unlaunchable. That was 50 years ago..."
Posted: 18 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: bismarcktribune.com
  Read more at bismarcktribune.com >
Read more at nytimes.com

Study Aims to Prove That Animals Can Predict Earthquakes

"After a series of powerful earthquakes struck Italy last year, Martin Wikelski rushed here to test a hunch that has tantalized scientists and thinkers for millenniums: Can animals anticipate natural disasters?..."
Posted: 18 June 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: nytimes.com
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Read more at openminds.tv

Witness Claims Military Jets Chased 'Sphere UFO'

"A Georgia witness at TyTy reported watching a group of military jets that appeared to be escorting a red-orange sphere at about 600 feet in altitude, according to testimony in Case 82496 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 18 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at dailygalaxy.com

China's Scientists Create 'Spooky' Entanglement in Space

"In a new study in the journal Science, Jian-Wei Pan, a physicist at the University of Science and Technology of China reports that his team was able to entangle photons aboard a satellite 300 miles above Earth and then beam those particles to three ground stations across China..."
Posted: 18 June 2017 - Category: Weird Science - Source: dailygalaxy.com
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Read more at openminds.tv

SETI Scientists Argue 'Wow! Signal' Still Unidentified

"In 1977, scientists working on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) recorded an unusually strong radio signal, the origin of which many scientists believe has not been explained..."
Posted: 18 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

'Head Transplant' Surgeon Reveals Progress

"Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero has managed to sever and reconnect the spinal cords of nine mice..."
Posted: 18 June 2017 - Category: Weird Science - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

New 'Leaked' Roswell Documents Being Examined by Researchers

"Paranormal radio show host Heather Wade insists she has seen a top secret report on the alleged incident in New Mexico, USA..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at statesman.com

'Bigfoot Footprints' Captured by Texan Park Ranger Surveillance

"An unknown creature may be exploring parks in Round Rock, according to city officials. Photos posted to the Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department’s Facebook page reveal some rather large, semi-human footprints — which means Bigfoot may be, well, afoot in Williamson County..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: statesman.com
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Read more at newsweek.com

Elon Musk Reveals His Vision for a SpaceX City on Mars

"Elon Musk has revealed his vision for what a SpaceX city on Mars would look like, saying he wants people to believe setting up a colony on the Red Planet will be possible within our lifetimes..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: newsweek.com
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Read more at inquisitr.com

'Missing 411' Documentary Details Mysterious Human Vanishings

"Missing 411, a gripping documentary based on the David Paulides book series, is now available on VOD. Missing 411 follows the Tribal Bigfoot author as he investigates several mysterious disappearances that have occurred in national forests and parks all across North America over the past several decades..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: inquisitr.com
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Read more at express.co.uk

Researchers Claim '99.9% Certainty' over Noah's Ark Find

"For millennia, scientists and Christians alike have been searching for evidence the story was in fact gospel. A team of evangelical Christian explorers found what they claim is '99.9 per cent' certainly evidence of Noah’s Ark beneath snow and volcanic debris on Mount Ararat in Turkey..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at dailyrecord.co.uk

'100 Foot Long UFO' Witnessed over Residential Area

"A Bannockburn woman who spotted a UFO flying over the town says she has been left unable to sleep at night. The Stirling Observer reported last week that the eagle-eyed stargazer spotted the unfamiliar craft hovering between houses on Thursday, March 16 this year..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailyrecord.co.uk
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Read more at craveonline.com

Nannies Scared Away by 'Supernatural Incidents' at Scottish House

"Sooner or later parents are going to need a nanny to look after their kids at times and that’s why nannies are reached out to. Well one Scottish couple is looking for a nanny for their two kids, aged five and seven. Oh, and they are offering $84k. Seems like a good deal, right? That is if you’re also a ghost hunter..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: craveonline.com
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Read more at reuters.com

Spanish Firm Makes Unsettlingly Realistic Android Doll Babies

"Want a doll that looks, moves and feels almost exactly like a newborn? Or how about a baby Avatar, or a half human-half piglet? The whole range was on display at a trade fair in Bilbao, northern Spain showcasing 'Reborn Babies'..."
Posted: 15 June 2017 - Category: Weird Science - Source: reuters.com
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Read more at newsweek.com

Russian Scientists Claim Alien Life May Exist on the ISS

"Russia has begun testing samples from the outside of the International Space Station, believing that they may contain traces of extraterrestrial life..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: newsweek.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

Mystery 'Ape' Filmed in Californian Woodland

"Wildlife authorities have been investigating the recent sighting of an ape-like creature in California..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at hindustantimes.com

