Unearthly News - UFO, Paranormal and Fringe News
Unearthly News

Unearthly News: Paranormal and UFO headlines from across the cosmos...

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Strange Circular Formation Discovered on Moorland

"A mystifiying 'crop circle' has appeared on a moor above Keighley. The bizarre design was spotted close to Whetstone Gate, on the uplands between Riddlesden and Ilkley..."
Posted: 29 May 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: keighleynews.co.uk
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Alien Life in the Solar System 'May Be Prevalent On Icy Moons'

"A new study has determined that, despite the coldness of the outer reaches of the Solar System, conditions exist that could be quite receptive to the emergence of alien life..."
Posted: 29 May 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: inquisitr.com
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Kurt Russell Alleges He Witnessed Famous Phoenix UFO Event

"Kurt Russell claims to have witnessed a UFO above Phoenix, Arizona during one of the largest mass-UFO sightings in U.S. history. He discussed the event recently on BBC One's, The One Show..."
Posted: 26 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at openminds.tv

Release of British UFO Files Delayed 'Due to Election'

"Since it became known in Autumn of 2014 that contrary to the claim that the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has released all of its formerly secret UFO-files already back in 2013..."
Posted: 26 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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Read more at getsurrey.co.uk

Sir Roger Moore Had Multiple 'Ghost' Sightings at Hotel in 1973

"Sir Roger Moore has sadly passed away - but Get Surrey has now rediscovered it was in Guildford that he once claimed he was haunted by a ghost..."
Posted: 26 May 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: getsurrey.co.uk
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Photographer Captures 'UFO' Over Falkirk, Scotland

"An amateur photographer believes she may have captured a UFO hovering over the Kelpies on camera..."
Posted: 26 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: scotsman.com
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Netflix to Release Bigfoot Film 'Pottersville'

"While everyone has been focused on the controversy surrounding Netflix and the Cannes Film Festival rules, Netflix execs have been behind the scenes negotiating deals left and right..."
Posted: 26 May 2017 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: streamingobserver.com
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'Alien Megastructure' Star is Dimming Again

"The mysterious star has been puzzling astronomers for years due to its erratic, inexplicable behavior..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
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Mother Spots 'Guardian Angel' in Down Syndrome Son's Photo

"An Alvin photographer was going through photos that her son had taken and to her surprise, she found something special..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: Angel Encounters - Source: chron.com
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'Cyclops Goat' Born with One Eye is Worshipped by Villagers

"A baby goat has been born with one eye in what has been hailed a 'miracle'. Some villagers believe the goat, that was born in Assam in India, is sacred and have begun to worship it after it was born a week ago..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: metro.co.uk
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Glowing 'UFOs' Filmed in Canadian Skies

"A dad was convinced he spotted an alien spaceship when mysterious glowing orbs appeared overhead..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Read more at mirror.co.uk

Mum-of-three Captures 'Ghost' Walking Past Her TV

"A mum-of-three claims she has filmed the angel of her 'fourth child' from a 'past life' walking past the TV in her home..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: mirror.co.uk
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Australian Minister Investigating Taxpayer Funding of UFO Group

"Australia's social services minister on Friday launched an urgent investigation to determine how a UFO group received thousands of dollars in taxpayers' funds..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: telegraph.co.uk
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Mysterious Russian 'Killer Satellites' Spring Back to Life

"Russia could be preparing for a space war after reactivating a group of satellites that military observers believed were inoperative..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Australia's 'Atlantis' Discovery Pushes Back Aboriginal Occupation

"A team of international archaeologists has confirmed evidence from a remote cave in Australia’s north west that pushes back human occupation of Australia to around 50,000 years ago..."
Posted: 20 May 2017 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: katherinetimes.com.au
  Read more at katherinetimes.com.au >
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'Possessed Doll' Allegedly Moves on Its Own and Scratches Children

"A family claim they have suffered seven years of misery at the hands of a 'possessed angelic-looking doll' since it was given to them as a gift..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

'Giant Eye' Appears in the Sky Over Leeds

"What’s up (no pun intended) with the sudden rash of sightings of giant eyes in the sky? In less that a month, photographs have been posted on the Internet of a giant eye staring down at Chelyabinsk, Russia..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
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Popular 'UFO Sightings Daily' Website Ceases Updates

"The man behind one of the most popular UFO sightings websites has decided to call it quits after seven years of exposing the strangest images that have been found..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: chron.com
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Read more at glasgowlive.co.uk

Bizarre Photos Allegedly Show Demolished 'Ghost Flats' in Skyline

"A woman claims to have taken pictures of the demolished Red Road Flats still standing in the Glasgow skyline..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: glasgowlive.co.uk
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UFO Hunters Spot a Strange 'Flying Disc' Speed Past the ISS