Joker Actor Jared Leto Claims His Converted Home Is Haunted

"Jared Leto says his house is haunted but he likes living in it. The Suicide Squad actor lives in a converted Air Force base in the Hollywood Hills and believes the estate is inhabited by ghosts, reported ES magazine..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: hindustantimes.com
  Read more at hindustantimes.com >
Read more at express.co.uk

Seizures Blamed on 'Demonic Possession' at Peruvian School

"Medical professionals are struggling to provide an explanation as to what caused the phenomena which saw 80 students at the Elsa Perea Flores school in Tarapoto, northern Peru, faint and have seizures, with some of them uncontrollably screaming..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Demons and Possession - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at indiantribune.com

NASA Unveils Six-wheeled Mars Rover with Full Laboratory

"The US space agency NASA has finally revealed a new Mars rover concept vehicle. A few days back, this vehicle was spotted at the Kennedy space center visitor complex..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: indiantribune.com
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Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Film Animates Thousands of Images to Recreate Apollo Missions

"It is a stunning new view of one of mankind's greatest achievements. A new short film has used digital effects to turn thousands of NASA images of the Apollo missions into a short film..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at seeker.com

Relics of Italian Saint 'Go Missing'

"When pilgrims lined up in a church in northern Italy to pray before the relic of St. John Bosco, the revered founder of the Salesian religious order, on Saturday (June 3), they encountered a sign with an unexpected message: 'Closed. Under construction'..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: seeker.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

'Black Panther' Sighted in British Woodland

"Emma Adam had been out walking in woods near the town of Ashby when she encountered a large black cat. The 29-year-old had been enjoying a stroll with her mother-in-law at dusk on Saturday, May 27 when they came across a large black creature that was feasting on something it had caught..."
Posted: 11 June 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
Read more at coasttocoastam.com

'Eerie Energy' Filmed During Hailstorm

"A puzzling piece of footage from Ohio appears to show some kind of strange energy moving across the sky in the midst of a hail storm..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at freecharm.com

'New Form of UFO' Filmed in Bermuda Triangle

"A new type of UFO has been discovered, and filmed multiple times, in Puerto Rico. One researcher, Joshua P. Warren, thinks it may be a living organism, so he calls it an 'Organic UFO,' or 'OUFO'..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: freecharm.com
  Read more at freecharm.com >
Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Thirteen Cows Mysteriously Jump Off a Cliff in Switzerland

"Farmers in the village of Levron in Switzerland are trying to determine why 13 young cows mysteriously jumped off of a cliff to their deaths — except for one late-jumper that survived by landing on the others..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
  Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org >
Read more at livescience.com

Ancient Metal Mask Among the Oldest Finds in South America

"An ancient, rectangular copper mask recently found in the southern Andes in Argentina is about 3,000 years old — one of the oldest human-made metal object from South America..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: livescience.com
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Read more at theatlantic.com

Scientists Find the Oldest Known Human Fossils

"The 300,000-year-old bones and stone tools were discovered in a surprising place—and could revise the history of our species..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: theatlantic.com
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Read more at huffingtonpost.com

NASA Scientists Baffled by Mysterious Pit Photographed on Mars

"While it’s been said that the moon is made of cheese, we know, of course, that particular dairy product was never discovered on our close lunar neighbor. But what about a place on Mars that looks like it’s made of Swiss cheese?..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: huffingtonpost.com
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Read more at metro.co.uk

Mystery over Wooden Circles Found Near Stonehenge

"Mystery surrounds these wooden circles found near Stonehenge after it was revealed they are 800 years older than scientists had thought..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: metro.co.uk
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Read more at coasttocoastam.com

Source of the 'Wow!' Signal Found?

"As we approach the 40th anniversary of the legendary 'Wow!' signal, a new study appears to have finally determined its origin..."
Posted: 08 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: coasttocoastam.com
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Read more at sciencealert.com

Academics Ponder the Possibility of Hibernating Digital Aliens

"As the Fermi paradox states, the Universe is a vast, unknowable space, filled with trillions upon trillions of potentially habitable planets, so... where are all the aliens?.."
Posted: 05 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: sciencealert.com
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Read more at christiantoday.com

Survey Finds More British People Believe in Aliens than Ghosts

"More people do not believe in life after death than those who do believe in it, a new survey has showed. Some 34 per cent believe in life after death while 36 per cent do not and 30 per cent are undecided, according to the survey conducted by BMI research..."
Posted: 05 June 2017 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: christiantoday.com
  Read more at christiantoday.com >
Read more at independent.co.uk

Scientists Gather to Define the Exact Moment of Death

"Only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. Or so we thought. For, while it might be everyone’s ultimate fate, establishing whether someone has actually ceased to be is a source of some uncertainty, according to world-leading experts on the subject..."
Posted: 05 June 2017 - Category: Life After Death - Source: independent.co.uk
  Read more at independent.co.uk >
Read more at dailymail.co.uk