"A mysterious 'flying disc-like shaped UFO' has been captured on a live feed taken from the International Space Station, conspiracy theorists claim..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: dailymail.co.uk
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Ancient Human Sacrifice Discovered in Korea

"Evidence of human sacrifice to try to ensure the success of ancient construction projects has been found for the first time at a Korean site, officials said on Tuesday (May 16)..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: channelnewsasia.com
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Read more at telegraph.co.uk

Wreckage Found in Search for Lost 'Bermuda Triangle' Plane

"Authorities were searching for survivors on Tuesday after locating a debris field 15 miles east of Eleuthera, Bahamas, during a search for an airplane that was reported missing on Monday with four people from the US on board, including a prominent New York businesswoman and her two children..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: telegraph.co.uk
  Read more at telegraph.co.uk >
Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Are We All Actually Living in the Year 1720?

"The year is 1720 CE And by that I don't mean the year Jonathan Swift began writing 'Gulliver's Travels,' the pirate 'Calico Jack' Rackham was hanged in Jamaica, or Mrs Clements began marketing the first smooth-style mustard..."
Posted: 17 May 2017 - Category: Time and Dimensional Travel - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
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Read more at thesun.co.uk

Images Claim to Show 'Black Eyed Kid' Staring Through Window

"Creepy footage purports to show a terrifying ‘Black Eyed Kid’ ghost giving a death stare through a window..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at mysteriousuniverse.org

Declassified DoD Document Reveals Government UFO Protocols

"n a recently declassified Department of Defense document, the US military establishes protocols for its personnel on how to photograph an unidentified flying object..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: mysteriousuniverse.org
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Read more at phantomsandmonsters.com

'Bat Out of Hell' Witnessed by Father and Son Near River in Chicago

"The following was submitted by a gentleman and his son who were out doing some fishing along the Little Calumet River in Chicago..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: phantomsandmonsters.com
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British Celebrities Reveal Their UFO Encounters on Daytime TV

"Peter Andre has claimed he once saw 'several UFOs' on a family trip to the Nevada desert, as he begun a 'hunt for aliens' in a bizarre This Morning segment today..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Read more at ancient-origins.net

Underwater Structure in Sea of Galilee Confounds Archaeologists

"A gigantic monument at the bottom of the Sea of Galilee, as well as several mysterious structures, including a gigantic stone wheel and a moon-shaped monument, were recently found in northern Israel..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: ancient-origins.net
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Strange Sounds Recorded Five Miles Beneath the Earth's Surface

"For more than 20 years, the world's deepest hole could be found on Russia's Kola peninsula, boring 40,000 feet down into the Earth's crust..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: wired.com
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New York Governor's Mansion is Haunted, Claims Former Governor

"Following news that Brazil’s president, Michel Temer, moved out of the presidential palace because of bad 'energy' and 'ghosts,' comes another tale of a powerful political man and his maybe-haunted house..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: nymag.com
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Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com

New Evidence Suggests the Biblical Tower of Babel Really Existed

"A stone tablet discovered 100 years ago in Babylon may confirm the existence of the Tower of Babel. According to Genesis 11:1-9, the biblical tower was constructed in the land of Shinar by an ancient people whose common language made it easy for them to co-operate and work together..."
Posted: 14 May 2017 - Category: Religious Mysteries - Source: unexplained-mysteries.com
  Read more at unexplained-mysteries.com >
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Man Credits Mystical Amulet after Escaping Traffic Collision Unscathed

"A driver credited his amulet with saving his life in a horror smash that completely destroyed his Fortuner..."
Posted: 09 May 2017 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: news.thaivisa.com
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Writer of Dog Reincarnation Film Says 'Every Dog Has a Soul'

"Writer Bruce Cameron was happily reaching the conclusion that his new girlfriend was his soulmate when she suddenly announced she could never own another dog..."
Posted: 09 May 2017 - Category: Reincarnation - Source: thesun.co.uk
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Weird 'Tattooed Fish' Pulled From the Sea

"This strange fish which appeared to be covered in tattoo-like markings baffled fishermen who hauled it from the ocean..."
Posted: 09 May 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: express.co.uk
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'Unacknowledged' Exposé of Government UFO Secrets Released

"'Unacknowledged' focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced - and why..."
Posted: 09 May 2017 - Category: Media, Books & Arts - Source: vimeo.com
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Real Search for Aliens Gets Weird Signal From a Sci-fi World