Stunning Jupiter Flyover Movie Created Out of Probe Photos

"A new video stitching together over 2,000 still frames reconstructed from a recent flyover of Jupiter has revealed a breathtaking new look at the largest planet in our solar system..."
Posted: 05 June 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Read more at dorsetecho.co.uk

Crop Circle Sightings in Dorset Leave Spotters Baffled

"Are we alone in Dorset? Crop circles in the countryside have sparked thoughts that something may have attracted an extra-terrestrial visitor..."
Posted: 05 June 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: dorsetecho.co.uk
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Read more at engadget.com

Martian Crater Was Habitable for 700 Million Years

"NASA landed the Curiosity rover in Mars' Gale Crater precisely because it promised to be a sort of open book that revealed a lot about the planet's history..."
Posted: 05 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: engadget.com
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Read more at ibtimes.com

Aerospace Boss is 'Convinced' of 'Existing ET Presence' on Earth

"On 60 Minutes Bigelow Aerospace president Robert Bigelow said 'there has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence' on or around Earth. 'I’m absolutely convinced. That's all there is to it,'Bigelow told Lara Logan..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.com
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Read more at collective-evolution.com

JFK's Pilot Reveals the President Had Knowledge of UFOs

"It might sound unbelievable, but we're currently living in an era that's birthed the disclosure of some very sensitive information. So sensitive that despite all of the evidence, it's still hard for many people to think about, let alone accept..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: collective-evolution.com
  Read more at collective-evolution.com >
Read more at dailystar.co.uk

YouTube Star Claims Her Home Is Haunted by 'Demonic' Entity

"YouTube star Vanessa Martinez shared terrifying evidence of a ghostly encounter in a recent video post. Posting to her channel Simply Nessa – which has more than 1.8million subscribers – the 20-year-old spoke of what she described as a series of 'paranormal experiences'..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: dailystar.co.uk
  Read more at dailystar.co.uk >
Read more at ibtimes.sg

UFO 'Reacts' to Video Recording at Texas Border

"A strange disc-shaped UFO was spotted in the night sky at a distance of 30 miles from the Texas border by a witness named Joey Franco. He captured the event in a clip with the help of a camera..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: ibtimes.sg
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Read more at abc.net.au

Community Confronts Fears of the Paranormal with Night Walk

"South Sea Islander residents from a central Queensland coastal town turned up in their hundreds for a moonlit walk last weekend, to conquer their fears of the paranormal..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: General Paranormal - Source: abc.net.au
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

Jodrell Bank Observatory Joins Quest to Find Extraterrestrial Life

"British stargazers are set to take part in an international quest to find evidence of intelligent alien life beyond Earth..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at timesnow.tv

'Faceless Fish' Among Weird Deep Sea Australian Finds

"Faceless fish and other weird and wonderful creatures, many of them new species, have been hauled up from the deep waters off Australia during a scientific voyage studying parts of the ocean never explored before..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: timesnow.tv
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Read more at sciencerecorder.com

World's First 'Super Telescope' Being Constructed in Chile

"Construction on what will be the world's biggest optical and infrared telescope is now underway. The device — known as the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) — is funded by the European Southern Observatory..."
Posted: 01 June 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: sciencerecorder.com
  Read more at sciencerecorder.com >
Read more at collective-evolution.com

New Crop Circles Captured in HD Drone Footage

"The UK is no stranger to crop circle formations. Four more incredible designs have popped up this week with the first design being discovered on the 21st of May in the county of Wiltshire..."
Posted: 29 May 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: collective-evolution.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

Newborn Baby 'Starts Walking Minutes after Being Born'

"Shocked hospital staff film in amazement after the midwife explains she has been trying to give the baby girl a bath... but the advanced infant appears to have other ideas..."
Posted: 29 May 2017 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at gloucestershirelive.co.uk

Ghost Tours at Abandoned Jail Result in Haunting Evidence

"When it was announced that ghost-hunting tours were to be held at Gloucester Prison, people couldn't get enough of it..."
Posted: 29 May 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: gloucestershirelive.co.uk
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Read more at astronomy.com

Space Telescope Witnesses the Formation of a Black Hole

"When a massive star expends its fuel, its core collapses into a dense object and sends the rest of its gas outward in an event called a supernova..."
Posted: 29 May 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: astronomy.com
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

NASA's Lunar Orbiter Collided with 'Unknown Object'

"American space boffins claim to have worked out what caused a very unusual glitch in a spacecraft which monitors the lunar surface..."
Posted: 29 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
  Read more at thesun.co.uk >

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