"An ambitious search for signals from aliens across space hasn't found much yet, but there was an odd blip from a star system popular with science fiction fans..."
Posted: 09 May 2017 - Category: Life in Space - Source: cnet.com
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More Fossils of Mystery Human Species Uncovered

"More fossils of the mysterious hominin species Homo Naledi have been identified in the Rising Star Cave system in South Africa, scientists have announced. They say that these human relatives were alive between 335,000 and 226,000 years ago, and likely lived alongside modern humans..."
Posted: 09 May 2017 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: ibtimes.co.uk
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Read more at komando.com

Strange Spotlight 'UFO' Allegedly Recorded Near Paris

"...It appears to be a cigar-shaped spaceship with blinking beams of light. Tyler Glockner, the man who runs the channel, posted a video discussing the sighting. Then Glockner posted a follow-up video to about the similarities between the sightings in France and two other countries..."
Posted: 07 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: komando.com
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32 Cows Mysteriously Killed by 'Lightning Strike'

"An entire herd of cows was wiped out with many blaming a devastating storm – but a UFO hunter believes the cause could be much more sinister..."
Posted: 07 May 2017 - Category: Earth Mysteries - Source: dailystar.co.uk
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Mystery Space Plane Lands After Record Two Years in Orbit

"The record-shattering mission of the U.S. Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane is finally over. After circling Earth for an unprecedented 718 days, the X-37B touched down Sunday (May 7) at the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida..."
Posted: 07 May 2017 - Category: Conspiracy Theories - Source: space.com
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Large Meteorite Impacts in Couple's Back Garden

"Joyce and Graeme Lockyer, of Wainuiomata, near Wellington, came home from a two-week holiday to find what appears to be a meteorite in their backyard..."
Posted: 07 May 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: stuff.co.nz
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Jupiter's South Pole Revealed in Stunning New Probe Images

"NASA's Juno spacecraft is the first solar-powered space probe sent out to study our solar system’s largest planet—Jupiter..."
Posted: 07 May 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: ewao.com
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Read more at theguardian.com

Man Heralded as Oldest Human Dies in Indonesia 'Aged 146'

"A man who was heralded as being the world's longest living human has died at a claimed age of 146..."
Posted: 03 May 2017 - Category: Human Mysteries - Source: theguardian.com
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British Witness Photographs Sphere 'UFOs' Following Jet

"A British witness at London reported watching and photographing multiple objects that appeared to be following an aircraft, according to testimony in Case 82822 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database..."
Posted: 03 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: openminds.tv
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The Mothman Returns? Three Separate Witnesses Report Sightings

"Three separate witnesses have reported seeing a huge 'man-sized bird' which has been described as resembling the legendaryn creature that inspired the book and film the Mothman Prophecies..."
Posted: 03 May 2017 - Category: Weird Creatures and Monsters - Source: express.co.uk
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Read more at maitlandmercury.com.au

'UFO' Photograph Captured by Seven-Year-Old Alien Hunter

"A local seven-year-old boy has snapped a photograph of an unidentified flying object. The suspicious object was spotted flying over Tarro on Friday evening..."
Posted: 03 May 2017 - Category: UFOs - Source: maitlandmercury.com.au
  Read more at maitlandmercury.com.au >
Read more at newyorkupstate.com

Trail Camera Photo of Mysterious Girl Sparks Debate

"Is there a ghost roaming around in Cambridge? A blurry photo shows a mysterious little girl who seems to be playing in a wooded area. The image has sparked much discussions on whether it's a real girl or a ghost..."
Posted: 03 May 2017 - Category: Ghosts and Hauntings - Source: newyorkupstate.com
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Audio of Cassini's Crossing of Saturn's Rings Generates Mystery

"The space between Saturn and its rings is eerily silent: Researchers monitoring the Cassini spacecraft were surprised to encounter almost no dust and debris during the spacecraft's first dramatic dive through the gap..."
Posted: 03 May 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: space.com
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Read more at livescience.com

Ancient Tomb with 'Blue Monster' Mural Discovered in China

"A blue monster, a winged horse and a nude deity known as the master of wind are just a few examples of fantastic images that archaeologists recently discovered in a 1,400-year-old tomb in China..."
Posted: 03 May 2017 - Category: Lost Worlds and Civilizations - Source: livescience.com
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Strange Rectangular Structures Spotted in Apollo 15 Moon Photos

"Astronauts might not have been first to get to the moon, if these images are to be believed. A UFO hunter claims he has found a passageway hidden beneath the lunar surface which could be the stairway to extraterrestrial life..."
Posted: 30 April 2017 - Category: Space Mysteries - Source: dailymail.co.uk
  Read more at dailymail.co.uk >

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